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Hippocratic Oath and the Spirit of Antichrist

Friday, December 11th, 2009

The Hippocratic Oath ( Ἱπποκράτειοσ ὅρκοσ)

I swear by Apollo, the healer, Asclepius, Hygieia, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath and agreement:

To consider dear to me, as my parents, him who taught me this art; to live in common with him and, if necessary, to share my goods with him; to look upon his children as my own brothers, to teach them this art

I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.

I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.

But I will preserve the purity of my life and my arts.

I will not cut for stone, even for patients in whom the disease is manifest; I will leave this operation to be performed by practitioners, specialists in this art.

In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction and especially from the pleasures of love with women or with men, be they free or slaves.

All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal.

If I keep this oath faithfully, may I enjoy my life and practice my art, respected by all men and in all times; but if I swerve from it or violate it, may the reverse be my lot.

National Institute of Health. Retrieved 2009-02-02.

The Hippocratic Oath has been updated by the Declaration of Geneva.

In the United Kingdom, the General Medical Council provides clear modern guidance in the form of its Duties of a Doctor and Good Medical Practice statements. Retrieved 2007-11-05.

The Duties of a Doctor Registered with the General Medical Council

· Patients must be able to trust doctors with their lives and health. To justify that trust you must show respect for human life and you must:

· Make the care of your patient your first concern

· Protect and promote the health of patients and the public

· Provide a good standard of practice and care

· Keep your professional knowledge and skills up to date

· Recognize and work within the limits of your competence

· Work with colleagues in the ways that best serve patients’ interests

· Treat patients as individuals and respect their dignity

· Treat patients politely and considerately

· Respect patients’ right to confidentiality

· Work in partnership with patients

· Listen to patients and respond to their concerns and preferences

· Give patients the information they want or need in a way they can understand

· Respect patients’ right to reach decisions with you about their treatment and care

· Support patients in caring for themselves to improve and maintain their health

· Be honest and open and act with integrity

· Act without delay if you have good reason to believe that you or a colleague may be putting patients at risk

· Never discriminate unfairly against patients or colleagues

· Never abuse your patients’ trust in you or the public’s trust in the profession

· You are personally accountable for your professional actions and must justify your decisions.

White Coat Ceremony (WCC)

This a relatively new ritual in some medical, chiropractic, dental, pharmacy, veterinary medical, physical therapy, podiatric, and optometry schools that marks the student‘s transition from the study of preclinical to the clinical health sciences.

The white coat ceremony typically involves a formal "robing" or "cloaking" of students in white coats, the garb physicians traditionally wear. .This ceremony addresses collegiality and medical ethics, usually with a reading of the Hippocratic Oath. Over 100 medical schools in the USA now have a WCC and many students now consider it a rite of passage in the journey toward a medical career. Jones VA JAMA 281 (5): 478, 1999

Entheogenic theories.

Some are concerned with the quasi-religious symbolism of the White Coat, like a "conversion" of a lay person into a member of the medical profession, similar to a priest’s ordination. J Med Ethics 28 (1): 5–9.

Others suggest that the White Coat is a symbol of elitism, power and entitlement and is used a substitute for trust and respect. The white coat changes the relationship of the physician with the patient from one as a loving caregiver to one as an authoritarian care director. Russell PC (2002). "The White Coat Ceremony: turning trust into entitlement". Teach Learn Med 14 (1): 56–9

WCCs originated in University of Chicago‘s Pritzker School of Medicine in 1989, but the first full-fledged ceremony took place in 1993 at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Taking the Hippocratic Oath

As a follower of Jesus Christ who was planning to be a physician, I had always been critical of accepting the Hippocratic Oath as the standard for my ethical behavior in the practice of medicine. The oath was allegedly based on the writings of the mystery religions by ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who probably lived between 460 and 380 B.C.

Markel, H. New Engl. J. Med. 2004 350:2026):
The first recorded administration of the Hippocratic Oath in a medical school setting was at the University of Wittenberg in Germany in 1508 but it did not become a standard part of formal medical school graduation ceremonies until 1804, when it was incorporated into the commencement exercises at Montpellier, France.

Smith DC. J Hist Med Allied Sci 1996;51:484-500

In 1928 only 19 percent of the medical schools in North America included the oath in their commencement exercises according to the Association of American Medical Colleges. In the 1970s, many American medical schools abandoned the Hippocratic Oath altogether. Today, nearly every US medical school administers some type of professional oath that reflect the politically correct values, customs, and beliefs associated with the ethical practice of medicine. About 16,000 men and women who are awarded a medical degree take one of these modified oaths. Few believe in the ancient Greek gods Apollo, Asclepius, Hygieia, and Panaceia, and therefore no longer pledge allegiance to them.

Evidence indicates that spirituality in general is now only distantly related to medical science. Of the oaths administered at 147 US and Canadian medical schools in 1993, only 11 percent of the professional oaths invoked a deity. Only 14 percent of such oaths prohibited euthanasia, and only 8 percent prohibited abortion.

J Clin Ethics 1997;8:377-388

It is not as though the Hippocratic Oath or other such guidelines have no value but they are based on the wisdom of man rather than the inspired directions from God. Reference to a deity is vague or absent..

Concerns about Taking the Hippocratic Oath

The least concern I had while going to medical school was the Hippocratic Oath. I was more interested in graduating than anything else. I knew that obtaining a license to practice medicine did not depend on taking this oath.

As graduation neared I became aware that taking the Hippocratic Oath would be part of the graduation ceremony. It was then that I took a closer look at its content. I was appalled by the introduction of the very first paragraph. I concluded that there was no way that I would take a vow to come under the authority of any pagan gods. To me this was not an insignificant document. It was blasphemy! It was not just “cute” or the politically correct thing to do. It was an irreverent rejection of God as the healer. To have taken this oath would have placed me under a spiritual force that had no authority or power to heal. By taking this oath I would have had to reject Jehovah Rophe, the God who heals you and forego the option of being an anointed vessel through which healing could take place. I would have chosen to usurp the authority of Jesus to heal and would have given it to another spirit. I would have been acting in the spirit of the Antichrist, substituting another spirit for the spirit of Christ. So, I never took the Hippocratic Oath!

The True Source Of Healing

Jehovah-Rophe: אנִי יְהוָה רֹפְאֶֽךָ׃ ס I am Jehovah Who Heals Ex. 15:22-26

From "rophe" ("to heal"); implies spiritual, emotional as well as physical healing. (Jer. 30:17, 3:22; Isa. 61:1) God heals body, soul and spirit; all levels of mans’ being.

Rapha (rä·fä’)to heal

1) make healthful of God

2) healer, physician of men

Ex 15;26 If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I [am] the LORD that heals thee.

Mystery Religions

The beginning of the mystery religions was probably drug related. The Eleusinian Mystery religions are believed to have begun about 1600 BC, during the Mycenean Age. Moses received the Laws of healing on Mt. Sinai during the time of Pentecost in 1447 B.C. about 1000 years before Hippocrates.

Some believe that kykeon‘s, psychoactive alkaloids made from the ergot fungus growing on barley, gave the initiates of the Eleusinian Mysteries certain powers and spiritual understanding These psychoactive alkaloids contain lysergic acid amide (LSA), a precursor to LSD, or “acid” and ergonovine.

LSD is considered an entheogen ("creates god within," en εν- "in, within," theo θεος- "god, divine," -gen γενος "creates, generates") because it can produce intense spiritual "out of body" experiences and is considered by users to be a powerful tool to access the divine. LSD hallucinations are indistinguishable from those described in the secret mystical texts of ancient civilizations.

Grof, Stanislav; Joan Halifax Grof (1979). Realms of the Human Unconscious (Observations from LSD Research)London: Souvenir Press (E & A) Ltd. pp. 13–14.

Hippocrates writings were based on altered mental function from hallucinogens like LSD and other mind altering drugs.

One can understand why Hippocrates would appeal to Apollo and other “gods” because they supposedly dealt with the spiritual dimension of man, when in fact they were hallucinations.

Hippocrates and the Eleusinian School understood the need for the divine to be an essential part of their therapy. They were also aware that there was an additional benefit of power and the ability to acquire wealth and influence by having a mystical force in their treatment regimen. Much like today, the mystique of medicine and the invocations of the divine as used in some healing ministries are profitable for the same reason.

Even though modern medicine has distanced itself from the ancient mysteries, vestiges of it still remain, including: an initiation ceremony, a sense of elitism, and a practice method that depends heavily on drugs.

Bondage to this cultish system of care will persist until we, who practice medicine, will repent of our lawlessness and recognize the true source of healing: Jehovah Rophe who heals you.

Instruction of the Holy Spirit on How to Pray for Healing

Jas 5: 12-16 But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath; but your yes is to be yes, and your no, no, so that you may not fall under judgment.

Is anyone among you suffering? {Then} he must pray. Is anyone cheerful? He is to sing praises.

Is anyone among you sick? {Then} he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him.

Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.

Yes, there is a power to heal and He is the Lord Jesus Christ, Jehovah Rophe incarnate.

Christ and Authority

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

Christ and Authority

We, who believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God, should understand that, by acting with the authority given by Him, we have authority to heal.

In Matthew 28:18, “Jesus said…all authority is given unto me in heaven and in earth”.

He gave this authority to His followers when He said in Mark 13:34 “the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house (his body), and gave authority to his servants”.

Allegorically, Mark was saying that Jesus, as the Son of man, was going to take a far journey into the spiritual realm after He left His earthly body by death. When He rose from the dead, He showed that he had overcome death and was alive in the spiritual realm. While He was in this far place He would give His servants authority to run His earthly household as He had done before He left on His journey.

In Ex 15:26 Moses said, "If you will give earnest heed to the voice of the Lord your God, and do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians (representing the world); for I am Jehovah who heals you." Ani Jehovah rophecha Iאֲנִי יְהוָה רֹפְאֶֽךָ׃

Isa 12:2 states that Jehovah has become my Yeshua (salvation). This revelation equates Jehovah of the Old Testament with Yeshua or Joshua (Hebrew) and Iesus (Greek) and Jesus (English) in the New Testament.

In Acts 1:8 Jesus said “you shall receive power, after the Holy Ghost has come upon you”

Mark 16:15, 17, 18. “And he said unto them… signs shall follow them that believe… they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover”.

Who, then, is qualified to heal? Ultimately, it is Christ as Jehovah Rophe, “I am Jehovah who heals you” Ex 15:26. If God can use Balaam’s Ass to prophesy, then He is capable of using any vehicle He wishes to heal. When God heals He does so to fulfill His purpose and plan for Creation.

In a corporate sense the question is "Who has the authority to minister healing in the Kingdom Age?” The answer is, to those who have been given the power and authority to do so. That is one of the reasons why it is important to preach the gospel, so that the source of healing can be known.

In Luke 9:1, 2 in the last public ministry of Jesus before His death “he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority (ἐξουσία exousia)… to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick”.

Initially, during the Pentecostal or Church Age, this power and authority was limited because Pentecost was a leavened feast. It contained the leaven of unrighteousness. Sin abounded.

The expectation is that, in the Tabernacles Age which is before us, healing will be commonplace. This is the age when those who have overcome sin in the world, will receive the fullness of their inheritance through Christ, a glorified body like Adam had before he sinned.

Under what conditions may healing take place? The answer is at the level of faith that has been given. Both the healer and the one healed must have faith that healing can be accomplished through Jehovah, that is, Jesus Christ.

Authority to heal is not given in all cases because illness is a chastening that God uses to bring about corrective, healing judgments in an individual

In conventional medicine much emphasis has been spent on physical and emotional healing. Very little attention has been spent on the role of spiritual healing. Many in the medical field such considerations are thought to be inappropriate. Because of this attitude healing has been incomplete.

Health of the spirit of man is required for the health of the physical state as well.

From a minister’s standpoint, healing power must be able to flow unimpeded. Therefore, those who have taken on the full character of Christ and have been sanctified by obedience to the Laws of God out of love as Sons, will be entrusted with the health of their Fathers household while He is away. This will become more evident as the Sons of God become known in the age that lies ahead

From our present experience, it seems that most health care givers are not authorized to heal. They are operating outside of their calling. They are just treating. This is the spirit of antichrist that dominates the healing arts today. There is a substitution of man’s spirit for the spirit of Christ.

By God’s grace this will change in the near future and we will, at last, experience complete healing.

Christ and the Geological Periods

Monday, August 24th, 2009

Christ and the Geological Periods

There are uncertainties associated in any discussion of geological periods. The most obvious uncertainty is that there were no observers during these geological periods to report their findings. Thus, the existence of geological periods cannot be validated by direct observation.

One way to determine if geological periods existed at all is by scientific reckoning that is based on information gathered after the fact. Science is based on an understanding of such observations. Unfortunately, we do not have all of the facts regarding creation and have to depend on a most likely theory of recorded observations to explain the sequence of events that took place in the creative process.

Another way to critically evaluate creation is by a study of the ancient Hebrew writings of Moses in Genesis Chapter 1 (בראשית פרק א per.ek alef) to see if there is compatibility between scientific reckoning and divine revelation. There is an advantage in having a proper understanding of these prophetic documents because the revelator, the creator, was there at the beginning providing details of the events that took place.

In his PhD dissertation on primordial element abundance, Ralph A. Alper, a physicist, laid the foundation for modern big bang nucleosynthysis calculations.

Light, as energy, is both a particle and a wave according to Einstein and Heisenberg.

Ref: Zeitschrift für Physik. 43 1927, S. 172–198.

Revelation teaches that God said “Let there be light (Gen 1:3).

Jesus said “I am the light of the world” (John 9:5). He is also the word of God.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1)

The divine command: “Let there be light” put energy into the “void” (Gen 1:2) as a particle or quantum of energy. In effect, Christ was the initial quantum of particulate energy, the primordial element, upon which the foundation all space-time creation was made. It was the first pre-incarnate evidence of Christ in creation.

From a secular scientific perspective the primordial element was reckoned to be quark-gluon plasma during the first seconds of the big bang.

Quarks make up ‘hadrons’, particles which interact via the strong nuclear force. The most familiar representatives of the class are protons and neutrons of atomic nuclei. They are held together in threes by ‘force-carriers’ known as gluons. During the birth of the Universe in the big bang paradigm, quarks and gluons mingled freely and widely in the extremely dense plasma. Gribbin, John New Scientist 05 October 1991

There is, however, scientific observation that long periods of time and great distances existed during the development of the universe.

Some interpret Genesis Chapter 1, to mean that rapid development continued throughout the creative process saying that creation took place in a matter of days. A more careful study of the word “day” may reconcile some of these differences.

A Study of the Word: DAY

It is important to distinguish between , meaning an indefinite period of time and ha.yom, a definite 24 hour period. Be.yom, as an indefinite article, leaves open the possibility for creation to have developed over an extended period of time, such as, during the geological periods. The following verse is an example:

Gen 2: 4 KJV

These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.

Read from right to left.)

אֵלֶּה תֹולְדֹות הַשָּׁמַיִם וְהָאָרֶץ בְּהִבָּֽרְאָם בְּיֹום va.ha a.rets Ele

when they were and the earth of the heavens generations These are


עֲשֹׂות יְהוָה אֱלֹהִים אֶרֶץ וְשָׁמָֽיִם׃ e.rets elo.him Ya.weh a.sot be.yom

and the heavens the earth the Lord God made in a day

Word study

בְּ- Pronounced: bet as in better is a preposition: in, against, by, with.

בְּיֹום – be.yom:: a day-an indefinite period of time. It is not restricted to 24 hours.

הַיֹּום ha.yom: the day-a 24 hour time interval

הַ ha is the definite article “the” in Hebrew grammar. When placed in front of a word as a prefix it means the day. It refers to a 24 hour period of time.

Ref: Practico G.D. and Van Pelt M.V.,Basics of Biblical Hebrew-Grammar ,2nd ed Zondervan, Grand Rapids 2007, pg. 40, Section 5.2

Other important words are:

בְּהִבָּֽרְאָם be.hi.bram

Be.hi.bram means: when they were created

The heavens and the earth were created. They did not just happen. There was a divine command for each part of creation to come into existence. “…and God said”.

תֹולְדֹות, the course of history of creation or the events that followed the establishment of the heavens and the earth

Once the earth was created, further developments took place by divine command.

Other translations of this verse are:

Gen 2:4 NKJV

This is the history* of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens

* Hebrew toledot, literally generations TWOT 867g

Ref: Harris R.A.,Archer G.L. and Walke B.K. Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament Moody Publishers, Chicago 1980

The following is my exegesis or critical interpretation of Gen 2:4:

“These are the events that followed the establishment of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the periods of time when the Lord God made earth and heaven.”

Geological Periods

From a scientific perspective the universe developed over time and was divided into geological periods.

They are:

  • Hadaean
  • Archaean
  • Proterozoic
  • Paleozoic
  • Mesozoic
  • Cenozoic

Comparison of Geological Periods and Mosaic Revelations

Hadean Period


From 4.6 billion years ago at the formation earth, and ended roughly 3.8 billion years ago. It is the oldest of the periods.

No rocks were on the Earth except for meteorites that brought water to the earth in the form of ice.

The Solar System was forming.

Heavier elements were generated within stars by nuclear fusion of hydrogen.

Mosiac Revelation

Gen 1:3

And God said,

“Let there be light: and there was light.”

This was the big bang, primordial light at the beginning of creation.

Gen 1:14

And God said,

“Let there be lights in the firmament” the Galaxies

“Let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years” This refers to the formation of the Solar System of our galaxy

Archaean Period

Geologic Reckoning

From 3.8 to 2.5 billion years ago

There were no large continents until late in the Archean period.

The atmosphere was likely a reducing atmosphere of methane, ammonia, and other gases.

The Earth’s crust cooled enough that rocks and continental plates began to form. All life first appeared on Earth as bacteria, not necessarily requiring oxygen

Mosaic Revelation

Gen 1:6

Then God said,

"Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters."(NASB)

Gen 1:9

Then God said,

"Let the waters below the heavens be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear"; and it was so.

The statement “and it was so” indicated that the process was completed after the command was given.

Proterozoic Period

Geological Reckoning

Began 2.5 billion years ago and ended 543 million years ago

Bacteria, archaeans and eukaryotic cells appeared as fossils before the first abundant complex life such as multicellular algae and the first animals

Stable continents first appeared and began to attach to each other.

Oxygen began to be built up in the atmosphere

Mosaic Revelation

Gen 1:6

And God said,

“Let there be a firmament (atmosphere) in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.”

Paleozoic Period

Geologic Reckoning

From 542 to 251 million years ago

Soft-shelled fossils, sophisticated reptiles, modern plants and insects appeared

Mosaic Revelation

Gen 1:11

And God said,

“Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth

Gen 1:20

And God said,

“Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.”

Animal life flourished in the seas, on land and in the atmosphere.

Mesozoic Period

Geological Reckoning

From 251 million years ago

Fauna changed drastically from that which had been seen in the Paleozoic. Dinosaurs are dated to this period.

Mosaic revelation

Gen 1:21

“And God created great whales, and every living creature that moved, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”

Cenozoic Period

Geological Reckoning

From 65.5 million years ago to the present.

Age of mammals, flowering plants, modern insects, birds and teliost fish with bony skeleton, scales and fins

Mosaic Reckoning

Gen 1:24

And God said,

“Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind.”

Gen 1: 26

And God said,

Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.

The reason for writing about Christ and the Geological periods

The secular world is generally dismissive of Christ as a minor historical figure or as a moralist who has had a persistent following over the centuries, much like Buddha, or Mohammad, but one who has had little impact in the concrete affairs of man. In scientific circles He is usually considered to be an irrelevant quantity in their calculations.

When I wrote my book, An Electrodermal Analysis of Biological Conductance, I included a chapter entitled The Complex Human Biological System. In it I had a chart in which I tried to show a macro picture of existence. It looked like this:

Sovereign God




Created Realm

I intended to show that all of existence has to be in balance in order to be complete, but it could only be done through Christ. To many, the placement of Christ between God and the Created Realm must have seemed unusual if not downright inappropriate. Of course there are reasons for this bias but biases do not negate the reality that the person of Christ, as the foundation of all things created, must be included in the process of restoration of all things.

In this presentation I tried to show that Christ had, by best scientific reckoning, a pre-incarnate existence at the beginning of creation 4.6 billion years ago. As creator He spoke into existence all of the events that occurred in the subsequent geological periods. He is not a minor character of history. He is the foundation of history.

Isaiah saw “the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up and his train filled the temple”. (Isa 6:1). Christ was sitting on the throne of the Divine Court, cloaked with the robe of full authority as Chief High Priest of the Order of Melchisedech.

We must all be covered with His cloak of authority and this authority must fill our temple (our bodies) in order for our ministries to bring about complete restoration, including healing.

Vincent J. Speckhart MD, MD (H)

Christ and the Restoration of the Universe

Wednesday, May 27th, 2009

Christ and the Restoration of the Universe

In Gen 1:1, 2 Moses received a revelation that God created the heavens and the earth. In Gen 1:3 he received a further revelation about the make up of the universe.

וְהָאָרֶץ הָיְתָה תֹהוּ וָבֹהוּ וְחֹשֶׁךְ עַל־פְּנֵי תְהֹום וְרוּחַ

אֱלֹהִים מְרַחֶפֶת עַל־פְּנֵי הַמָּֽיִם׃ Gen 1:2

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

תהו tohu means formlessness of a primeval condition or earliest stage of the earth development

בהו wabohu means emptiness.

The hendiadys of without form and void is the grammatical use of two words having similar meanings but with the words separated by a conjunction, so as to emphasize the complexity or intensity of the relationship. Examples of hendiadys are “sound and fury” and “nice and warm”.

These words without form and void when used together suggest a state of potential existence of the earth which preceded actual space and time.

. בַּהֲכִינֹו שָׁמַיִם שָׁם אָנִי בְּחוּקֹו חוּג עַל־פְּנֵי תְהֹֽום׃ Prov 8:27,29

27When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the depth …29when he appointed the foundations of the earth.

One interpretation of this proverb is that He was present when He made the formless part of the earth to become firm. (כון kuwn-means to make firm) with its core, inner and outer mantle and crust consisting of land masses and oceans in the form of a sphere ((חוג khüg) means sphere of the heavens). It was a time when the elements were formed by nucleosynthesis and a time when water was formed in the deep parts of the earth and atmosphere.

The spirit of God fluttered or hovered (רחף rakhaf) over this early stage of the earth’s development with tender love The universe, as we see it now, had a comparatively smooth distribution of matter until the time of the Big Bang. It was formless.

Dark matter filaments began to form first, providing underlying scaffolding for the subsequent development of stars and galaxies from the primeval formless matter (Vera Cooper Rubin 2000, UCLA)

Gen 1:4 “and God divided the light from the darkness”.


clip_image001 clip_image002

       Dark Matter                      Light Matter

Into it God sent light. “Let there be light” Gen 1:3.

The same revelation about light in the heavens was given to Moses in Gen 1:14 “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven”. God made the stars and galaxies by Christ (Light) interacting with the dark formless precondition of creation.



Distribution of Dark Matter around light to form stars and galaxies (bottom of picture)

Information from the Hubble Space Telescope

The beginning of space and time centered on Christ manifested in the luminous portion of the universe. Christ, as light, is the foundation of the universe in the same way as He is as the light of the world.

This primeval formlessness existed in a vast area of darkness (חשך khoshek – dark, secret place) composed of dark matter, dark energy and non-luminous matter according to current scientific theory. Things that we can see are but a small part of existing universe, only about 0.4% of the total.



United States Geological Survey of the composition of the universe

Vast darkness makes up 99.6% of the universe. Since it is created, it must be restored, too, and we don’t even know that much about it. The great size and complexity of the visible universe is astounding. How much more so those areas of darkness?

Since restoration includes all things, the magnitude of the restoration process is great! Christ created all things and will restore all things. We, as the completed body of Christ will participate in the restoration process with Him.

There will be a need for metamorphosis of our bodies to set us free from the constraints of space and time allowing us to venture into distant and unknown parts of the universe. In that regard, our bodies will be like the body that Christ had after His Resurrection.

John 14:3 “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, [there] ye may be also”.

Basic Biophysics for Biology

Wednesday, May 20th, 2009

Basic Biophysics for Biology

The subject of this discussion is taken from the title of a book written by Edgar K. Yeargers PhD, a professor of biophysics at Georgia Tech. His book was written so that student of physics would be able to understand that the rules of physics for nonliving systems also apply to living systems.

Our discussion will involve understanding the interaction of electric charges. By convention a proton is assigned to be a positive charge and an electron is assigned be a negative charge.

Material substances are mostly neutral in charge but are composed of large fixed positive and negative charges. If there is an imbalance in the charges, the material it is said to be “charged” with each charge exerting a force on the other- “unlike charges attract, like charges repel”.

On the other hand, charges that are opposite in sign and equal in magnitude, when aligned along a common axis, are called an electric dipole. When dipole charges move, they move independently of each other. When oscillating up or down along their axis, they pass each other going in opposite directions. In doing so, a variable electric force and a corresponding electric field effect develops. The field effect can be propagated some distance away from the oscillating dipole and can be detected on the skin by an electromagnetic sensor.

In the laboratory dipole antennas generate large (macroscopic) radiations

Below is an oscillating electrical dipole:



On a submicroscopic scale, as in living systems, the antenna is replaced by an oscillating emission source that cannot be measured directly. There is evidence that dipole generated radiations do exist and that they come from nuclei, electrons, light and chemical bonds and numerous other sources. It is postulated that oscillations in living systems produce propagated electromagnetic waves.

Electromagnetic radiations (waves) have:

Amplitude (height of the wave)

Amplitude is proportional to strength of the electric force

Amplitude may be positive or negative coinciding with the direction of the electrical charge resulting from the dipole movement

Frequency (rate of change of a charge in oscillating from positive to negative


Is proportional to the wavelength of the oscillating wave

Short wavelengths have higher energy than long wavelengths

Electric field effect

May be local, at the site of the oscillating dipole

May be propagated at a distant site such as, the skin or a secondary detection site

Propagation of the electric field is at the speed of light

Remember that a wave is a variable electric charge. It is not a line on a piece of paper that is represented as a sine wave.


Characteristics of electromagnetic waves


One of the characteristics of propagating waves is that they interfere with one another.

When the peaks and troughs of two identical waves meet, they are said to have a condition of constructive interference because the arithmetic sum of the resulting wave is bigger (more intense) than either of the two contributing waves.

When the peak of one wave coincides with the trough of another identical wave the arithmetic sum of the resulting wave is zero. This is a condition of destructive interference.

By using the electromagnetic model in the study of biology we use a paradigm built upon the most essential elements in our physical existence:

1. Oscillating dipoles producing variable electric fields

2. Variable electric fields propagating at a distance from the dipole source.

These two elements are found at all levels of structure.

They are found in:

Subatomic particles



Hydrated molecules essential in biology such as sols and gels





Each level of structure has dipole depicted waves that are derived from components that make up structure, the result of constructive and destructive interference. For example, waves from subatomic particles are the components that make up an atom. Waves from atoms are the components of molecules, etc.

Locally, at the site where the variable electric field originates, a charge has its own amplitude, frequency and energy, that is, bits of information that gives the charge an identity. In that sense this model can be understood as being information technology. When applied to a living system it is information technology in biology.

Electric fields from each level of structure radiate distally. The ability of variable electric fields to radiate distally is the characteristic that is of most interest to us. In addition to having amplitude, oscillating frequency and energy like the charge at the site of the oscillating dipole, radiating electric charges have an additional characteristic of being able to be propagated to a distal site and to be detected at the site of termination.

In propagating, the electric field, depicted graphically as a wave, results from all of the constructive and destructive interferences it encounters from other sources as it propagates along its conductance pathway. The net result is that portions of some propagating waves are amplified and some portions are neutralized.

Radiating electric fields do not scatter but are modified by forces from the mix of surrounding electric fields to form discrete propagation pathways.

The distal site of propagation, in our model, is the skin.

The propagation pathway conducts both energy and bits of information.

The basis for our evaluation is to match analog wave information from the test subject with digital information in the form of pulse codes stored in the computer.

The propagation pathway is not an anatomical structure such as a nerve, but is a

non-anatomic electromagnetic channel carrying energy and information from a site of origin to a site of detection.

In the acupuncturist model energy is conducted through conductance pathways called acupuncture meridians. Our electromagnetic model detects information imbedded in the energetized conductance pathway

Our next discussion will focus on the instruments used in doing an analysis.


Yeargers, Edward K. Basic Physics for Biology (Boca Raton: CRC Press 1992)

Vincent J, Speckhart MD, MD (H)

Christ and Creation

Saturday, May 16th, 2009

Christ and Creation

The experimental method has limits in documenting all of the factors involved in the creation of the universe. We simply do not have the tools or the understanding to measure everything that is involved. So we must rely on other ways to understand the creative process.

There are two sources of knowledge: experience and revelation.

Experience results in knowledge obtained by observing events in space-time. Human experience gives knowledge that comes from outside of the individual through the senses such as observing a beautiful sunrise or by feeling a warm breeze or experiencing an exciting sports event. Science is experience that is organized for the purpose of obtaining knowledge

Revelation is knowledge that that is perceived as coming from outside of oneself and is of human or divine origin. Human revelation may come from human reasoning as in that expounded in the world’s philosophies.

Much of divine revelation is knowledge communicated by God to inspired writers who canonized their revelation. Divine revelation may be given directly to any of us when we hear God’s voice.

By divine revelation certain characteristics of God can be known.

For example:

In Gen 1:1

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Read from right to left

בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָֽרֶץ׃

earth and the heavens the divine ones made In the beginning

ha-eretz v-eth ha-shamiyim eth elohiym bara bereshiyth

It is evident that God (elohim-the divine ones) created (bara) the heavens (hashamiyim) and the earth (haeretz). Scholars of ancient Hebrew accepted the fact that God created the cosmos.

בָּרָא (bara) comes from the Qal Hebrew vowel stem in the active voice and means to create, always with God as subject. It is a theological term and is appropriate to the concept of creation by divine fiat. The term denotes the initiation of something new but does not necessarily require that creation was made from nothing, ex nihilo. This was the level of revelation given to Moses during the Passover Age.

There was a greater revelation regarding the creator given to the Apostle John at a later time, in the Age of Pentecost. It read as follows:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1

The same was in the beginning with God. John 1:2

All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being John 1:3 (NASB).

The term word is important because God spoke space and time into existence.

Paul, like John wrote of his revelation during the Pentecostal Age. Both attest that Jesus Christ was the creator of all things. This revealed knowledge to Paul is found in his following writings:

Eph 3:9 …the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ and

in Hbr 1:10 “you, lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the works of your hands

The Law of the Double witness has been satisfied by John and Paul, so the matter has been established that Christ is the creator. What is the evidence that this is indeed the fact? Ultimately it is a matter of faith since no one was there to observe the process but there are certain statements in the revelations that agree with current scientific understanding.

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Gen 1:3

Read from right to left

וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים יְהִי אֹור וַֽיְהִי־אֹֽור׃

owr hayah owr hayah ‘elohiym amar

light and there light let there the divine and uttered

was be ones

The consonants that make up the first hayah (he-yod-he-yod) is contracted to (yod-he-yod) because it is a Jussive conjugation expressing a mild command or a strong wish. This means that within the Godhead there was not only a desire to form light in the creation but an agreement to do so and indeed “there was light”.

The Jussive conjugation also expresses the relationship of the Father with the Son. There was a relationship of the Creator as being both a servant and a son. A servant being obedient to his master’s command and a son being in agreement with his father out of love. This love relationship existed even before space and time. It was ever present. It was God’s plan to create an imperfect cosmos, so He could perfect it Himself through Christ over time in love because, God is love 1 John 4:8

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life John 3:16.

Christ had to be the foundation of the universe because He alone could perfect creation and present it to His Father.

Creation will be complete when God is all in all.

Basics of Biblical Hebrew 2nd ed., G. Practico, and M. Van Pelt, Zondervan Publishers 2007, pg 133


Light was uttered into existence. The word amar means to utter or to speak and caries with it a subvocal creative intent. In Genesis it is used 10 times in this regard. (SWOT 118) Theological Wordbook off the Old Testament

John records Jesus saying:

While I am in the world, I am the Light of the world.” John 9:5

ὅταν ἐν τῷ κόσμῳ ὦ φῶς εἰμι τοῦ κόσμου

Hotan en to kosmos o phos eimi tou kosmou

This, then, is the first evidence of Christ in a pre-incarnate form in the earth.

It was important for Christ to be present in creation from the beginning because the process of restoration leading to perfection had to start at the beginning through Him. From the beginning, God’s plan for creation was to reconcile all things through Himself in order to make them complete. This was to be done by faith, one of the elements of the restoration process.

“I have come as Light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness. John 12:46

Light is electromagnetic radiation, particularly radiation of a wavelength that is visible to the human eye (about 400–700 nm), or perhaps 380–750 nm

In physics, the term light sometimes refers to electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength, whether visible or not.

Light exhibits properties of both waves and particles (photons). This property is referred to as wave–particle duality

So light in the created space time realm, can be understood a two levels:

· As a series of electromagnetic frequencies from the very lowest to the highest

· As a particle, a Quantum, as a foundational unit of creation

According to Richard Feynman, a quantum physicist, light behaves like a particle even though it has characteristics of a wave. For convention’s sake it was called a particle instead of a new word like a “wavicle”

Richard Feynman, QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter (1985), p. 15


Oscillations take place over time, and are measured as cycles per second. Since light and time exist together, the creative process took time as revealed to Moses, so too the perfecting of creation is a continuing process that will take place over time.

Other Dimensions

According to Calabi-Yau string theory there are six dimensions other than length-width-height and time that cannot be measured by normal scales of sight. Other dimensions have been suggested.

Calabi, Eugenio (1954), “The space of Kähler metrics”, Proc. Internat. Congress Math. Amsterdam, pp. 206–207; Tian, Gang; Yau, Shing-Tung (1991), “Complete Kähler manifolds with zero Ricci curvature, II”, Invent. Math. 106 (1): 27–60

The smallest quantum that can be measured electromagnetically is the dipole, which is made of positive and negative charges. These particles oscillate to form a continuous wave that radiates.

The first quantum or particle in creation was Christ. He was spoken into creation by the Godhead, as a wave, and manifested himself as a particle of light. He is the light of the world that continually radiates between God and the created realm.

We should look for qualities that reflect the character of Christ in the yet to be defined, non-measurable dimensions of creation.


I am Jehovah Who Heals

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009


I am Jehovah Who Heals

(Ex. 15:22-26)

The Name of God, Jehovah-Rophe (י יְהוָה רֹפְאֶֽךָ׃ סנִאֲ), is startling because it gets to the root of the problem of healing from God’s perspective. God revealed to Moses that He has sovereign authority over healing.

Deut 32: 39 “See now that I myself am He! There is no god besides me. I put to death and I bring to life, I have wounded and I will heal, and no one can deliver out of my hand”.

When Moses went up to Mount Sinai for the eighth time, he met God face to face and received a complete understanding of God’s Law, a revelation of His perfect character and will. As a result of this encounter Moses’ face glowed with the glory of God. This glory was so awesome that he had to wear a veil over his face so as not to frighten the people. Moses canonized these revelations in the Torah and Talmud. These documents defined the Laws, Statutes and Judgments of God and became the legal basis for the contract (Covenant) God had with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. As much as they tried, the House of Israel and the House of Judah could not uphold their contract with God because the lawlessness of Adam was passed on to them.

Man was created in the image of God.

Gen 1:26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in our image, according to our likeness”.

Initially, Adam acted with the righteousness of God in the created realm. He was given authority over the whole earth. In that sense Adam was the first king… but he was not a sovereign king. Adam was in agreement with God as much as he could be but he was limited by space and time.

Gen 1 :31 “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good” [מְאֹד (mehode) very, exceedingly; טֹוב (tobe)-good, bountiful, pleasant to the senses, prosperous for man’s sensuous nature, good for man’s intellectual nature].

God provided man (male and female) with an environment that was good for his soul nature, his intellect and his senses. In this peaceful environment God was able to tell Adam all that had to know about creation. He even told Adam how he could keep this relationship by being obedient to His voice. Adam’s human will had to be in continuous agreement with God’s will. He had to do what God told him. God knew that Adam would eventually fail because He knew the limitations that creation placed on Adam so He warned Adam:

Gen 2:17 “of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”

God told Adam that he would have life as long as he was obedient to this law. God thereby established His primacy as the law giver over those who come under the law, that is, mankind. He would be gracious to Adam, (mankind) as long as they did not violate His law. If Adam ever tried to usurp God’s sovereignty, he would die. He would no longer be under grace but under the judgment of the law. The punishment for that was physical death. That is exactly what happened. Adam was deceived into thinking that he could be “as a god”. He disobeyed God’s Law, he usurped his authority and became mortal, that is he died. We, as descendents of Adam have inherited the liability for Adam’s debt (sin is a debt) and must also die. We are cursed with sickness which is an antecedent to death.

We too are lawless. We rebel at a need to depend on God. Because of our pride we do not trust Him and do not care to listen to His voice either personally or when it is given to kings, prophets, apostles or disciples. Instead we lean on our own understanding. God warned us through King Solomon not to do this.

Pro 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding”.

As a consequence of not obeying God’s voice, man has developed elaborate systems of law which promote their own understanding of God’s Law such as: the Laws of Hammurabi; the Tenach, a rabbinic interpretation of the law given to Moses; Roman law; the Justinian Code, a replacement by the church of Roman law into Church law. In addition many cultures have laws, as in: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucionism, Shintoism, Animism and Islam to name a few. These are based on human interpretation or the “traditions of men” regarding the Law of God. In paganism laws are based entirely on human wisdom because of a denial that God has any influence in the affairs of men. Most scientists, including those in medicine, ignore the place of God in the laws that govern science. None the less, He is the creator of all of the laws that govern creation, including the laws of science.

And yet God stated His position in the Gospel of John.

John 1:1-4 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made”.

Jesus Christ is the manifestation of God in the earth. Isa 12; 2 Jehovah has become my salvation (Yahshua in Hebrew; Iesous in Greek; Jesus in English).

As such, He is God’s lawgiver. Isa 33; 22 “the LORD is our lawgiver” and a mediator for us before God. John 16;23 “whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you”.

He has legally redeemed the debt note (mortality) we carry because of the sin of Adam. Now we are able to be completely healed through Him.

Isa 53:5But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed”

These words to Isaiah pointed to the death work of Christ on the cross, a redemptive work that freed us from mortality caused by Adam’s lawlessness and opened to us the effects of the live work of Christ that will result complete restoration of our health in spirit, soul and body. Complete obedience to the Will and Laws of God and the corrective judgments of our lawlessness by God will bring us into complete agreement with Him. Even the laws of science will be brought into agreement with God’s will and will used in righteousness according to the purposes and plans that God has made for His creation.

This word spoken by God to Isaiah recognizes that Yeshua (Jesus), by His suffering and death made healing possible. To believe this is not even a consideration in most health care systems today. Many believe there is no place for this type of thinking in modern medicine. It is an offense to some because it is subjective and difficult to prove. Even if one had a favorable outcome, one could not prove that God did it. We have become “as gods” by denying God’s sovereignty over sickness and death. Yet the current system of health care has shown only a slight improvement in the survival, mostly due to improved sanitation and to a decrease of infectious diseases, but the death rate is still 100%.

As we move into the kingdom age, it is imperative that we repent, that is, change our way of thinking about the place God has in the process of healing.

Jesus said in Mark 1: 15 “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!”

Today we assume that we will be healed with a pill, a vaccine, gene therapy, surgery, nutrition or some future technologic advance. Even though these may be legitimate tools that lead to some healing, it is God who has ability to heal completely, not the physician or the technology. We must not ignore Him any longer! We must listen to His voice as he directs our medical understanding as to how we can be healers through Him.

In order to have complete healing there must reconciliation between the created and the Sovereign realm.

2Cor 5:17, 18 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation”.

Much of our failure to heal is because of our inability to bring about reconciliation by our effort alone. Christ is the mediator between these two realms. He has given us the ministry of reconciliation through the power of the Holy Spirit.

John 6:44 “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me, draw him”.

No, it is not “between God and me” that we can heal. Rather, it is “God through Christ that we may minister healing”. After His resurrection, He appeared before the heavenly throne proving that He was alive and had overcome death. He and those whom His Father draws were given authority over death and have power to overcome things that lead to death. The one who heals is therefore identified with the pattern Son, Jesus Christ. No unclean thing may come before God. Those who heal must not be unclean and those that are healed are to be made clean.

Deut 24: 14 “For the LORD your God walks in the midst of your camp, to deliver you and give your enemies over to you; therefore your camp shall be holy, that He may see no unclean thing among you…”.

Paul survived a venomous snake bite when he landed on Malta after his shipwreck. The local people thought he was a god because he did not die, so they asked him to see, the ailing father of governor Publius, who had fever and bloody diarrhea.

Acts 28; 8 “His (Publius) father was sick in bed, suffering from fever and dysentery. Paul went in to see him and, after prayer, placed his hands on him and healed him”.

Publius’ father had bloody diarrhea (δυσεντέριον dysenterion (bloody flux- KJV)

Just to put it in the context of our current medical understanding, Publius’ father most likely had colitis from one the following bacteria: E. coli O157:H7; Shigella; Salmonella species or Campylobacter.

The process of healing in this case demonstrated several factors worth noting:

Paul prayed to God as Jehovah Rophe

Faith on the part of Paul in knowing that he could be used to by God to heal

Faith on the part of those who saw Paul healed of the venomous snake bite. They judged him to be able to heal

Faith on the part of Publius to authorize to Paul’s healing intervention for his father

Faith on the Part of Publius’ father to allow Paul to try to heal him

Paul’s reconciliation of Jehova Rophe with Publius’ father through prayer

Contact with the patient by the laying on of hands. Paul was the human vehicle through which the healing took place.

The medical effect of this intervention resulted in: An “antibiotic” or killing effect of the organism involved e.g. E. coli, Shigella, Salmonella or Campylobacter.

A decrease of fever by regulating pyrogens, those elements in the body that produce fever.

Pyrogens are made internally by the white blood cells of the immune system or they are made externally by the cell walls of the bacteria that are being destroyed.

Pyrogens release biochemicals (prostaglandins) that stimulate a deep part of the brain (hypothalamus) to produce fever.

Neither Paul, nor do we, today, understand all of the mechanisms used in restoring Publius’s father to health, but Jehovah Rophe certainly did and He healed Publius’ father. After all, God is the creator and He knows everything about His creation

Gen 1: 1 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth”.

How then could this healing come about? We do not know because we do not understand all of the dimensions of creation or healing.They are hidden from our understanding at this time, they are not measurable. For this reason we must rely on faith in God for healing. When we are purified and become one with God then we will understand these dimensions. I believe that those who will return with Christ at His coming will help us in this understanding as well.

Romans 8: 22 “The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed”.

This we do know in the case of Publius’ father. There was prayer to God (Jehovah Rophe) by Paul, faith in a divine healing by Publius and his father, and physical contact between the healer and the one who is healed. These are the essential features in this case. It was not necessary to know the biochemical or microbiologic causes of his sickness since the mechanism of healing was governed by the other factors of prayer, faith and contact. These factors played an essential part in removing the bacterial cause of Publius’ father’s infection and in eliminating his fever. In that way they had a higher priority in the healing process then just dealing with the fever and infection.

When God spoke to Paul in his letter to the church in Thessalonica he emphasized that our entire being consisted of spirit, soul and body

1 Th 5: 23 “May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ”.

The spirit of man is his innermost being. It is ruled by the Spirit of God or by unclean spirits. In this case, Paul was able to cleanse the spirit of Publius’ father through prayer so that Jehoveh Rophe could cleanse him from any uncleanness of his heart and be healed.

Prov 20: 27 “The spirit of a man is the lamp of the lord, searching all the inner depths of his heart”.

Publius’ father’s soul (נֶפֶשׁ nephesh), that living part of him with an intellect, will and emotion, was also healed by Paul’s intervention. This part of the healing is attested to by the faith that was exhibited and the resignation of the wills of Publius and his father.

Other than the laying on of hands, there is no evidence of Paul treating Publius’ father with medicine. So, treatment, as we practice it today, was not given. The physical contact between Paul and Publius’ father was essential because it indicated that Paul was anointed with a ministry of healing and was a vessel through whom the healing from Jehovah Rophe could flow.

Healing took place quickly after prayer and the placing on of hands. Normally it takes days to weeks to heal infections such as this. In this case he was healed immediately indicating there was a change in time of healing as well as a change in his spirit, soul and body. This was an awesome response, clearly outside of the ordinary. Because of it God was glorified.

It is understandable why there is skepticism about the role that Jehovah Rophe has in ordinary medical care of today. We are only under a Passover or Pentecostal anointing.

We have been deceived into believing that results of scientific studies, the “wisdom of men” are the sole key to healing and we have neglected the role of Jehovah Rophe.

Isa 29: 13 “The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men”.

As we emerge from the dim light of Pentecost and enter the brilliant light of Tabernacles, the preeminence of Jehovah Rophe will be revealed in bringing about complete healing of the nations.

Hearing God’s Voice

Monday, March 2nd, 2009

Hearing God’s Voice

A Physicians Testimony

Isa 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Have you ever wondered about the path your life has taken in bringing you to the place you are today? What were the inclinations and events which directed you to follow that pathway?

My early childhood was formed by the beliefs and upbringing of my family. I was taught to love God, to obey His Laws and to help those in need. My parents demonstrated these principles every day by the way they lived. Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be a foreign missionary. Of course, I didn’t know what that meant but that seed had been planted in me and was present throughout my adolescence and early adulthood. It would not go away.

As I became more independent I was drawn toward a career in science. Little things started that process, like the time my cousin Ed came over to our house and showed my brother and me how to make hydrogen gas. He was a chemist.

In high school, chemistry and biology drew my interest. English literature, especially fictional writing, didn’t appeal to me at all.

In college, I majored in chemistry and biology. Organic chemistry was my favorite. For one of the classes I went on an elective field trip to a lab that was doing research on milk proteins. One of the experiments dealt with paper electrophoresis. This was a new technique for separating proteins by passing an electrical current through a sheet of filter paper moistened with an electrolyte solution. Milk protein fractions, dyed blue, were able to be separated by this method. Because of this experience, I became interested in effects that electrical fields had on electrically charged proteins.

As with many wide eyed college students, my life was full of expectations, with an increasing awareness of new concepts and philosophies. I wanted to explore such concepts as ‘What is truth?’ This seed was planted in me during a religious convocation at the beginning of my freshman year of college. The speaker opened each session with a prayer invoking the Holy Spirit to lead us to the “fullness of truth”. As I pondered this over the years, I came to realize that truth was not an abstract concept but a reality fully expressed in the form of a Person. John 14:6, “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

After graduating from college, I accepted a teaching assistantship in biochemistry at the University of Maryland at the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. My duties included being a laboratory instructor and lecturer in biochemistry.

My major professor had a strong interest in physical chemistry. I remember one experiment demonstrated Liesegang rings. We layered a solution of silver nitrate over a gel containing potassium dichromate. Discrete bands of colored, insoluble silver dichromate precipitated after several hours of diffusion. Chemical migration in gels and sols introduced me to a whole new field of colloid chemistry. It was important for me to understand this aspect of colloid chemistry, because a study of biology and biochemistry involves an understanding of the effect that electrically charged particles have on hydrated proteins like sols and gels which are colloids.

Because of my interest in proteins, I presented a paper on the amino acid sequence of the insulin protein. My research professor was interested in my presentation and directed me to research electrophoresis of serum proteins. He wanted to determine which protein fraction carried a chemical he was evaluating for his research of atherosclerosis. The technique of paper electrophoresis eventually evolved into gel electrophoresis, a method used for DNA analysis today.

After obtaining a degree of Master of Science in Biochemistry, I spent the next four years studying Medicine at New York Medical College. This school had a history of teaching Hahnemann’s homeopathic medicine until the late 1920’s. It then changed to a standard medical curriculum with an emphasis on Pharmacology and high technology. There were faculty members with homeopathic backgrounds who placed a strong emphasis on careful history taking, clinical observation and physical examination, rather than chart review of laboratory and other technical data as is currently practiced. The emphasis on case analysis served me well when I later served as a missionary in Central Africa where we had limited access to technical equipment and had to depend on our basic clinical skills for diagnosis.

New York Medical College, taught an orthodox medical curriculum. Pharmacology was required to be taught for medical school certification. I was completely unaware of the homeopathic tradition at the school. Flower Hospital, the main teaching hospital for the medical school, was formally a homeopathic hospital. Homeopathy had been accepted as a valid form of medical practice in the northeast and mid-western parts of the United States prior to that time.

I did not realize the subtle energy states discovered by Hahnemann would become a part of my life experience in electrodermal detection and would probably become a big part of future medical care.

During my clinical years in medical school I was assigned to general surgical services most of the time, even though my preference was internal medicine. I was able to observe many surgical procedures close at hand by assisting at surgery. After graduation I opted for a general rotating internship. Once again I was assigned to the surgical service for a longer time than I had expected. It was almost as if I had been in a surgical residency program. I began to assist more actively in many surgical procedures. Little did I realize that this surgical experience would be of such a great value while I was in rural Africa. I spent 90% of my time doing surgery even though surgical disease constituted only 10% of the health problems in the sphere of influence served by the hospital. I was the only physician in a 170 bed hospital that served 150,000 people.

After internship, I joined the U.S. Air Force as a Flight Surgeon, stationed in Japan. While traveling I developed an infectious intestinal disease in Hong Kong. The illness delayed my entry into a medical residency program so I took a residency in pathology until the next year’s medical residency became available. As a pathology resident I performed over 100 autopsies under close supervision. My director was very strict about autopsy technique. It was like performing a surgical procedure from beginning to end. Surgical instruments were used for dissection and for obtaining tissue for microscopic analysis. Every move was carefully recorded. This was very helpful training for the surgery I would have to do in Africa. Staining and interpretation of histopathology slides was excellent preparation for evaluating parasitic and other tropical medicine problems of the mission environment. The obstetrical training I had during my internship was also very useful for the types of problems I would face in our mission hospital.

After medical residency I married Carole and we went to Malawi, Central Africa as medical missionaries. We had a School of Midwifery at our mission so I did not perform routine deliveries, only the complicated ones. I did about 20-25 Caesarian Sections per year, mostly in young women with birth canals that were too small for normal delivery. There were many village induced complications as well.

In all, I successfully performed about 600 major obstetrical and general surgical procedures.

At the end of 3 1/2 years my wife and I concluded that we had completed our calling in Malawi and that we should return home. I had a desire to get a post-doctoral fellowship in medical oncology but by the time I left the mission I had not received a reply from my applications. I was really disappointed. All I could recall was an inner voice saying “Remember Abraham” He did not have a place to go either. So we stepped out in faith, not knowing where to go or what to do. We no sooner arrived in Bangkok on our way home when I received a telegram accepting my application to the Medical College of Virginia in the Department of Oncology. We, too, stepped out in faith and moved to Richmond.

After completing my Fellowship in Oncology, I accepted a position as Director of Medical Education at a hospital in Norfolk, Virginia. The Eastern Virginia Medical School was in the process being established about that time so I joined the community faculty. In the mean time my oncology practice was growing at a rapid pace. I became an investigator for the Eastern Cooperative Oncology group and eventually became the Founding President for the Virginia Oncology Group. I always considered cancer chemotherapy to be more investigational than established therapy. In my judgment, more data was needed to validate its use as a standard for clinical practice. The more I practiced chemotherapy the more I became convinced that laws rules of therapeutics were being violated, especially the main rule of “Do no harm”. Because of this concern I was drawn to investigate homeopathy because the goal was “Rapid, gentle and complete” cure. There was a substantial amount of homeopathetic literature claiming benefit in cancer management. Unlike homeopathy, complications from chemotherapy were very high. It does not take much of a therapeutic miscalculation to get significant toxicity without much benefit. The therapeutic dose is very close to the toxic dose so I began to look for additional ways to treat cancer without causing harm to my patients.

In my research, I came across a report by Daunopolis on the use of Urea in treating cancer. Daunopolis was an emeritus professor from the Anticancer Institute in Athens. He reported success in treating solid tumors, in those patients who failed chemotherapy. He even treated those with bulky tumors of the liver, colon breast and malignant melanoma. Bulky tumors are generally not successfully treated with chemotherapy. Urea toxicity was minimal, and toxicity was easily reversible. It was inexpensive and could be taken by mouth. Use of Urea made all sorts of sense to me based on my knowledge of colloid chemistry. Urea was thought to dissolve the colloid on the surface of the cancer cell allowing the normal cancer killing cells to attach to the cancer cell an initiate the process of cell death. It was not a direct cancer cell poison. Patients loved it because it had a sedative effect. Malonyl urea is barbituric acid. The urea portion of barbituric acid is a sedative. (E. Grimaux, Bull. Soc. Chem., 1879, 31, 146). There were many patient responders. I reported my findings to a group of regional cancer researchers but they had no desire to do controlled clinical trials because there was no industrial support for research. One could buy urea for a couple dollars a pound and it did not have any patent protection.

One patient had a rock hard malignant melanoma beneath her skin. After a period of urea treatment it started to get soft, so I took some fluid and had it analyzed. Cells were seen in 3-dimensional clusters, indicating they were alive. A bit later I withdrew more fluid and it contained only flat sheets of cells indicating that the cells were losing their vitality. I took more fluid still later and only ghost outlines of cells could be identified, indicating cell death. Melanoma never returned in that area. In my own clinical experience I had many responders, who are alive and free of disease years later, especially those with breast cancer.

Later, I began working with a professor of microbiology from the local medical school, who was an expert in making vaccines. He was also an expert in the field of cell wall deficient bacteria, the form microbes are thought to take when they are within the cell of their host. This was at a time when vaccines were just beginning to be used for clinical investigation in patients with cancer. We decided to use an autogenous vaccine, that is, a vaccine made from the patients own secretions. The reason we chose an autogenous vaccine was because it was safe to use and because it was specific for the individual from which it was made. We did not have to apply for governmental authorization to make it, since it has already been ‘grandfathered’ into the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938.

I visited a clinic in California that used autogenous vaccine as part of their cancer treatment and was impressed with the vigor of their patients. I compared them to my patients who looked sickly and depressed after I treated them with chemotherapy. I saw the same beneficial effect after I studied the effects of autogenous vaccines in my practice. The Human Experimentation Committee from the medical school approved my use of autogenous vaccine for my preclinical trials but I was not able to do a formal clinical trial because no government funding was available for this kind of project and because autogenous vaccines were not patentable

In 1986 I was introduced to electro-acupuncture technology at an alternative medicine meeting. A signal for an intestinal bacterium was detected at my small intestine detection site. I was impressed because I was having some intestinal distress at the time. I eventually obtained one of these devices and, with the permission of my patients, started using it in my practice. My initial perception was that there was improvement in many of their medical problems. Tumors got smaller and I was able to correct some drug toxicities and infections, all in a non-toxic, gentle manner. Once the word got out that I was using more than just chemotherapy, a new type of patient began to make appointments to see me. Many had relatives who died from severe chemotherapy toxicity after spending a lot of money on drugs and prolonged hospitalizations. I was now beginning to serve a population who were critical of the orthodox method of cancer management.

Although I was serving a need in the medical community, it was not ‘standard therapy’ and the board of medicine, by statute, had to review my practice. After 6 years, three reviews and more than $300,000 of legal expenses the Board determined that I had not violated any laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. I believe their decision, in part, was due to my patient’s concerns about losing a physician who was helping them. Up to 200 of them were in attendance at each of the hearings.

An interesting event occurred before one of the hearings. I woke up about 4 A.M after having had a dream. In the dream, there was a man, looking like me, standing with his back to a firing squad. The captain said “Fire!” and all of the bullets missed. He again said “Fire!” and all the guns exploded. He then tried to cut off the head of this man but an invisible protective collar blocked the sword. At breakfast, the following day, my attorney and I were discussing the possible outcome of this hearing. He thought I was going to lose my license. I told him that I did not think so and, then, told him of my dream. I explained to him that I don’t usually have focused dreams, but I told him that I thought this may have been a prophetic dream. The fact that the victim’s back was turned to the firing squad meant that there was a covert activity by the accusers. Usually the victim is allowed to face his accusers (firing squad). I was required to bring certain office charts to the hearing. After being informed that their charts would become part of the public record, my patients threatened to bring a law suit against me to prevent me from bringing them to the hearing. They wanted to protect their privacy. That put me in a position of double jeopardy. If I brought their records, I will be sued by my patients for violating their right to privacy. If I did not bring them, I would not be compliant with the board’s request to bring them. To protect their privacy, I did not bring the records. The Board could not scrutinize records they did not have. ‘Their bullets missed’. Since I was compliant with the board’s previous directives, they had no legal bullets to shoot. ‘Their guns exploded’.

As mentioned, I had up to 200 satisfied patients at each of the hearings. A commonly used formula by government is that each attendee at a public hearing represents 10,000 people in the community. The board became aware that there was a consensus in the community about privacy and patient choice of therapy. Orthodox medicine could not overcome this mandate by simply removing a local “head’ of this national movement.

The board ruled that I had not violated any laws of the Commonwealth. I was able to continue providing the kind of care my patients wanted. Legally, I did not have to put on an iron yoke, that is, I was not taken out of my country (my state mandated permission to practice medicine). Legally, I did not even have to put on a wooden yolk (modify my practice of electrodermal detection).

I had always respected the administrative authority of the state like Daniel the prophet. I was obedient to the laws of Babylon!

It turned out that my dream was prophetic. Acts 2:17 “And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams”. The Lord “spoke” to me in a dream! He had prior knowledge of the events of that day. He knew the “end from the beginning”.

Isa 46: 9, 10 …For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning.

In spite of the board’s favorable legal decision, I was still “red flagged”, that is, my name was posted on the Physician Data Base for those whose practices were reviewed by Boards of Medicine. I thereby became liable to frivolous law suits. They, too, are costly. Even if one is completely innocent, law suits lead to the need to divert income for legal defense of your practice rather than for maintaining the practice itself.

Medical decisions have been turned into legal matters by using “standard of care” as a basis malpractice suits. I asked my board to provide me with their “standard of care” so as to be able to comply with their directives. They never replied to my request. Basically “standard of care” is what we say it is. It is very subjective and is based on the opinions of experts selected from the medical community. Since most of the experts are trained in pharmaceutical medicine, they have no knowledge of the alternative medical care. It was outside of their understanding of what “standard of care” could be. When such large numbers of satisfied patients showed up at the hearings, the board became aware that there was a different standard of care in the community and that I was acting in my patient’s best interest.

In a technical medical case such as mine, the plaintiff’s attorneys appealed to the jury in more emotional and theatric manner because juries are not composed of the defendant’s medical peers but by those who have little understanding of medical matters. There was no violation of state statutes to appeal because I was compliant with a standard of practice that was approved by the Board of Medicine. The plaintiff’s attorney used character assassination as part of his strategy. He tried to destroy my reputation in front of the jury. His tactic was an example of lawlessness (ἀνομία anomia-a violation of God’s Law; sin). The Holy Spirit spoke to Matthew in Mat 7: 1 “…in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you”. In other words, do not use your intent to judge another persons action. It is a case of using unequal weights and measures, like saying “I didn’t intend to kill him” …but you did and the victim is still dead! The attorneys intent was to win the case not by points of law but by destroying the character of the defendant in the eye of the jury. Like rape, character assassination can never be taken back, neither can murder.

What else does a man have but his reputation? God spoke to us in Psa 22:1” A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold”. The words spoken by Jesus in Mat 5:10 had real meaning to me “Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”.

During all the years of my contention with the law, I was never bitter with those who were called upon to enforce the law, rather, I felt compassion for their captivity to laws they were expected to enforce. I was aware that they were following man’s law and not God’s law. This was all part of God’s corrective judgment to teach me to be obedient to His law by trials and tribulations. Rev 3:19 “those whom I love I rebuke and discipline”. I also sensed that my heavenly Father had put a hedge around my practice to protect me, my family and my patients. Job 1:10 “Have You not made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land”.

In December 2002, my wife Carole and I agreed that I should retire from active medical practice. As we began to understand the need to obey God’ Law we would do things only if we both were in agreement. Deu. 19:15 “A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses”.

During the years of my practice, I was very conscientious about recording my electrodermal data. I was able to organize this data into a form that was useful for teaching. As a result I was able to write a clinical text on An Electrodermal Analysis of Biological Conductance, a project that I had started 4 years earlier. This text that outlines the history of electrodermal technology from its ancient origins in Chinese acupuncture, to the subtle energy influence of homeopathy discovered by Hahnemann in the mid 1800’s, to its present form of computerized electromagnetic recognition of biological information in living subjects.

For easy reference in my text, electromagnetic detection sites have been organized by organs and systems. An atlas of detection sites graphically demonstrates site location. I have included a short history of digital signal development and its use in computerized signal detection. There is a list of signals that I obtained from my initial study. It includes signals for microbes, chemicals, animals, vegetables and homeopathics. I have a glossary that explains in plain language the meaning of the signals and I have analyzed several medical cases to demonstrate how electrodermal technology can be used in clinical practice.

I have nearly completed course outlines in the major subjects of internal medicine including cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, infectious diseases, bioterrorism, traveler’s risks and several more.

As I’ve gone through life, all of my experiences seemed to be random events when, in fact, they were a straight line vector of preparation for a later work. I am convinced that our lives are all directed by God to accomplish His will by listening to His Voice. John 14:26 “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things…”

It is important to know that you are listening to God’s voice and not your own.

First of all, so as not to be deceived, I look for agreement by a second or third witness who has the same word of knowledge that I have. Most of the time, witnesses are not even solicited. They just appear or call. Many of my patients are in this category. Frequently there are several witnesses. If there is agreement I am encouraged to act. Deu. 19:15 “A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses”.

Secondly, in going from one situation to another, I found that there is freedom from stress. There are no doubts about what you should be doing. Things just fall into place. Mat 11:30 “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light”. I look for this validation.

Thirdly, I try to see if I am very productive and am prospering in whatever endeavor I have been called to do. Mat 7:20 “…by their fruits you will know them”.

This journal entry is a chronicle of changes that have taken place in my life. It is my perception of the reason why and when events occurred. There is a clear direction of these events leading up to the present time in my life. It is an exposé of my view of living for God in the field of science in a manner that is in agreement with Him, not by leaning on one’s own understanding. Pro 3:5 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding”.

I am simply stating my belief. I am not trying to convert anyone. Conversion is a heart issue about loving God and being in agreement with Him. It is a response to the Holy Spirit from within.

There is a great benefit in seeking true healing by incorporating God’s wisdom and council into medical and scientific reasoning. It is the best way to take advantage all of the resources that are available for healing. Being obedient to God’s voice is a wonderful way to live, too. When applied to medicine, outcomes are really good.

I have learned to seek His council continually. I inquire of Him more and more and always try to listen to His voice.

I love my heavenly Father and He loves me. I know because He told me so. “God is love”. 1 John 4:8

Association of Dentistry and Systemic Disease

Thursday, September 25th, 2008

Biological Conductance and Dentistry

In my previous discussion, I demonstrated, in a case of cancer of the prostate, that there was an electromagnetic relationship of signals at specific dental sites  with sites where prostate and bladder were electromagnetically detected. I also showed, by an iterative or sequential analysis, that the cancer of the prostate did not go away until dental metal was removed.

There are many others cases in which dental metal and other dental foci have similar relationships. In this presentation I have elected to enlarge upon this association by presenting, in tabular form, cases where other pathologic processes seem to be influenced by dental metal. It has been my experience, that removal of dental metal from the sites at which they were detected, helps to bring about a more rapid resolution of the pathological process. The normal process of healing is expedited by removal of the destructive interference of the dental metal and other dental electromagnetic disturbances.

This brief report is in tabular form so it can be scanned easily. An interesting association pointed out by the chart is, that pathological process detected electromagnetically is located at an anatomical site where the pathological process is usually found and that the anatomical site can be found by electromagnetic reckoning.

There are four columns that I used to show the relationship between dental issues and pathology. They are:

1.Tooth number

2.Type of dental metal or other focus

3.Electromagnetic detection site of the pathology

4.Name of the pathological process

Dental Site of Origin      Non-coherent Dental           Site of Detection           Pathological Process

(Tooth Number)              Signals (Codes)

#12                               Non Gamma 2 Amalgam          KI 6a Rectal Veins            Hemorrhoids

No Dental Focus           Methyl Mercury                     SV 65 Platelets                 ITP (Idiopathic thrombocytopenia)-a disease of platelets

#8                                 Titanium  (Implant)                LU 10a-1                           Pleural Thickening

Pleural Lymphatics

#6                                 Gold                                       ST 10 Thyroid Gland          Thyroiditis/Nodule

#2                                 Gold                                       BL 50 Broad Ligament       Uterine Prolapse

#11                               Gold                                       SK 3 Skin, Scalp                 Psoriasis

#15                               Root Canal                              BL 50 Lateral Lobe            Prostate Carcinoma

#19                               Non Gamma 2 Amalgam           GB 39 Bone Marrow          Carcinoma, Unknown 1o

#20                               Gold                                        SP 11 Ovary                      Carcinoma, Unknown 1o

#32                               Non Gamma 2 Amalgam           CI 8-1 Diaphragm              Carcinoma, Unknown 1o

#15                              Mercurius vivus                        TW 1d Mammary Gland     Cancer, Breast, Recurrent

#29                               Gold                                        LI 1a Iliac Plexus               Constipation

#31                              Mercurius vivus                        LV 1a Liver                       Hepatitis C

No dental Focus          Methyl Mercury                        CI 7b, LY 11 Lymphatic     Hepatitis C


No Dental Focus          Methyl Mercury                        SV 66 T-Lymphocytes      Hepatitis C

#31                              Mercurius Vivus                       SI 18 Acoustic Nerve         Neuritis

#31                              Mercurius Vivus                        SI 18a Otic Ganglion         Vestibular Neuritis

Multiple Teeth            Root Canals                               LY 2 Teeth                        Chronic Fatigue

No Dental Focus         Methyl Mercury                         GB 39 Bone Marrow           Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

SV 66 T-Lymphocytes

#32                             Wisdom Tooth                           HT 8a-1 Pericardial            HodgkinLymphoma


#15                             Non Gamma 2 Amalgam              CI 8-1 Diaphragm               Cancer, Ovary

#19                             Mercurius Vivus                         LI 1c Peritoneum of          Cancer, Ovary

Large Intestine

#19                            Gold                                            TW 1d Mammary Gland      Cancer, Breast

#17                            Wisdom Tooth                            TW 16a Deep Cervical        Lymphadenopathy, Neck

Lymph Nodes

#17                           Wisdom Tooth                             BL 50-1 Cervix                    Cervical Dysplasia

No dental Focus       Metal Prosthesis (Bridge)            BL 65 Prostate                    Prostatic Hyperplasia

#18                           Mercurius Vivus                           HT 6 (R) Myocardium          Heart Failure

#18                           Root Canal                                   HT 6 (L) Myocardium           Heart Failure

#15                          Mercurius Vivus                            HT 9 Pulmonary Valve         Pulmonary Valve Stenosis

No Dental Focus      Methyl Mercury                            ST 10 Thyroid Gland            Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

SV 60 B-Lymphocytes

No Dental Focus     Methyl Mercury                             SV 45 Bone Marrow             Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

GB 39 Bone Marrow

#32                        Wisdom Tooth                                HT 8a-1 Pericardial              Hodgkin Lymphoma


#8                           Root Canal                                     SV 60 B-Lymphocytes          Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

#32                         Wisdom Tooth                               SP 1a Spleen                        Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

#16                         Chronic Pulpitis                             NV 1c Spinal Cord                Multiple Sclerosis

No Dental Focus    Methyl Mercury                              SV 60 B-Lymphocytes          Multiple Sclerosis

No Dental Focus    Methyl Mercury                              AL 3 Allergy, Head               Multiple Sclerosis

#18                         Gold Crown                                    GB 3 Trigeminal Nerve         Trigeminal Neuralgia

#17                        Wisdom Tooth                                GB 17 Reticular                    Multiple Sclerosis


#17                       Wisdom Tooth                                 GB19 Archicerebellum          Multiple Sclerosis

Summary of the teeth involved

Permanent Teeth, Universal Numbering System

Tooth                                      Number of times involved
Tooth Notation

  • 3rd molar (wisdom tooth)                 8
    1, 16, 17, 32
  • 2nd molar                                          8
    2, 15, 18, 31
  • 1st molar
    3, 14, 19, 30                                      4
  • 2nd bicuspid
    4, 13, 20, 29
  • 1st bicuspid                                      1
    5, 12, 21, 28
  • Cuspid                                               2
    6, 11, 22, 27
  • Lateral incisor                                    0
    7, 10, 23, 26
  • Central incisor                                   2
    8, 9, 24, 25
  • None                                                 7 (Methyl mercury)


Most of the dental problems originated in the molars, the location where most of the dental restorations are placed.

Methyl mercury is out-gassed from dental amalgams and some food sources but is not able to be located in a specific tooth site.


Summary of signals producing destructive interference

Signal                                Number of times detected

  • Mercury                                   11-from mercury amalgams
  • Gold                                          8-from gold crowns
  • Wisdom tooth focus                  6-possibly from an unhealed cavity in the jaw bone following an extraction
  • Methyl mercury                         6-out-gassed organic mercury from mercury amalgams
  • Root canal                                 4-from root canal material alone or from pulpitis in a root canal treated tooth
  • Titanium                                    2-from dental implants and titanium prostheses

Diseases associated with abnormal dental signals

Methyl mercury is associated with:

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

  •      T-Lymphocytes SV 60
  •      Bone Marrow GB 39; SV 45

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

  •    Thyroid Gland ST 10
  •    B-Lymphocytes SV 60

Multiple Sclerosis

  •     B-Lymphocytes
  •     Allergy of the head AL 3

Non gamma 2 amalgams is associated with:


  • KI 6a Rectal veins
  • Carcinoma, Unknown 1o
  •      GB 39 Bone Marrow
  •      CI 8-1 Diaphragm
  • Cancer of the ovary
  •      CI 8-1 Diaphragm

Mercurius vivus  is associated with:

  • Cancer of the ovary
  •      LI 1c Peritoneum of the large intestine
  • Heart Failure
  •      HT 6 (Right) Myocardium
  • Pulmonary Valve Stenosis
  •      HT 9 (Right) Pulmonary Valve
  • Breast cancer, recurrent
  •      TW 1d Mammary Gland
  • Hepatitis C
  •      LV 1a Liver
  • Neuropathy
  •      SI 18 Acoustic Nerve
  •      SI 18a Otic Nerve

Gold is associated with:

  • Cancer of the breast
  •      TW 1d Mammary Gland
  • Thyroiditis/Nodule
  •      ST 10 Thyroid Gland
  • Uterine Prolapse
  •      BL 50 Broad Ligament
  • Psoriasis
  •      SK 3 Skin of the scalp
  • Carcinoma, Unknown 1o
  •      SP 11 Ovary
  • Constipation
  •      LI 1a Iliac Plexus

Titanium is associated with:

  • Pleural Thickening
  •      LU 10a-1   Pleural Lymphatics

Root Canal is associated with:

  • Prostate Carcinoma
  •      BL 50 Lateral Lobe of the prostate
  • Chronic Fatigue
  •      LY 2 Teeth
  • Heart Failure
  •      HT 6 (R)(L) Myocardium
  • Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
  •      SV 60 B-Lymphocytes

Wisdom Tooth focus is associated with:

  • Multiple Sclerosis
  •      GB19 Archicerebellum
  •      GB 17 Reticular Formation
  • Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
  •      SP 1a Spleen
  •      SV 60 B-Lymphocytes
  • Hodgkin Lymphoma
  •      HT 8a-1 Pericardial Lymphatics
  • Cervical Dysplasia
  •      BL 50-1 Cervix
  • Lymphadenopathy, Neck Lymph Nodes
  •      TW 16a Deep Cervical
  • Hodgkin Lymphoma
  •      HT 8a-1 Pericardial Lymphatics

Chronic Pulpitis

  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • NV 1c Spinal Cord


    The association of dental signals with pathology that are listed in this small sample are but a fraction of similar associations I have made over the years. It became apparent to me that dental influences had a major impact on disease processes and that an attempt at correcting  these electromagnetic influences was necessary for clinical improvement. This sampling of cases serves a purpose in making one aware of the need to incorporate dentistry related issues  in the iterative analysis of a case but is too small of a sample to reach any definitive conclusions. Much more study is needed to determine sensitivity and specificity of these relationships but early observation on a case by case basis seems to indicate such a need. In my judgement, correction of dental interference will have a major impact on the genesis and progression of systemic disease.

    Interference patterns of metals vary with the type of metal. This will be the subject of my next log.


    Tuesday, August 5th, 2008

    The following are screening sites that should be considered in detecting the extent of prostate cancer and for electromagnetic codes that influence those sites.

    Detection Sites for Electrodermal Screening of Prostate Cancer

    Urogenital System

    BL 66b     Main Detection Site


    Primary tumor

         BL 65            Prostate

    BL 50       Lateral Lobe

              BL 50-1    Middle Lobe

              BL 50-2    Sinus

    BL 66       Bladder neck

    BL 50a     Seminal Hillock

    BL 49c     Seminal Vesicle

              SP 13       Lymphatics of the Seminal Vesicle

    Regional lymph node metastasis

              SP 13      Prostate lymphatics

              SP 13b    Hypogastric lymphatic plexus, lower abdomen

              SP 13a    Iliac lymphatic plexus

              SP 11-1  Inguinal lymph nodes

              LY 9a     Aortic lymphatic plexus

              CI 8c      Periaortic lymph net

    Distal metastasis

              LU 19a-1          Pleural lymphatics

              CI 1a; LY 10a    Axillary lymph nodes

    TW 16a; LY 1    Deep cervical lymph nodes

              SV 44                Bone

              SV 71                Sacrum

              SV 70                Lumbar vertebrae

              LU 10c              Lung Main Detection Site

    LY 4                  Lung lymphatics

              LV 1a                Liver


    History: a 63 year-old male with an enlarged prostate and a PSA of 15.1 units. First biopsy on12/97 was negative for malignancy. Second
    biopsy 1/99 was Gleason (2+2) with 1/12 biopsies having a small area of adenocarcinoma. Third biopsy 10/00 was negative in 6 biopsies
    on the right and 3 biopsies on the left.

    Dental: Multiple gold crowns. He reviously had multiple mercury amalgams.
    Surgery: Hydrocoelectomy and unilateral orchiectomy 1/18/95
    Physical Examination: Initially the prostate was enlarged, smooth and firm. On 5/15/02 the prostate was small and soft.

    Electromagnetic site in plain language                         Electromagnetic code in plain language

    BL 65     Urethra, Penis, Prostate                                  Prostate Adenoma 200 X

    Conium Maculatum 6 X
    Prostate Adenoma 200 X: a benign tumor of the prostate gland.
    Conium Maculatum 6 X : a code for  homeopathic remedy made from Poison Hemlock, used for glands that are enlarged and hard.

    COMMENT ON THE MEANING OF “X”: In homeopathy, a dilution of 1 gram of a substance in a diluent with a quantity sufficient to make 10 cc, is designated 1X or 1X 10-1 for a 1:10 dilution, resonating at 50-60 cycles per second. The number in front of the “X” is a multiple of the 1X frequency. For example, 200 times 50-60 cps=10,000-12,000 cycles per second. There is an inverse relationship between the amount of substance and the frequency associated with it. In electrodermal technology a similar relationship exists: a signal for a substance associated with a signal for a frequency. The practical importance of this relationship is that the frequency tends to become higher as the case goes to completion during the iterative process and serves a guide in determining if the case is moving in the right direction. In the iterations listed below, the signal for  Prostate Adenoma goes from 2,000 X to 4,000 X to 600,000 X and then it is no longer detected at that site.


    Electromagnetic site in plain language                         Electromagnetic code in plain language
    BL 50     Prostate, Lateral Lobe Prostate                       Prostate Adenoma 2 KX
    Conium Maculatum 12 X
    Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis 12 X
    Prostate Adenoma 2 KX, an increased frequency of the code
    Conium Maculatum 12 X, an increased frequency of the code
    Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis: genus Moraxella-a commensal organism of the respiratory tract found only in opportunistic infections.
    In this case, it is associated with a code for Prostate Adenoma, a benign lesion.


    Electromagnetic site in plain language                          Electromagnetic code in plain language

    BL 50     Prostate, Lateral Lobe Prostate                        Prostate Adenoma 4 KX
    Conium Maculatum 200 X
    Moroxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis 200 X
    Prostate Adenoma 4 KX an increased frequency of the code.
    Conium Maculatum 200 X an increased frequency of the code.
    Moroxella (Branhmella) catarrhalis 200 X an increased frequency of the code.

    Electromagnetic site in plain language                          Electromagnetic code in plain language

    BL 50     Prostate, Lateral Lobe Prostate                        Prostate Adenoma 12 LM
    Conium Maculatum 30 X

    SP 11     Testis                                                                 DHEA Extract

    Testosterone Extract
    KI 10b     Adrenal Cortex                                                 Tuberculinum Denys 6 X
    Tuberculinum Rosenbach (M. gordonae) 30 X
    Prostate Adenoma 12 LM, continued increased frequency of the code suggesting that the adenoma is decreasing in size.
    Conium Maculatum 30 X, continued increased frequency of the code.

    Testosterone Extract, code for the chemical isolate of male hormone.

    DHEA Extract, code for the chemical isolate for dehydroepiandrosterone, a male hormone precursor.

    Tuberculinum Denys 6 X, a code of a homeopathic nosode of tuberulinum made by Denys of Louvain in 1896 that contained a thermolabile

    Tuberculinum Rosenbach 30 X, a code for a homeopathic tuberculosis nosode characterized by Rosenbach. It is now classified as Mycobacterium gordonae, a nontuberculous mycobacteria commonly found in tap water and soil. It is named after the American bacteriologist Ruth E. Gordon and is classified in Runyon group 2 as a scotochromogenic tuberculous organism. Cultures grow slowly, are smooth, and are pigmented yellow. M gordonae is one of the least pathogenic of the mycobacteria except in those with HIV where it can cause severe systemic disease.

    COMMENT: The electromagnetic focus during this iteration is on endocrine sites, the testis and the adrenal glands. DHEA and testosteone extract are associated with restoring normal galvanic skin resistance. The word “extract” means that the frequency of the signal is from an undiluted substance, a raw extract.

    An interesting clinical point is that even though signals for a virulent organism like tuberculosis are detected, the is seldom evidence of clinical tuberculosis. These tuberculosis signals may represent latent forms of the disease. From a biological conductance standpoint they produce destructive interference that alter normal information exchange and energy flow.

    Electromagnetic site in plain language                           Electromagnetic code in plain language
    BL 50-1(R)     Prostate, Middle Lobe                                 Prostate Carcinoma 9 LM
    Lachesis mutus 3 X
    Syphilinum 3 X
    Ureaplasma urealytica 12 X
    Herpes simplex-2 30 X
    Molluscum contagiosum 12 X
    Conium Maculatum 12 X
    SI 1b     Small Intestine, Main Detection Site                   Tuberculinum Rosenbach(M.gordonae) 12X
    Antigliadin Antibody in Red Winter Wheat 2KX
    SP 1a    Pancreas (Exocrine)                                             Rubeola (Rubella) 6X


    Prostate Carcinoma 9 LM : a signal for Prostate Cancer on the right side of the  Middle Lobe of the Prostate at the BL 50-1(R) site.

    9LM= has a frequency of 9 X 50 X 1000 X (50-60) cycles per second. The clinical application of this  number has yet to be defined.

    Lachesis  3X: a code for a homeopathic remedy made from the suruku snake, Lachesis mutus.  It is associated with a constitutional state
    of intense inner response to stimulation leading to sexual excitation, jealously, loquacity, and rapid mental processing.

    Syphilinum (Leuesinum) 3X: a code derived from a syphilitic chancre. It is associated with destructive lesions like ulcers, malignant degeneration of cancer and psychosis. This signal may be miasmatic, that is, it may be transmitted transgenerationally from progenerators.

    Ureaplasma urealytica 12 X: a code for a family Mycoplasmataceae, a Gram-negative microaerophilic to aerophphilic, non-motile coccobacillus,
    the cause of non-gonococcal urethritis and prostatitis in males and genitourinary infection in females leading to sterility. It is a sexually transmitted disease and may cause respiratory and central nervous system infections in newborns. This infectious disease code, located in the prostate site, may be a co-factor in the process of malignant degeneration.

    Human herpesvirus 2 (HHV-2), also Herpes simplex virus-2 30 X: Herpesvirudae, A sexually transmitted disease characterized by extensive
    bilateral lesions in the genital area with fever, inguinal lymphadenopathy, and dysuria. Neonatal herpes can be transmitted from
    mother to child during delivery.

    Molluscum contagiosum virus (MOCV) 12X: Poxviridae, a contact disease in children with lesions on trunk or limbs. In adults it spread
    through sexual contact forming pearly, raised, firm lesions on the pubis, inner thighs, and genitalia. Severe dissemination occurs in AIDS patients.  It replicates only in the keritinocyte producing clusters of skin lesions.

    Conium maculatum 12 X: lower frequency for the code.
    Tuberculinum Rosenbach (M.gordonae) 12X: a code for a tuberculosis nosode characterized by Rosenbach, having an identical electromagnetic
    signature as Mycobacterium gordonae, rarely the cause of disease, is commonly known as the “tap water bacillus”, because it is frequently
    found in soil and sink drains. In this case the code is located at the small intestinal electromagnetic detection site.

    Antigliadin Antibody (Red Winter Wheat) 2KX: the alcohol soluble portion of gluten. Located in the small intestinal electromagnetic
    detection site.

    Rubella virus: (RUBV) 6 X: Togaviridae, the code for the etiologic agent of rubella located at the electromagnetic site of the pancreas.

    OBSERVATION: Signals for Ureaplasma urealytica , Human herpesvirus 2 (HHV-2) and Molluscum contagiosum virus (MOCV) all raise the possibility that sexually transmitted diseases may be a precondition for the developement of cancer of the prostate, especially when it is found in association with syphilinum, a signal that is frequently associated with malignant degeneration.

    Electromagnetic site in plain language                            Electromagnetic code in plain language

    ST 5      Maxillary Sinus                                                      Chlordane 1X
    Aspergillus fumigatus 6 X
    Ubiquinone 3 X
    Purple-Violet 3X

    SI 1b     Small Intestine, Main Detection Site                   DDT 1X
    Fusarium oxysporium 3 X
    Trichinoyl 6 X
    Purple-Violet 3 X

    LY 2     Lymphatics of the Jaw and Teeth                         Non Gamma-2 Amalgam 6 X
    DDT 1 X
    Microsporium canis 3 X
    Rhodotorula rubrum 3 X
    Naphthoquinone 6 X
    Sodium Pyruvate 3 X
    Purple-Violet 3 X

    LU 10c      Lung, Main Detection Site                               Bacillinum 30 X
    Verticillin albo-atrum 3 X
    Trichinoyl 6 X
    Purple-Violet 3 X

    BL 66b     Bladder, Main Detection Site                            Prostate Adenoma 6 X
    Conium Maculatum 12 X
    Trichinoyl 6 X
    Purple-Violet 3 X
    Prostate Carcinoma-Negative
    Chlordane 1X: a chlorinated cyclodiene, an organochlorine insecticide that is mixed with heptachlor, a combination that is hepatotoxic.
    used for termite control and has a very long half-life.

    Aspergillus fumigatus 6 X: a cause of aspergillosis, a fungal disease in birds and humans.

    COMMENT: Chlordane and aspergillus signals are frequently found together in the iterative process, not infrequently involving sinus detection sites.

    Ubiquinone 3 X (Coenzyme Co Q-10): a code for a component of the electron transport chain.

    Trichinoyl 6 X: a code for a component of the electron transport chain.

    Naphthoquinone 6 X: a code for a component of the electron transport chain is at the same site, LY 2 as Non-Gamma-2 Amalgam.

    COMMENT: Signals for part of the electron transport chain are involved during this iteration, may be a distal effect from non-gamma 2 amalgam.

    DDT 1X: (Dichlorodiphenoxyltrichloroethane): an organic halogen insecticide that is extremely neurotoxic. It is highly stable and has a
    long half-life. Drug resistance develops rapidly.

    Verticillin albo-atrum 3 X: a code for a subspecies of Verticillin a cause of fulminant mucormycosis in immunocompromised individuals. A
    yeast species related to the Candida genus.

    COMMENT: Signals for DDT and Candida species are frequently detected together in the iterative process


    Non Gamma-2 Amalgam 6 X: a stronger dental restoration made with mercury, a potent toxin, mixed with copper, tin and silver.This formulation reducees the amount of the softer gamma-2 component that was used in previous dental alloys.

    Microsporium canis 3 X: genus Microsporium the causal agent of tinea capitis and tinea corporis in children at the same site as, LY 2.

    Rhodotorula rubrum 3 X: Red yeast-like deuteromycetous fungal genus generally regarded as nonpathogenic, seen in immunocompromised patients usually as a result of surgical implants is at the same site as LY 2, Non-Gamma-2 Amalgam.

    Naphthoquinone 6 X: a code for a component of the electron transport chain is at the same site, LY 2 as Non-Gamma-2 Amalgam.

    Sodium Pyruvate 3 X: part of the energy pathway leading to Acetyl CoA, is at the same site, LY 2 as Non-Gamma-2 Amalgam.

    COMMENT: The signal for Non-Gamma-2 alloy is associated with signals for Acetyl CoA and naphthoquinone both components for electron transport system. It raises the possibillity that Microsporium and Rhodotorula may be present at this site because of a focal destructive influence of the mercury alloy having a direct effect  on these organisms or indirectly by having an indirect effect on the electron transport system.


    Purple-Violet 3X: is a signal for light in the purple-violet range. It may be the result of aliasing of signals in the biological field or as a result of sampling distortion in the computer system. Aliasing refers to continuous signals that are indistinguisable from one another or aliases.

    Fusarium oxysporium 3 X: a code for a fungus that causes Fusarium wilt disease in plants and is a cause for infection in human burn patients.

    Bacillinum 30 X: an electromagnetic code for a homeopathic nosode made by J. Compton Burnett, from the lung of a patient with tuberculosis;

    found in the electromagnetic site for the lung.


    Prostate Carcinoma code was not detected either because of destructive interference or because it is no longer present.

    Prostate adenoma 6X is detected at the Bladder Main Detection site

    Electromagnetic site in plain language                         Electromagnetic code in plain language

    BL 65      Urethra, Penis, Prostate                                  Prostate Adenoma 4 X
    Conium Maculatum 3 X
    Calcerea Carbonica 6 X
    Scirrhinum All X
    Thiosinaminum All X
    Syphilinum All X
    Red (O) All X
    Lemon Yellow All X
    Prostate Adenoma 4 X: a signal for a benign tumor of the prostate gland.
    Conium Maculatum 3X:code for the homeopathic remedy for Poison Hemlock used for hard tumors.
    Calcerea Carbonica 6 X: a ubiquitous polycrest, a common constitutional state in most of the population, mainly those relating to fears and phobias about work and responsibility.
    Thiosinaminum All X: a code for a chemical derived from the oil of mustard seed that is used homeopathically for dissolving of scar tissue.

    Scirrhinum All X: a code for a homeopathic remedy made from a scirrhous carcinoma of the breast.
    Syphilinum All X: code for a  miasm, homeopathically derived from a syphilitic chancre. This miasm is clinically associated with malignant
    Red (O) All X: a code for light in the Red (O) range, may be the result aliasing of a signal within the detection system.
    Lemon-Yellow All X:a code for light in the Lemon-Yellow range, may be the result aliasing of a signal within the detection system.

    COMMENT ON “All X”

    In the detection apparatus there is a separate  input of signals from a signal generator with a range of signals ranging fron from 1X to 1000X. The designation of “X”  implies a frequency relationship with homeopathically derived remedies made by dilution and succussion. This relationship needs further clarification. If this paradigm holds then “All X” indicates that there are a wide range of frequencies at the prostate site and would imply that there is a a significant electromagnetic conductance disturbance at this site. The cause of the “All X” (multiple frequencies) is probably syphillinun because it is an endogenous non-coherent signal whereas Thiosinaminum and scirrhinum are exogenous nosode preparations, The color signals may be the result aliasing.(see the comment on ALIASING in the Ninth Iteration).
    Electromagnetic site in plain language                                Electromagnetic code in plain language

    LY 1-2     Lymphatics, Head and Neck                                  Calcerea Phosphorica 3 X

    UO5 (L)     Tooth No. 13                                                      Non gamma-2 Amalgam 3 X

    UO6 (L)     Tooth No.14                                                       Mercurius Solubilis 2 X

    UO9 (L)      Retromolar Space                                               Fatty Ostitis 3 X
    Mycoplasma pneumoniae 3X
    LO2 (L)     Tooth No.23                                                        Variolinum 15 X

    Calcerea Phosphorica 3 X: a constitutional mental state of deep-seated discontent.
    Non gamma-2 Amalgam 3 X
    Mercurius Solubilis Hahnemani (Hahnemann’s Soluble Mercury): a code for a homeopathic remedy used in those who are weak and
    reactive to change, may be related to absorption from a mercury amalgam.
    Fatty Ostitis 3 X: a code for a bacterial infection in the medullary portion of the jawbone, usually related to dental infections;
    characterized by fatty liquifaction. In this case it is electromagnetically related to M.pneumoniae.
    Mycoplasma pneumoniae 3X): a code for a pleomorphic organism that lacks a cell wall, the cause of primary atypical pneumonia.
    Variolinum 15 X: a smallpox miasm.

    Electromagnetic site in plain language                                Electromagnetic code in plain language

    UO5 (L)     Tooth No. 13                                                         Thioether 6.X (Root Canal)
    Streptococcus pyrogenes 6 X
    Thioether 6.X (Root Canal): a sulfur ether associated with residual infection and decay after root canal treatment.

    Streptococcus pyrogenes 6 X: Gram-positive facultative anaerobe, the most pathogenic subspecies of group A-beta hemolytic streptococcus. Causes pharyngitis, scarlet fever, erysipelas, impetigo and cellulites. It is found in biofilms of gutta-percha used in root canals.                      European Journal of Oral Sciences Volume 112 Issue 6 Page 523-529, December 2004

    Autoimmune sequelae of rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis may occur as result of this bacterial infection.

    Electromagnetic site in plain language                                Electromagnetic code in plain language

    UO5 (L)     Tooth No. 13     Left Upper Second Bicuspid         Mercurius vivus 5 X
    UO4 (L)     Tooth No. 12     Left Upper First Bicuspid             Gold 3 X (Aurum metallicum)
    LO7 (L)     Tooth No. 18     Left Lower Second Molar             Gold 3 X (Aurum metallicum)
    LO6 (L)     Tooth No. 19     Left Lower First Molar                  Gold 3.X (Aurum metallicum)
    LO5 (L)     Tooth No. 20     Left lower Second Bicuspid          Gold 3 X (Aurum metallicum)
    LO6 (R)     Tooth No. 30     Right Lower First Molar                Gold 3X (Aurum metallicum)
    BL66         Trigone of the Bladder                                          Urothelium (Bladder) Carcinoma Grade I  5 X
    Gold 4 X (Aurum metallicum)
    Mercurius vivus 5X: pure mercury, a component in some dental alloys. It’s presence implies that it was not completely bound in the dental alloy. Being placed  next to a gold crown poses the possibility of a galvanic current being generated by two dissimilar metals with saliva acting as a conductor.
    Gold 3 X (Aurum metallicum): code for a dental restoration material made from gold metal. Detected at the electromagnetic sites of four teeth and the bladder trigone.
    Urothelium Carcinoma Grade I  5 X: a code for a low grade malignant tumor of the bladder mucosa associated with a code for Gold 4X from a dental
    electromagnetic site also detected at BL66, the electromagnetic site for the bladder trigone.

    Electromagnetic site in plain language                                Electromagnetic code in plain language

    UO5 (R)      Tooth No. 4                                                         Gold 3 X (Aurum metallicum)

    BL 66         Trigone, Bladder                                                   Urothelium (Bladder) Carcinoma 30 X
    Conium maculatum 8x
    Saw Palmetto


    There is destructive interference by gold in Tooth No. 4. The non-coherent wave radiates to the trigone of the bladder where a signal for Cancer of the urethelium (bladder mucosa) is also found. The energetic relationship is confirmed by observing the correction of galvanic skin resistance at BL 66 by touching Tooth No.4 with a finger holding the negative electrode. This is a good technique to assess the role that a dental focus has on the electrodermal detection sites.

    Saw Palmetto is an extract of the fruit of Serenoa repens. It is rich in fatty acids and phytosterols and has shown promise in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia. JAMA 280: 1604–1609, 1998.

    Electromagnetic site in plain language                                Electromagnetic code in plain language

    BL65          Urethra, Penis, Prostate                                     Urothelium Carcinoma 48 X
    UO5 (L)     Tooth No.13                                                         Listeria monocytogenes 3 X

    UO6 (R)     Tooth No.3                                                          Thioether 3 X (Root Canal )
    Mycoplasma pneumoniae 3 X

    LO7 (L)      Tooth No.18                                                        Gold 3 X (Aurum metallicum)
    Catarrhal Mixed Flora 3 X (Infection under the crown)
    Urothelium Carcinoma 48 X

    Listeria monocytogenes 3 X: a code for an organism found in soil and decayed vegetation. Most serious infections occur among neonates,
    pregnant women, and immune compromised diabetics, alcoholics, and cirrhotics. Meningitis is the most common infection. This
    finding suggests that the may be an immune compromises state associated with Tooth No. 13.

    Thioether 3 X (Root Canal ): the code frequency has not changed.

    Mycoplasma pneumoniae 3 X: a code for the cause of primary atypical pneumonia, originally detected in retromolar space site, is now
    detected in the root canal site of Tooth No. 3.

    Gold 3 X (Aurum metallicum): the code frequency has not changed.
    Catarrhal Mixed Flora 3 X (Suspected infection under the crown): a code for an inflammation of the mucous membranes caused by a
    mixture of organisms not otherwise characterized

    Electromagnetic site in plain language                                Electromagnetic code in plain language
    BL50a     Seminal Hillock (Verumontanum)                            Mycoplasma pneumoniae 8 X
    Lycopodium 3X
    Syphilinum 6 X
    SP13      Prostate Lymphatics                                               Prostate Carcinoma 20 X
    Mercurius vivus 3 X
    Gold 3 X (Aurum metallicum)
    Mycoplasma pneumoniae 8 X
    Syphilinum 6 X
    Luprolide (Did not take)
    Cadmium sulfuricum CM
    Conium Maculatum 4 X

    Mycoplasma pneumoniae 8 X: the code has a higher frequency suggesting that the code is moving to completion, in anticipation that code
    will no longer be found.
    Lycopodium 3X: a code for a homeopathic remedy for an enlarged prostate.
    Syphilinum 6 X: frequency is now 6X instead of All X.
    Prostate adenocarcinoma 20X: a code for a malignant neoplasm of acinar (glandular sac) origin in the prostate, the most common
    malignancy of the prostate. Prognosis is stage dependent. Tumor spreads by direct extension into the bladder, adjacent lymph nodes
    and to bone.

    Mercurius vivus 3 X: the code frequency has decreased implying that there in no improvement of conductance.
    Gold 3 X (Aurum metallicum): the code frequency has decreased implying that there in no improvement of conductance.
    Luprolide (Lupron): an inhibitor of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) resulting in lower levels of Leutinizing Hormone (LH) and testosterone in males and lower levels of Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estrogen in females.
    Although the patient did not take Lupron, it produced electromagnetic balance, indicating that it may have been useful for cancer therapy.
    Cadmium sulfuricum CM: code for a homeopathic remedy useful in some cancers.
    Conium maculatum 4 X: code frequency has decreased, implying lack of improvement in correcting non-coherent wave formation at this site.

    Electromagnetic site in plain language                                Electromagnetic code in plain language

    SP13     Prostate Lymphatics                                                 Prostate Carcinoma 100 X
    Mercurius vivus 3 X

    LO4 (L)  Tooth No. 24  Balances SP 13

    Cadmium sulfuricum MM
    Conium Maculatum 4 X
    Prostate Carcinoma 100X: code has increased suggesting a tendency toward improvement.
    Mercurius vivus 3 X: is still in the mouth causing non-conductance still at SP 13, the prostatic lymphatic site
    Tooth No. 21: electromagnetic site of mercury signal.
    Cadmium sulfuricum MM: code frequency continues to increase.
    Conium Maculatum 4 X: no change in code frequency.

    Electromagnetic site in plain language                                Electromagnetic code in plain language

    BL 65     Urethra, Penis, Prostate                                        Prostate Carcinoma 24 X
    Syphilinum 10 X
    Conium Maculatum 4 X
    Prostate Carcinoma 24 X: code has decreased in frequency implying a lack of improvement.
    Syphilinum 10x: the encoded signal has increased in frequency suggesting that there is a decreased predisposition toward malignant degeneration.
    Conium Maculatum 4 X: code frequency is unchanged.
    Electromagnetic site in plain language                                Electromagnetic code in plain language

    CI8f        Hemo-Lymph Nodes                                                Prostate Carcinoma 100 X
    Gold 3 X (Aurum metallicum)
          Tooth No. 2 (UO 7) Right Upper Second Molar
    BL 50      Prostate, Lateral Lobe                                            Prostate Carcinoma 100 X
    Gold 3 X (Aurum metallicum)
    Tooth No.30 (LO 6) Right Lower First Molar
    Variola 15 X
    Conium Maculatum 100 X
    Lupron (Patient did not take it)
    SP13      Prostate Lymphatics                                                Prostate Carcinoma 100 X
    Gold 3 X (Aurum metallicum
    Tooth No.30 (LO 6) Right Lower First Molar

    Gold 3 X (Aurum metallicum): signal still present.
    Tooth No. 2: A non-coherent  gold signal arises from this electromagnetic site of origin.
    Prostate Carcinoma 100 X: unchanged frequency of cancer code, implying that there has been no further improvement in tumor resolution.
    Gold 3 X (Aurum metallicum): signal still present.
    Tooth No.30: non-coherent signal arises from this electromagnetic site of origin.
    Variola 15 X: code for Small Pox.
    Conium Maculatum 100 X: increased signal frequency.
    Lupron (Patient did not take this drug. It may have been useful therapeutically.

    Electromagnetic site in plain language                                Electromagnetic code in plain language
    BL 50      Prostate, Lateral Lobe                                            Prostate Adenoarcinoma 1 KX
    Syphilinum 24 X
    Conium Maculatum 1 KX
    Calcium Cyanide 1 KX

    Prostate Adenocarcinoma 1 KX: There is an increase in signal frequency suggesting that the addition of the Small Pox signal  in the Twenty-third  iteration and the addition of the Syphilinum signal in the Twenty-second iteration improved conductance by decreasing the influence of these non-coherent waves, thereby permitting a better electromagnetic environment so that normal cancer control mechanisms may function more effetively.

    Syphilinum 24 X: increase in code frequency.
    Conium Maculatum 1 KX: increase in code frequency. This the last iteration in which it was detected. This signal has had as electromagnetic effect for over 7 years.
    Calcium Cyanide 1 KX: a new code of high frequency.


    Electromagnetic site in plain language                                Electromagnetic code in plain language
    BL 65     Urethra, Penis, Prostate                                          Urothelium (Bladder) Carcinoma, Grade I 400 X
    Syphilinum 100 X
    Calcium Iodatum 200 X
    Urothelium Carcinoma, Grade I 400 X: a low grade bladder cancer signal is now identified at a prostate site. This finding emphasizes the heterogenious nature of the malignant process which may not involve just one cell type. If syphilinum is a factor in malignant degeneration then it would exert it’s influence on all tissues in the area.
    Syphilinum 100 X: increase in code frequency, paralleling beneficial tumor response.
    Calcium Iodatum 200 X: a new code that is used homeopathically for glandular involvement of the head and neck.

    Electromagnetic site in plain language                                Electromagnetic code in plain language
    BL66     Bladder Trigone                                                        Urothelium (bladder) Carcinoma, Grade I 1 KX
    Urothelium Papilloma 6 X
    Prostate Adenocarcinoma 2 KX
    Syphilinum 1 KX
    Mercurius solubilis 3 X
    Gold 3 X (Aurum metallicum
    Calciun Iodatum 800 X
    Chimaphila Umbellata 24 M

    Urothelium Carcinoma, Grade I 1 KX: increase in code frequency, suggesting further clinical impprovement.
    Urothelium Papilloma 6 X: a code for a benign urothelial tumor, a new signal for a non-malignant tumor.
    Prostate Adenocarcinoma 2 KX: the frequency for the malignant aspect for this tumor of the prostate continues to increase in frequency suggesting further improvement in tumor resolution.
    Syphilinum 1 KX: increase in code frequency, paralleling the urothelial response.
    Mercurius solubilis 3 X: the mercury signal is  still present.
    Gold 3 X (Aurum metallicum: a code for gold still present.
    Calciiun Iodatum 800 X: higher code frequency.
    Chimaphila Umbellata 24 M: code of very high frequency. Homeopathic activity is on the lymphatics of the urinary bladder.


    Electromagnetic site in plain language                                Electromagnetic code in plain language
    BL66     Bladder Trigone Prostate                                          Urothelium (Squamous)Carcinoma 4 KX
    Syphilinum 3 X
    Prostate Adenoma 3 X
    Medorrhinum 12 X (Gonorrhea)

    Urothelium (Squamous)Carcinoma 4 KX: A malignant bladder carcinoma with squamous cell characteristics is now involving a bladder site
    Syphilinum 3 X: code frequency unchanged.
    Prostate Adenoma 3 X: a benign tumor of the prostate detected at a bladder trigone site.
    Medorrhinum (Gonorrhea) 12 X): a code for a nosode made from Neisseria gonorrhea, the bacterial cause of gonorrhea. As a miasm it is
    associated with proliferation of benign tumors rather than a malignant degeneration of Syphilinum.
    (Electromagnetic site in plain language                                Electromagnetic code in plain language
    BL66     Bladder Trigone                                                          Urothelium (Bladder) Carcinoma 200 X

    Urothilium Carcinoma 200 X: a lower code frequency, suggesting an increase in size of the tumor.

    Electromagnetic site in plain language                                Electromagnetic code in plain language

    BL66     Bladder Trigone                                                         Urothelium Carcinoma, Grade I 200 X
    Cadmium Sulfuricum 12 X
    Syphilinum 12 X
    Transforming Growth –a 12 X
    Chicken Virus 2 12X

    BL 66b     Bladder, Main Detection Site                                 Prostate Adenoma 15 X
    Medorrhinum 15 X (Gonorrhea)

    Urothilium Carcinoma, Grade I 200 X: code frequency  is unchanged.
    Cadmium Sulfuricum 12 X: a code for a homeopathic remedy that is useful in some malignancies.
    Syphilinum 12 X: increased signal frequency suggesting a decreased influence of this dysresonance in the malignant process.
    Transforming Growth –a 12 X: a code for a cytokines effect on intracellular conductance.
    Chicken Virus 2 12 X: a virus signal associated with a cytokine signal.

    Electromagnetic site in plain language                                Electromagnetic code in plain language
    BL66     Bladder Trigone                                                         Bladder Papilloma 12 X
    Urothelium Carcinoma 800 X
    Syphilinum 12 X
    Streptococcus pneumonia 3 X
    Transforming Growth Factor-a 3 X
    Human papilloma virus (HPV-14) 3X
    Calcium Fluoratum 3X

    Bladder Papilloma 12 X: code frequency is unchanged.
    Urothelium Carcinoma 800 X: code frequency has increased, suggesting some response.
    Syphilinum 12 X: code frequency is unchanged.
    Streptococcus pneumonia 3 X: a code for a bacterial inhabitant carried in the nasopharynx.
    Transforming Growth Factor-a 3 X: a cytokine code.
    Human papilloma virus (HPV-14) 3X: a virus code associated with a cytokine code.
    Calcium Fluoratum 3X: a code for a calcium salt of Flouride.

    Electromagnetic site in plain language                                Electromagnetic code in plain language

    BL66d      Bladder Lymphatics                                               Chlordane 10 X
    Aspergillus niger 3 X
                                                                                                 NO SIGNALS FOR MALIGNANT OR BENIGN TUMORS ARE IDENTIFIED
    Chlordane 10 X: a code for a chlorinated cyclodiene, an organochlorine insecticide that is mixed with heptachlor, a combination that is
    hepatotoxic frequently detected at the genitourinary electromagnetic sites.
    Aspergillus niger 3X: a code for the genus Aspergillus, a species with black spores, found in the external auditory meatus and associated with
    chlordane signals.


    Primary Tumor Detection Sites

    BL 65 Urethra-Penis-Prostate

         BL 50 Lateral Lobe of the Prostate

         BL 50-1(R) Prostate, Middle Lobe

         BL50a Seminal Hillock (Verumontanum)

         SP13 Prostate Lymphatics

    Sites of Metastasis, Invasion or of a Second Primary Tumor

    BL 66b Bladder Main Detection Site

         BL 66 Trigone, Bladder

         BL66d Bladder Lymphatics

    CI8f Hemo-Lymph Nodes

    Dental Sites of Origin of Non-coherent Signals

    LY 1-2 Lymphatics, Head and Neck

    LY 2 Lymphatics of the Jaw and Teeth

         UO 7(R) Tooth No. 2 Right Upper Second Molar

         UO6 (R) Tooth No. 3  Right Upper First Molar

         UO5 (L) Tooth No.13 Left Upper Premolar

         UO6 (L) Tooth No.14     Left Upper First Molar

         UO9 (L) Retro molar Space

        LO7 (L) Tooth No. 18     Left Lower Second Molar
        LO6 (L) Tooth No. 19     Left Lower First Molar
        LO5 (L) Tooth No. 20     Left Lower Second Premolar

        LO2 (L) Tooth No. 23   Left Lower Lateral Incisor

       LO6 (R) Tooth No. 30     Right Lower First Molar

    Secondary Sites having a direct or indirect effect on the malignant process

    SI 1b Small Intestine, Main Detection Site

    SP 1a Pancreas (Exocrine)

    ST 5 Maxillary Sinus

    LU 10c Lung, Main Detection Site

    SP 11 Testis

    KI 10b Adrenal Cortex



    Antigliadin Antibody in Red Winter Wheat


    Catarrhal Mixed Flora

         Listeria monocytogenes

        Molluscum contagiosum

        Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis

        Mycoplasma pneumoniae

        Streptococcus pyrogenes

    Tuberculinum Denys
    Tuberculinum Rosenbach (M. gordonae)

        Ureaplasma urealytica


    Bladder Papilloma

         Prostate Adenoma


    Calcium Cyanide

    Chlordane (termitocide)

    DDT (pesticide)



    Red (O)
    Lemon Yellow


    Calcerea Carbonica

    Calcerea Phosphorica


    Lachesis mutus


    Transforming Growth Factor –a


    Fatty Ostitis

    Thioether (Root Canal)


    LO2 (L) Tooth No.23

    LO4 (L) Tooth No. 24

    LO 6 9(R) Tooth No.30 Right Lower First Molar

    UO5 (L) Tooth No. 13

    UO6 (L) Tooth No.14

    UO9 (L) Retromolar Space


          Aurum metallocum (Gold)

    Mercurius Solubilis

          Mercurius vivus

    Non Gamma-2 Amalgam


    Luprolide (Lupron ®)


         Aspergillus fumigatus

    Fusarium oxysporium

         Microsporium canis
         Rhodotorula rubrum
         Verticillin albo-atrum


    Conium Maculatum

    Saw Palmetto


    Cadmium sulfuricum

    Calcium Fluoratum

    Chimaphila Umbellata






    Prostate Adenocarcinoma

    Urothelium (Bladder) Carcinoma Grade I

    Urothelium (Squamous) Carcinoma




    Sodium Pyruvate


    Medorrhinum (Gonorrhea)





    Chicken Virus 2

        Herpes simplex-2

        Human papilloma virus (HPV-14)

    Rubeola (Rubella)
    There was more than a seven year delay before dental metals were removed.

    After removal of dental metals, the case went to completion in 2 years. Electromagnetic signals for both benign and malignant tumors of the prostate gland and the bladder urothelium were no longer identifiable and the prostate was small and soft.

    Urothelial signals were generally confined to the Badder Trigone and Mucosa electromagnetic detection sites.
    Prostate adenocarcinoma signals were generally located in the electromagnetic detection sites of the lateral lobe of the prostate and prostate
    Syphilinum is associated with the malignant process.
    Medorrhinum is associated with proliferation of  benign prostate adenomas.
    Chlordane and Aspergillus have an electromagnetic effect on biological conductance in the genitourinary detection sites.


    1. Non-coherent signals, originating from dental metals in teeth, radiate to sites where signals for cancer of the prostate and bladder are detected.
    2. Most of the metal in this case was gold, a metal generally considered to be safe in dentistry.
    3. From an electromagnetic standpoint, gold, an excellent conductor of electricity, produced significant destructive interference in energy conductance that was associated with electromagnetic signals for prostate and bladder tumor, both malignant and benign.
    4. The electromagnetic effect was regional and not cell specific because both the glandular cells of the prostate and the urothelial cells of the bladder were involved with a malignant process.
    5. This case demonstrated the indolent nature of some cases of cancer of the prostate and bladder.
    6. Saw Palmetto was used by the patient for an extended period of time, and may have helped in controlling the disease. The only conclusion one can honestly reach is that he took Saw Palmetto and he had an indolently growing tumor.
    7. Electrodermal detection sites for tumor were localized to prostate and bladder sites and are consistent with the localized nature of the tumor.
    8. Biopsy of the tumor demonstrated a Gleason Score of (2+2) which is a low score indicating that the tumor is not a threat in the patient’s lifetime.
    9. Because of the low Gleason Score, he had the luxury of delaying 7 years before removing the dental metal.
    10. The decision to remove the gold was a difficult one for the patient. Not only were the gold restorations cosmetically very acceptable, they were expensive to put in and they were going to be expensive to remove. Replacement with composites was not considered to be an acceptable standard of care at that time. The patient finally had the metal removed. Within 2 years of removal there was no evidence of tumor by palpation or by electrodermal screening.
    11. If dental metal acted as a barrier preventing the case from moving to completion, than removal 7 years earlier would have shortened recovery time.
    12. A signal for syphilinum (syphilis) is a predisposing signal for the development of a malignant process.
    13. A signal for medorrhinum (gonorrhea) is a predisposing signal for the development of a benign, proliferative process.
    14. Signals for syphilinum and medorrhinum are in all probability transgenerationally acquired (miasmatic) and not personally acquired.

    Vincent J. Speckhart MD MD(H)