Archive for July, 2020

The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 8

Friday, July 31st, 2020

My Beloved Brother Steve continues:


So, the global population finds itself in the middle of the Theater of Darkness. The fear and panic created by the Coronavirus Pandemic is turning our isolated behavior into global momentum that’s carrying us headlong to the inferior king’s strategic destination. 

All of this is happening while the religious leaders (who profess to be followers of the Superior King) provide spiritual cover to the inferior king through their prayers and biblical assertions that have nothing to do with what Jesus is doing.  This is what spiritual warfare looks like, how it is engaged and how it is fought.

The Apostle Paul described it like this:

“Are you not aware or do you not perceive or do you not see with your physical eyes into the spiritual realm that the voice you submit to in obedience is the one to whom you present yourself as a slave? You are slaves to the voice you listen to and obey when acting under the authority of the one speaking, whether of self- originating sin with the failure and loss it causes leading to physical or spiritual death, or to the voice you submit to in obedience that is deemed right, just and judicially approved by God.” (Romans 6:16)

This is why Satan thinks he can leverage Man’s Ruling Class Elohim Authority against Jesus, the Superior King.  But, for those who are willing to see as Jesus sees by shifting their focus from the Virus to Him, He’s turning on the lights for them and stripping away Satan’s leverage against God and His Man.


The Two Kingdoms – The Kingdom of God

The test of the Divine is its ability to enforce and fulfill its decrees without deviation. This capability distinguishes the Divine from all others, thus establishing it as the Sovereign.

So, when YHVH created, He did so by decree to display and establish His Sovereignty over His creation as the Divine.

“Let there be. . .and there was. . .” (Genesis 1 & 2)

When it came to God’s Man, YHVH decreed for the same reason – to establish His Sovereignty over His creation as the Divine WITH His Man:

“And the Elohim said, ‘Make and accomplish man and mankind in Our image and in Our likeness and similitude.  And, let them reign and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the flying creatures of the heavens and sky, and over the beasts, animals and cattle, and over the whole and all of the earth and land; and over the whole and all of every creeping and moving thing that creeps and moves lightly about, upon, over and above the earth and land.’

“So chose the Elohim to create and shape the image of His man, in the image of the Elohim He chose to create and shape His male and His female; so chose Him to create and shape them.

“And blessing them, the Elohim said to them, ‘Elohim, bear fruit and be fruitful; and multiply, increase and be great; and fill to the full the earth and land; and subdue, bring into bondage and reign; and have dominion, treading down and

causing to crumble the fish of the sea, and the flying creatures of the heavens and sky; and over the whole and all of the age of the living that creeps, moves lightly about or glides swiftly upon, above and over the earth and land.” (Genesis 1:26 – 28)

In these 3 verses, YHVH lists for Moses (and thus for us) one decree after another, without equivocation, about whom His Man is, what he is to do and how he is to do it. His Man is to be made in the very Image and Likeness of the Elohim; he is to rule everything that walks, crawls or creeps on the land, swims in the sea or flies in the heavens (spiritual beings) or in the sky (birds); and, he is to rule as an Elohim.

This is what the Father’s Vision was for His Man and so this is what YHVH decreed.

What’s interesting about this creation account is that YHVH decreed that Man was to be made in the two dimensions of the Image and the Likeness of the Elohim. Yet, YHVH only described making Man in His Image. He didn’t say anything about making Man in His Likeness. So, while immediately making Man in His Image, YHVH waited for another time and place to make His Man into His Likeness. (Genesis 1:27)


Because YHVH’s Image and Likeness are made differently.  Both Image and Likeness are mirror-image words that describe the process of making a duplicate out of an original. The primary difference between the two words is that Image relates to exterior capabilities while Likeness relates to interior make up (Nature and Character).

And so, YHVH chose to make His Man in His exterior Image immediately upon creating him by giving him His capabilities (speaking, hearing, thinking, reasoning, creating, deciding, feeling, choosing, mobility, and so on). But, He chose to make His Man IN His Likeness (Nature and Character) over time through the experiences His Man would have WITH Him throughout his life, especially when engaging conflict.

The same thing happens today. When we are born, we’re born in the Image of God. Though most of His capabilities are undeveloped, we still inherently possess them all. But, it’s a different matter when it comes to His Likeness. His Nature and Character is made IN us as we engage the various challenges we face in life.

We call it building character.

This is how it has been from the beginning. Challenges, conflicts, war and warfare were all to play a vital role in making YHVH’s Likeness IN His Man so we could learn to rule as an Elohim – in His Nature and Character.  This is demonstrated in YHVH’s decree for His Man to rule, subdue, exercise dominion and subjugate within the earthly domain. These are important words because they are verbs that describe acts that are to be performed against foes and enemies not against friends and allies.

And so, dealing with conflicts, challenges, threats and even war and warfare are all part of God’s Plan for His Man.  These are the devices He uses to develop the Likeness of the Elohim IN His Man so he will be equipped to rule WITH Him in the fullness of His Nature and Character.

We see this on full display even after Adam and Eve did their deed with the Serpent and became “lower than the angels.”  From YHVH’s standpoint, His Man’s station in life – whether as a free man or a slave – had no bearing on His mandate for His Man to rule WITH Him:

“So YHVH said to Cain, ‘Why are you burning with anger, and why has your face fallen?’

‘If you are successful in doing what is right, sound and beautiful, will you not be an exalted one in character and rank? And if you are not successful in doing what is right, sound and beautiful, sin is at the opening stretched out on all four legs like a recumbent animal and its longing is for you, but you must rule and have dominion over it.’ “ (Genesis 4:6, 7)

Notice that YHVH’s counsel and instruction to Cain didn’t change from His original mandate to Adam and Eve (to rule) just because he was now in a supposedly fallen state.

So, whether in a state of bliss as in the Garden or in a state of burning anger as with Cain, or under some other attack or circumstance where we feel overwhelmed and over-matched  (like with the coronavirus), whatever condition we may find ourselves in, the mandate is the same – to rule WITH Jesus in the fullness of His Nature and Character.

While reigning is more of a macro word that relates to governing willing citizens within a realm, rulership is more specific. It emphasizes the astute use of authority, power and resources to neutralize and disarm enemies – those things or influences that oppose, threaten or are hostile to the venture or goal to be achieved.

In Adam and Eve’s case, it was ruling over and subjugating WITH YHVH the Serving Class serpent that had aligned itself with a foreign spiritual entity – Satan. The mission then was to neutralize the threat launched against YHVH and His

Man by cutting off Satan’s access into the earthly realm.

In Cain’s case, it was ruling over and subjugating WITH YHVH the sin – impulse to act independently from YHVH – that was patiently waiting for the opening created by his anger so it could use him as its weapon to kill his righteous brother, Abel. The mission then was to neutralize and disarm sin’s power within him by demonstrating his superior character and rank WITH YHVH. This would cut off sin’s access into the earthly domain along with its destructive intentions and effects.

In Jesus’ time on the earth, it was to strip Satan of the spiritual authority that he unlawfully seized in the Garden.

The mission then was to enter into the spiritual domain of darkness by way of the Cross to conquer, render inoperable and subjugate the “last enemy” death by bringing it back under the control, authority and use of the Kingdom of God.

In every instance, the objective was the same – for God’s Man to work WITH Him to rule over their mutual enemies in the fullness of His Nature and Character.

And for us, it’s now our turn to step up by learning how to rule WITH Jesus over our mutual enemy – the kingdom of darkness and its use and intentions with the coronavirus.

This is why Jesus invites us to see as He sees. And when we accept His invitation, He not only shows us who God’s Man was decreed to be and do, but also how to rule WITH Him in the authority of the Elohim.

Jesus repeatedly demonstrated while on the earth what it looks like to rule as an Elohim: He did nothing apart from the Father.

He then told us how to rule WITH Him:

“Stay, abide and remain in and with Me and I in and with you. . .because separate and apart from Me you do not have the ability or power to make or do one thing.” (John 15:5)

So, God’s Elohim Class Man exercises his Ruling Class Authority just as Jesus and the Spirit of Truth likewise exercise theirs – WITH the Father. (John 16:13)

This is how the Kingdom of God works – just as YHVH decreed.

“As in heaven so also in the earth.” (Matthew 6:10)

The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 7

Thursday, July 30th, 2020

My Beloved Brother Steve continues:

The Quality and Classes of the Two Kings

To understand what Satan was thinking about when he devised his Leverage Strategy, we should take some time to first understand how YHVH structured the classes of living beings in His creation. Once we see the structure, we’ll then see why Satan (foolishly) thought this was a winning strategy.

Everything about the structure and operation of the creation is designed to accomplish our Father’s Vision – that His Man would rule His creation WITH Him in the fullness of His Nature and Character. So, in Satan’s mind, if he could collapse this structure then he could defeat God’s Vision.

When YHVH created His beings, He structured them in 3 separate and distinct classes:

• The Elohim Class

• The Angelic Class

• The Animal Class

The Elohim Class is the highest class in God’s Kingdom. It’s the Ruling Class. The living beings in this Class possess the capabilities (Image) and attributes (Likeness) of the Father. The Angelic Class is the Ministering Class. It is subordinate to and serves the interests of the Elohim Class. The living beings in this class support the rule and execute the wishes of the Elohim Class in the spiritual realm.

The Animal Class is the Serving Class. It is subordinate to and serves the Elohim and Angelic Classes. The living beings in this class serve the earth and the interests of the Elohim in the physical realm that operates in time and space.

Each class is to fulfill its responsibility in a coordinated, harmonious way with the other classes to achieve the Father’s Vision under the Reign of YHVH.

To complete the structure, YHVH added Categories – Order, Rank, Position, Role, Authority, Domain (Jurisdiction) – to organize His beings, and to provide placement and purpose for each one within its Class.

The composition of a being’s Class and Categories, in combination with their internal make up, makes up their person. Each person in the Kingdom of God is distinct from all others. Thus, they are a one-of-a-kind creation that is uniquely equipped to execute the role they have been assigned to perform in the Kingdom. The totality of their person is then captured in their Name.

By way of example, YHVH’s Name is unique among all the names in the scriptures because He is a Being who is, after all, unique from all others. His Name is an acronym where each letter represents an aspect of His Heavenly Name that is unpronounceable by the human tongue. This Name is the repository of the totality of His Person, which the scriptures attempt to describe through the phrase, YHVH Adonai Elohim Elyon (YHVH Lord Most High of the Elohim).

But, even this description isn’t capable of capturing the totality of YHVH’s Person as He demonstrated through His encounter with Pharaoh. As you may recall, Moses wanted to know what name he was to give of the God who sent him to Pharaoh if Pharaoh happened to ask. In response, YHVH didn’t have Moses tell the Egyptian king His Name. Instead, He had Moses inform Pharaoh of the totality of His Attributes and Person through two words: I AM.

Those words made clear to Pharaoh that he wasn’t dealing with any of the deities that Egypt had constructed. Rather, he was dealing with the Divine – the One Who exists, the One Who is, the One Who becomes and the One Who comes to pass. And then YHVH showed Pharaoh what it is to be I AM. (Exodus 3:14)

Jesus did the same thing to the mob of more than 300 who came with knives and clubs to take Him away to be crucified.  When He asked them whom they had come for, they replied, “Jesus.” And, when He responded with, “I AM” it knocked them all to the ground on their backsides. (John 18:3 – 11)

And so, just as the Father delegated all authority to YHVH Adonai Elohim Elyon – YHVH Lord Most High of the Elohim – so Jesus delegates a measure of that same authority to each member of the Elohim Class so they can rule the Father’s creation WITH Him according to their Order, Rank, Position, Role, Authority and Domain (Jurisdiction).

Man is a member of the Elohim Class. He is NOT a member of the Animal Class as the educational system of the world has taught. And, the Order of Man (both male and female) is the highest Order in this Ruling Class.

It is this Ruling Class authority that Satan wants to seize control of and leverage against Jesus, the Superior King. But, the Father is the One who assigned to the Superior King His Name, the repository of the totality of His Person – Jesus (“YHVH saves”). (Matthew 1:21)

This Jesus then described Himself as “the Son of Man” making “YHVH who saves” inseparably one with God’s Man.

The Apostle John described this convergence through the metaphor of the Word (Logos). This Word was WITH the Father in the beginning. As the Father spoke, so He spoke. Being the embodiment of the Father’s Word, He was God (Lord Most High of the Elohim). As the Most High Elohim, He was assigned to create all things and apart from Him nothing was created. This same Word (YHVH) then “became flesh” in the Person of Jesus as “the only begotten of the Father.”

So, “in the fullness of time,” the Son of God (YVHV) became the Son of Man (Jesus) to complete YHVH’s decree – that God’s Man would be made in the Image and Likeness of the Elohim. (John 1:1 – 18; Genesis 1:26 – 28; Philippians 2:5 – 11; Galatians 4:1 – 7)

The Father’s Vision was now accomplished in His Son who was now positioned to rule not only the Heavens but now also the Earth. This Son would then accomplish the same WITH the “many sons” who would follow after Him. The Son of God who became the Son of Man and who conquered the last enemy (death) was now given the Name that is above every Name – Jesus YHVH Lord Most High of the Elohim. 

This is the quality and class of the Superior King.

“Moreover, Jesus approached and came near to visit and spoke to them saying, laying the argument to rest, ‘Each and every part of the totality of authority and delegated power has been given to Me in the realm and sphere of heaven, and for what aptly fits and applies for the envisioned contact on the earth.’

” ‘Therefore, transport from one destination to another each and every part of the totality of every race and nation, developing, training and immersing them in the Name, Authority and Cause of the Father, the Son and the Spirit that is different from the world.’ “ (Matthew 28:18, 19)

As for the inferior king (Satan), he is a created being of the Angelic Class. And, it is precisely because of the placement and duties that YHVH assigned to his class that Satan has become so irreconcilably hostile toward YHVH and thus toward His Man.

Here’s why:

There are two primary factors that contribute to Satan’s temperament, which then governs what he does and why. First, Satan is an Angelic Class being, which makes him subordinate to God’s Man. So, Satan is not only lower than Man in Class, Order, Rank and Authority, he has been created to support the rule and execute the wishes of the Elohim Class in the spiritual realm, including Man’s.

So, it doesn’t matter how much Satan opposes or tortures or kills or deceives or steals or attempts to destroy God’s Man; Satan is still a Ministering Class being. By his very design, he cannot help but advance Man toward the Father’s Vision for His Man – that we would rule WITH Him.

This was and continues to be a deal-killer for Satan. In his mind the mere fact that he was the Covering Cherub who had been vested with the authority to cover and protect YHVH’s creation, especially in the Garden, made him superior to Man, not inferior. (Ezekiel 28:11 – 19)

But, instead of being superior, he was actually charged to minister to the needs of Man as a subordinate. This is what sparked his “enmity, hostility and hatred” toward Man that YHVH spoke of in the Garden. This, He said, would persist between “the seed of the woman and the seed of the Serpent” throughout the age. (Genesis 3:14, 15) 

So, Satan can’t help but hate and be hostile toward God’s Man, which inflames his obsession to rule Man.

Second, Satan has NO AUTHORITY TO RULE.  He is of the Ministering Class.

This presents the inferior king with an extraordinary dilemma.

On the one hand, he’s obsessed with ruling Man but on the other, he possesses no authority to rule. So, to rule, he must first secure the authority to rule from the Class that possesses the authority to rule – the Elohim Class.

Enter Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden who were members of the Elohim Class.  But, since Satan had no authority to rule, neither did he have the power to simply show up in the Garden and announce that he was taking over. Nor did he have the means to compel Adam and Eve to submit to his rule through some instrument of force.  And so, the inferior king had to devise an elaborate scheme using the mechanism of transaction to get God’s Man to voluntarily hand over what they had in exchange for what the inferior king was offering.

The First Adam bit, the Last Adam didn’t.

Such was Satan’s way then and such is his way now. So, for Satan to rule us and for his kingdom to direct and control the affairs of men, like what is happening now with COVID-19, two things must happen:

1. Man must willingly give Satan permission to use Man’s Elohim Class authority so the inferior king can rule Man and all that he has, and

2. Man cannot know he’s giving this permission. Transaction is the mechanism Satan and his kingdom uses to get Man to give them permission to use his Ruling Class authority. They offer and we accept.

Darkness is the way Satan keeps Man from knowing it.  The purpose and mission, then, of spiritual darkness is to keep hidden what would otherwise be easily seen if the lights were turned on.  It is in this domain of darkness where the spiritual powers of darkness devise their strategies, create their devices, and mobilize their resources to achieve their schemes. But, for this to work every scheme of darkness must achieve a singular mandate: To convince Man to allow the spiritual authorities of darkness to use his authority against him and thus against his God.

This is how leverage works and it is how the inferior king uses Man as a weapon against the Superior King.  Accomplishing this mandate, then, is nonnegotiable for the powers of darkness. Without it, they have neither the means to carry out their schemes nor the ability to rule.  As weird as this may seem, this is how it works.

Once a scheme secures the use of Man’s authority, it must be defended and sustained. So, every scheme is equipped with defenses to protect it from discovery and disruption.  These defenses are designed to ensure sustainability by repulsing, parrying or misdirecting any attempt to probe or discover the scheme’s source, means or purpose.

However, sustainability, itself, is a function of rulership. So, the powers of darkness must, again, gain our agreement to sustain on their behalf the very schemes and defenses they have devised for our destruction.

Each of these defenses is rooted in the very nature of Satan (in whom there is no truth) while being packaged as truth.  These are facts portrayed as truth but in reality are lies.  But, since Man is so thoroughly bent and trained to act on his own, he routinely binds himself to the rules of darkness.

These rules blind Man to the realities of what’s actually going on while granting the inferior king permission to use Man’s authority however the king wishes.  Man’s propensity that verges on an obsession to act on his own, especially when he justifies his actions on the authority of the scriptures, is why Satan believes his

Leverage Strategy is a winner.

COVID-19 is a perfect example of the inferior king playing out his Leverage Strategy. Man and the institutions of Man are acting on their own and so they are fighting in the dark.  Fear and panic have been set in place as lines of defense to protect against any meaningful probe into the Virus’s origin and strategic purpose while sustaining its advance.

The facts posing as truth – that the Virus poses such a threat to humankind that we must protect ourselves against it at all costs, even if it means bankrupting ourselves and our nation – is coming through the medical advisors who are insulated from scrutiny, which the press promotes. And so, the ones who know nothing about running a nation or economy are now the ones who are in charge of directing national and international policy.

The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 6

Wednesday, July 29th, 2020

My Beloved Brother Steve continues:

The Theater

Once the spiritually inspired speech has achieved the first two objectives of capturing the ears and eyes of God’s Man, the third objective to securing Man’s allegiance is ready to be pursued: Determining the Theater in which the conflict will be engaged.

Everything to this point has been about setting the stage for the conflict. The Theater is the location and environment in which the conflict will actually be fought. Each spiritual kingdom has a vested interest in establishing the Theater.

The kingdom of darkness wants the conflict to be fought in the Theater of Darkness. This occurs when Man engages the conflict on his own apart from Jesus. When he does this, Man gives permission for the engagement to be fought under the rules of darkness. Under these rules, Man is overmatched because he agrees to battle in the dark while giving the powers of darkness permission to use his Elohim Ruling Class authority however they wish, which they then use against Jesus and His Man.

The Kingdom of God operates differently. Jesus, Who does nothing apart from the Father, never leaves the domain of Light nor enters the domain of darkness. It’s in this Theater of Light that He engages every conflict with the kingdom of darkness. And, it’s into this Theater that He lures Satan and his cohorts where their every thought, deed and intention is exposed and seen for what it is.

This is Jesus’ Theater of Light.

It is in this Theater where God’s Man fulfills the Father’s Vision. It is in this Theater where spiritual territory is secured by conquest, where it is transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of God. This is the Theater that terrifies Satan and his kingdom. And, it is in this Theater where Jesus invites us to engage the coronavirus conflict WITH Him.

This is what spiritual warfare looks like to the two kingdoms.

Spiritual Landscape

“What king moves toward the destination of warfare to encounter another king of a different quality and class, without first in time, order and importance sitting down to deliberate and resolve if he is able or possesses the power with ten thousand to meet in opposition the one coming with and superimposing upon him twenty thousand?”If he doesn’t, will he not otherwise send ambassadors with the defined mission to make an earnest request for peace and wholeness while he remains far off?” (Luke 14:31, 32)


War is the ultimate risk/reward – cost/benefit calculation. It’s where the parties in conflict risk everything to either get what they want or defend what they have.  So, too, in spiritual warfare.  While the Theater of Engagement determines where the conflict is going to be fought (in Light or Darkness), the Spiritual Landscape establishes the setting. This is the context for the conflict. It’s comprised of the various factors that have led each party to conclude that war is either the best or only option to achieve their respective objectives.

In this environment, leverage is king.  Leverage is an exploiter. It uses something, anything – a device, situation, circumstance, attitude, belief, relationship, strength, weakness, possession – as a lever to enhance power, improve position or neutralize superior force. Its purpose is to create advantage where none appears to exist. It can make the weak stronger or the strong weaker.

David was but a young boy. By military standards he was no match against the superior skill, strength and size of the war-hardened Goliath. But, he leveraged the giant’s massive size and fixed position against him. The weak became strong and the strong fell. (1Samuel 17)


In Luke 14:25 – 33, Jesus is describing the role leverage plays in a person’s calculation about becoming His disciple.  His stern advice and warning to His listeners was to get rid of anything in their lives that could be leveraged against them by their adversary. If they were willing to do this, they could be His disciples. If not, they couldn’t.

Jesus wasn’t talking about taking a vow of poverty or having a distain for material things as so often asserted in religious piety. He, after all, had a moneybox and gladly accepted the young boy’s fish and loaves to feed the 5,000. What He was emphasizing was understanding the nature of possession – that whatever you have has you. And so, whatever a person holds onto (possesses) can and will be used against them.

This isn’t a matter of mechanics (getting rid of things); it’s a matter of attitude (getting free of things). And so, for those who wish to be His disciples, they must be willing to give up or set aside everything to see and possess Him alone, nothing more, nothing less. Everything else can and will be used by our adversary as leverage against both Him and us.

”Therefore, in this same way, each and every part of the totality of you that does not lay aside and say adieu to each and every part of the totality of what he already possesses will not be able or have the power to be My learner and disciple.” (Luke 14:33)

In the verses above, Jesus tells us why – we’re at war.  He describes the Spiritual Landscape of this war through the lens of its inferior king. This king is calculating whether he can defeat a superior king of a different quality and class who has a 2 to 1 troop advantage over him. The issue he must resolve is does he have any leverage that will give him the advantage over the superior king despite his inferior


If the answer is yes, the inferior king will proceed with his war plans. If the answer is no, then he will send his ambassadors to the superior king to request terms of peace before the conflict is engaged.

This is the exact calculation that Satan made. But, since he didn’t send a delegation to the Superior King to request on his behalf terms of peace, he must have calculated that he had some leverage over the King (Jesus) that he (Satan) could exploit to neutralize the King’s superior power.

His calculation? That he could leverage God’s Man against the Superior King. So, while being outgunned 2 to 1 in angelic power in the heavens (spiritual realm), by leveraging God’s Man Satan would retain the advantage in the earth where YHVH Himself had decreed that Man was to have dominion. (Genesis 1:26 – 28)

The only challenge that faced the inferior king was whether he could convince Man to play by his rules. If he could, he could then leverage the authority of Man to control the affairs of men in the earth while using Man to thwart any advances attempted by the Superior King. This would give the inferior king control of half of God’s creation thus making him an equal sovereign with God. (Isaiah 14)

Though the inferior king calculated that this was a winning strategy, it had and continues to have two major flaws that can, in return, be leveraged against him:

First, for Man to play by Satan’s rules, Man must first agree to submit to Satan. When Man does this, it makes him subordinate not only to Satan but also to the entire Angelic Class. This makes Man “lower than the angels,” which in turn relegates him to the class that is lower than the Angelic Class – the Animal Class.

The Animal Class is the Serving Class. So, when Man plays by Satan’s rules, to comply with Satan’s societal order where Angelic Class Authority is supreme, Man’s authority must be reduced in rank to protect against the threat Man’s superior rank and authority poses on the realm. This leaves Man with the only authority that’s left – Animal Serving Class Authority.

The effect of this defensive maneuver is that while Man possesses Elohim Ruling Class authority, when he operates under the inferior king’s rules, those rules don’t allow him to use his full Ruling Class Authority. Instead, his authority becomes, like the king who made the rules, inferior.

“You exalted your inner mind, will and heart [Covering Cherub] because of your beauty. Your wisdom is thoroughly decayed ruining your brightness and splendor. You are thrown and cast upon the earth and land to be set before the face of kings to be seen and observed by them. “Through the abundance and greatness of  injustice and unrighteousness in your trade, traffic and merchandise, and the guilt and punishment due for your iniquity, you have pierced and profaned the sacred place. Therefore, in your coming in and going out in the midst of the fire, it will eat and devour you setting ashes upon, over and above the earth and land in the whole and all of every eye that sees and observes.”

“The whole and all of the people who know you will grow numb; they will be thoroughly stunned, astonished, stupefied and appalled with alarm, terror and destruction. It will come to pass that you shall become nothing, a non-entity as far as and even unto futurity, the vanishing point of time.”

(Ezekiel 28:17 – 19) [Brackets added for clarification]

Second, Man’s choice is and always has been his alone.  It is the greatest power that YHVH gave to His Man. So, Man can refuse to play by Satan’s rules at any point in time by simply changing his choice. This instantly terminates Satan’s leverage in the earth through that Man. And, the moment Man chooses to play by the Superior King’s rules (listening to and doing nothing apart from Him), Jesus will immediately begin to teach His Man how to rule WITH Him in the full capacity of his Elohim Ruling Class Authority.

“. . .’For truly I say to you, laying the argument to rest, if you have faith as a mustard seed [which comes from hearing the spoken word of Christ], you will say to this mountain, “Change place; depart from here and move to there” and it will change place and depart. Indeed, not even one thing will be impossible for you.’ “ (Matt. 17:20) [Brackets for clarification – Romans 10:17]

We get a glimpse of the frailty of the inferior king’s Leverage Strategy in Revelation 12:4. This is where the Apostle John was shown the pivotal battle between these two kings.

The Dragon (Satan) uses his tail (authority) to drag a third of the stars of Heaven (angels) and violently casts them to the physical earth that operates in time and space. This forceful concentration of his military assets was the Dragon’s frantic

reaction to a single event that he had to stop at all costs – the Woman giving birth to a son who would willing live in total dependence on His Father. That a Man – any man – would so live is the one threat that Satan cannot defend against because he is, after all, inferior.

It’s fascinating that Jesus uses this same 1/3 – 2/3 split in His parable about these two kings of different quality, class and capabilities meeting for war.  But, just as Jesus was telling His listeners then (and thus to us now) that it’s impossible to calculate the cost of being His disciple apart from Him, so it’s also impossible to calculate the cost of being His enemy.

The coronavirus and the spiritual forces of darkness that are trying to exploit it for their own purposes are about to find out just how true this really is.

Impoverished Kids Update

Tuesday, July 28th, 2020

I am extremely pleased to share with our cheerful givers that today we have delivered both food cards and school supply cards to those special kids whom FATHER dearly Loves.

We continue planting righteous seed among the kids and FATHER will reward our commitment to assisting their growth so they can fulfill FATHER’S plans for their lives.

Jesus spoke in Matthew chapter 6:

 So when you give to the poor, don’t announce it and make a show of it just to be seen by people, like the hypocrites in the streets and in the marketplace.[c] They’ve already received their reward! But when you demonstrate generosity, do it with pure motives and without drawing attention to yourself. Give secretly and your Father, who sees all you do, will reward you openly.”

These families are given these cards through “anonymous donors”.

The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 5

Tuesday, July 28th, 2020

My Beloved Brother Steve continues and I share it in installments with you:

Capturing the Eye

“The eye is the portable oil-filled lamp of the physical body; if, by extension, then, your eye is simple, singular, undivided and without a secret agenda, then each and every part of the totality of your body will be present working together as a whole and you will be brilliant, revealing and describing the nature and revelation of light.

“But, if your eye is pain-ridden with the inevitable miseries that come with evil, then each and every part of the totality of your body will be present working together as a whole in the dark. If, then, the light that is operating from within you is darkness and obscurity, how much and how great is that darkness and obscurity?

“No one is able or empowered to serve or to be a slave to two lords who exercise absolute ownership rights. For he will hate, detest and renounce one, and love and prefer the other. Or, he will lay hold of and hold firmly to one, and view with hostility and look down upon the other. Having willingly assigned all your ownership rights to the owner, you are not able nor empowered to serve or to be a slave to God and to Mammon – your trust and confidence in Wealth.” (Matt. 6:22 – 24)

Once the first objective of capturing the ear is accomplished, the next objective in spiritual warfare is to capture the eye of God’s Man. The eyes set the context for the rest of the body to act.  Whereas the ear of God’s Man gives access to the mind so perspective can be created or changed, the eye of God’s Man gives access to the physical body so the intensions of the perspective can be carried out through his actions.

We, again, see this being played out in the Garden of Eden between the Serpent and Eve:

“Now the serpent fell out to become more crafty, shrewd and sensible than the whole and all of the living that YHVH of the Elohim had made and accomplished in the age of the field and land. And he said to the woman, the wife and female, ‘Yea, has the Elohim not said, you shall eat of the whole and all of every tree in the enclosure of the garden?’

“And the woman, the wife and female, said to the serpent, ‘The fruit of the trees of the enclosure of the garden we may eat.’

 ‘But the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the enclosure of the garden, the Elohim has said you shall not eat from it nor shall you touch, reach for or strike it lest you die.’

“And the serpent said to the woman, the wife and female, ‘In dying you will not die. ‘For the Elohim knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened and you will fall out to become like the Elohim knowing what is beautiful, pleasant, agreeable and good, and what is bad, evil and adverse.’

“So when the woman, the wife and female saw that the tree was beautiful, pleasant, agreeable and good for food and it was charming and a delight to the eyes, and a tree to take pleasure in intelligence, she took of its fruit and ate. And she gave it also to the man who was equally with her and he ate.” (Genesis 3:1 – 6)

What Jesus was saying to His audience (and thus to us), which was likewise demonstrated through Eve’s story, was that only two types of oil or “spirits” can affect the eyes of God’s Man:

1. The oil (Spirit) that produces the light that is Light, or

2. The oil (spirit) that produces the light that is darkness.

Each of these lights has the power to illumine the eyes, which then mobilizes “each and every part of the totality” of the physical body to perform the work of the oil that has inspired it.

The oil or Spirit of the Kingdom of God mobilizes the entirety of Man’s physical body to “be present working together as a whole” to be “brilliant, revealing and describing the nature and revelation of light.”  But, the oil or spirit of the kingdom of darkness mobilizes the entirety of Man’s physical body to “be present working together as a whole in the dark.”

So, one oil enables the Man to know what he’s doing and why, while the other oil keeps Man in the dark so he won’t.  What’s fascinating about this dynamic is that a particular lord controls each of these oils. The Lord God controls the oil of Light. The Lord Mammon controls the oil of darkness that works through our trust and confidence in wealth (money).

This is an important point to remember as we go deeper into the strategic objective of COVID-19.  But for now, the reality is we must choose – to “willingly assign our ownership rights” to one lord or the other. We can’t serve them both.

Once we make our choice, the respective kingdom’s tactical objective in capturing the eye is to set our line of sight. This is an essential precursor to achieving the third objective regarding the theater.

What’s important to take note of here is each kingdom has a particular tell or indicator that signals which one is at work.  When the kingdom of darkness is at work, the person will feel their line of sight being drawn or even pushed downward

to people, things or events. For the religious, this can include being pushed into a passage of scripture or into a belief system. This pushing fixes the eyes in a horizontal line of sight to focus our attention on earthly matters that blind us to what’s actually going on while making us think we see.

When the Kingdom of God is at work, the person will feel their line of sight being drawn upward towards Jesus. This drawing is accompanied by what can best be described as a sense of inquiry, a seeking or a wondering about what is really happening in the earth. This is a vertical line of sight where Jesus is inviting the person to see as He sees. So, the up or down focus of the eyes tells the story.

The more a person is involved WITH Jesus in spiritual warfare, the more astute they become at recognizing these tells. Those who remain horizontally fixed never get there.

All spiritual conflict, then, begins in the earth with a form of spiritually inspired speech that has been accepted and acted upon by a human being. This acceptance by Man, to whom God gave authority over the earth, sets in place a hierarchy of authority between the spiritual kingdom that inspired the speech and Man who rules and administers the earth.

That spiritual kingdom then uses Man’s Elohim authority to advance the intentions of the communication (spiritually inspired speech) in the material world (earth).

This is how God set it up from the beginning. Jesus employs this process to invite God’s Man to participate WITH Him in executing the strategies that have been assigned to this Phase of God’s Plan for the benefit of the Kingdom of God.

Satan uses this process to gain access to Man’s Ruling Class Elohim authority to empower his strategies against God and His Man in both the earth and in the spiritual world.  And so, spiritually inspired speech is the means by which the ears of God’s Man are first captured in route to capturing his eyes, so that through Man the material world can be shaped.

If God’s Man accepts the spiritually inspired speech, then those spiritual thoughts, words and nature and character that embody them are released into the material world to shape it in its image and likeness. If man doesn’t, then the spiritual thoughts, words and character have no means of gaining entrance into the material world leaving the earth unaffected.

This is how the spiritual world affects the material world. This is how it’s initiated, how it’s implemented, how it takes shape in the earth and how it is released, stopped, or sustained.

The kingdom of darkness is employing this very process now with the coronavirus. The global population and institutions of Man, including the Church, have accepted the spiritually inspired speech about the Virus. And in so doing, the Virus has fixed our eyes on it, its dangers and the threats it is imposing on an unsuspecting world, which is mobilizing our behavior to fear and panic.

“So when the woman, the wife and female saw that the tree was beautiful, pleasant, agreeable and good for food and it was charming and a delight to the eyes, and a tree to take pleasure in intelligence, she took of its fruit and ate. And she gave it also to the man who was equally with her and he ate.” (Genesis 3:6)

Capturing the eyes.

The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 4

Monday, July 27th, 2020

My Beloved Brother Steve continues and I share it in installments with you:


Position is a critical tactical component in any conflict, including in spiritual warfare. Here’s how it works:

A human origin strategy is localized; it doesn’t spill over to affect the spiritual realm. But, a spiritual origin strategy is all encompassing. It affects the heavens and the earth, the spiritual and the material.

God’s Man is the only being in creation that occupies both of these dimensions at the same time. No other being in God’s creation can do this. So, each kingdom positions itself with respect to God’s Man according to its interests.

The Kingdom of God wants His Man to rule WITH Him. So, Jesus positions Himself to God’s Man as a Joint Ruler. He invites God’s Man to participate WITH Him in executing the strategies that have been assigned to this Phase of God’s Plan – The Transfer – in the spiritual and material worlds.

The kingdom of darkness wants God’s Man to be its slave. So, Satan positions himself to God’s Man as Supreme Lord. He views God’s Man as being obligated to do his bidding, whether in the earth or in the spiritual realm, as his slave.

Once each kingdom positions itself to God’s Man, the first goal of spiritual warfare is to secure Man’s allegiance.

This is accomplished by achieving 3 objectives:

1. Capturing Man’s ear.

2. Capturing Man’s eye.

3. Determining the theater in which Man will engage the conflict.

Capturing the Ear

All spiritual conflict begins with spiritually inspired speech.  So, everything begins by speaking. God created by speaking:

“And God said, ‘Let there be. . .’ and there was. . .”

(Genesis 1 – 3; Hebrews 11:3)

God granted authority by speaking:

“Let Us give Man dominion over the earth. . .”

God assigned roles by speaking:

“Tend to the garden and name all the animals. . .”

God set parameters by speaking:

“Of all the tree of the garden you may freely eat, but. . .”

God warned of consequences by speaking:

“In the day you eat, you will surely die. . .”

God established the nature and character of the creation by speaking:

“And God said it is good, very good. . .”

God set the whole of His creation in place and then mobilized it through His spiritually inspired speech.

Satan also initiates through what he speaks:

 “Has God said. . .” (Genesis 3)

“If you are the Son of God then. . .” (Matthew 4:3)

In both instances, what resided in the heart of the spiritual speaker began its journey into the material realm to shape it through what was spoken. In God’s case, His words created, articulated His Vision, granted authority, assigned roles, set limits and consequences, and established the nature and character of His created order WITH Him – Good.

In Satan’s case, his words perverted what God had created. Through them he infected the creation with his nature and character – Evil, slandered God’s reputation and redefined what God had said, intended and authorized, all while using God’s Man to do it.  This is the kind of power that’s resident within spiritually inspired speech.

For most of us, though, speaking is much more benign. To us, it’s about transferring our thoughts, ideas and feelings to another so they end up with the same thoughts, ideas and feelings. If we’re good at it, we can get our point across.

If we’re really good at it, we can even convince others that our point of view is right.  But, to those who understand the power of communication, it goes way beyond simple speaking. To them, words and the art of communicating are among the most powerful weapons that can be used in the realm of living beings.

To this group of communicators, the goal of communication is to use the thoughts, ideas and feelings being transferred to create or change perspective.

This perspective is what gives meaning and purpose to the communication. The meaning and purpose then gives birth to belief. And this newly born belief then shapes attitude, which energizes and mobilizes behavior to achieve the

interests and objectives of the communicator.

In addition to mobilizing behavior, the sophisticated speaker also uses its words to infuse its nature and character into its audience, usually without them knowing it. This is important because behavior will only go as far as the belief system that

fuels it, which itself is fueled by the nature and character that embodies it.

The objective, then, of this kind of speaker is not only to achieve the form of its intentions through the behavior of its listeners; it is to infect them with its nature and character so their behavior and belief will infect others.

And so, Herod’s wife wasn’t satisfied with simply keeping John the Baptist in prison. She had to dehumanize him by cutting off his head to demonstrate her superiority over him. The religious leaders weren’t satisfied with simply killing

Jesus. They had to slaughter Him for the same reason to protect their power and control over the audience.

In the Garden of Eden, the Serpent’s goal wasn’t to get Eve to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in disobedience to God’s instructions. She could do that by herself without him.

The Serpent’s goal was to change Eve’s perspective about God. If he could do that, a new belief system would be birthed in her that would forever change how she viewed God, herself and everyone and everything else around her.  This could then be tapped into to mobilize her behavior way beyond just eating from the Tree. It would convert her into an agent and from an agent into a propagator – one who not

only achieves but also advances his intentions in his nature and character.  And that’s exactly what happened.

Once Eve ate, Satan immediately mobilized her to relay to Adam the Serpent’s communication. She did and he did and here we are today.

This is what’s happening now with the coronavirus, as well. The Serpent is speaking and his intentions are to create in us a perspective that incites fear and panic.  But, Jesus is speaking, too, and He’s inviting us to come up where He is so we can see as He sees.

Capturing the ear.

The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 3

Sunday, July 26th, 2020

My Beloved Brother Steve continues and I share it in installments with you:


“And so, the heavens and the sky, the physical earth and land, and the whole and all of the army organized for war and warfare were completed, finished and

accomplished.” (Genesis 2:1)

It’s a fascinating thought to consider that YHVH incorporated into His creation Plan the formation and organization of an army for war and warfare before He rested on the seventh day. In other words, He didn’t rest until His army was built,

made ready and fully equipped to defend not only what He had just created but also the Plan He had devised to achieve His Father’s Vision. So, before the first conflict or challenge was even formulated or engaged, His army was already fully prepared, equipped and positioned to win.

This is what it looks like to be ahead of the curve. And it’s why Jesus never reacts. He doesn’t have to. He pro-acts. Pro-acting is a term used to describe the pro-action’s ability to cause every other related action to contribute to the pro-action’s

intended outcome.

This is what makes the outcome of Satan’s war against God, His Man and His Kingdom inevitable. Every action taken by God, His Man or His army, and every reaction to them by Satan and his realm, will always contribute to the success of

YHVH’s pro-action in the beginning. And so, everything, no matter how hostile it might be, can’t help but contribute to the outcome YHVH intended when He pro-actively spoke it.

The Apostle Paul described this astounding reality like this:

“Now we know, perceive and are aware by seeing with our physical eyes the spiritual truth and reality that for the ones who prefer to Love the God that the God works together as a fellow partner to bring down exactly complete each and

every part of the totality of good to those who are called, summoned and set forth in advance for a specific purpose.”

(Romans 8:28)

As it always has been, so will it be with the coronavirus.


A reaction is a second action that follows a first action. So, the one acting second becomes the follower of the one acting first, whether they realize it or not.

This is why Satan cannot win: He’s a follower who can only react.

Think about it.

He followed YHVH into the Garden of Eden.

He followed YHVH about what He said about dying.

He followed YHVH in His suggestions about Job.

He followed the Magi into Bethlehem.

He followed Jesus into the wilderness.

He followed Judas out from the Last Supper.

He followed the executioners of Jesus to the cross.

In each instance and to his great regret, Satan and his realm reacted their way into contributing to the success of that portion of God’s Plan for that time. And as he did, he was fulfilling the wisdom of God’s pro-action from the beginning.

“A wisdom that not one of the preeminent rulers of this age has come to know, recognize or perceive by personal experience. For, if they had known, recognized or perceived it by personal experience, they would never have crucified the Lord of praise, honor and glory.” (1 Corinthians 2:8)

So, Satan is a follower and he does what followers do – they end up where the Leader is taking them. Here’s why: The kingdom of darkness is comprised entirely of created beings. As such, Satan’s realm lacks the inherent ability to create out of nothing, which is an aspect of pro-acting.

What this means in practical terms is that to do his deeds, Satan can only use what already exists. And these already existing things are all reactions to the first action that created them.

Even as the first Liar, his lie was a reaction to a pre-existent fact or truth of what YHVH had said. (Genesis 3:1) As the first manslayer, Satan’s murder of Eve was a reaction to the preexistent life that YHVH had first given to His Man. (John 8:44)

So, it doesn’t matter what Satan does or what strategies he devises, or what resources he uses. Each and every one of them already exist.

And so, since they are all reactions they must follow the intended outcome of the first pro-action that created them out of nothing – to contribute to the success of our Father’s Vision that His Man would rule WITH Him in the fullness of His Nature and Character.

This is why it never enters Jesus’ mind to react to anything, let alone the coronavirus or the pandemic it has spawned. Instead, the Virus is a reaction to Him and what He’s doing through The Transfer. He’s so far ahead of the curve that while others who are operating apart from Him are re-acting their way to the Virus’ strategic objective (fear and panic), Jesus is leading it and the kingdom of darkness that devised it to His intended outcome.


The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 2

Saturday, July 25th, 2020

My Beloved Brother Steve continues and I share it in installments with you:

Spiritual Warfare

Conflicts don’t happen in a vacuum. They happen when the interests of competing authorities and powers collide. If left unchecked, these collisions can escalate into full-scale war with lethal consequences. So, when an event like COVID-19 is determined to be part of a war strategy whose origin is the spiritual kingdom of darkness, then we know the interests of this kingdom are colliding with the interests of a competing spiritual authority and power – the Kingdom of God.

So, what are these competing interests?

The interests of the Kingdom of God revolve around God’s Vision for creating – that His Man would rule His creation WITH Him in the fullness of His Nature and Character.  Since God’s creation is comprised of two realms – heaven

and earth – the interest of His Kingdom is that His Man would rule both the spiritual and material worlds WITH Him.  This is what Jesus does and is doing, and this is what He is inviting us to do WITH Him as He marches toward the end goal of God’s Plan that He would be “all in all.” (1Cor. 15:22 – 28)

This is a very simple proposition to Jesus who puts it like this:

“As in heaven so also in the earth.” (Matthew 6:10)

So, whatever is done in heaven is to be done on the earth. And so, in Jesus’ mind, the way heaven operates is the way the earth is to operate, as well. This, then, is the interest of the Kingdom of God under Jesus’ rule – that God’s Man would rule all of creation WITH Him just as Heaven decrees.

The interest of the kingdom of darkness is very different.  Satan doesn’t want any part of God’s Man ruling. Instead, his vision is that he’s the Supreme Ruler of the earth (“god of this world”) with God’s Man being his slave.

These are diametrically opposed interests that not only collide; they are irreconcilably hostile toward each other. We see this hostility being played out through the way each Ruler of each spiritual kingdom engages Man in the conflict.

On the one hand, Jesus invites God’s Man to see the Virus as He sees it so we can rule it WITH Him. On the other hand, Satan uses the Virus to incite fear and panic in Man so he can mobilize God’s Man to do his bidding as his slaves.  So, the point of collision between the two spiritual kingdoms is over the singular issue of rulership – who’s going to reign?  It’s the same issue for us, too.

“While listening to these things, Jesus added a parable for the purpose of laying the argument to rest. . . because they held the opinion that the Kingdom of God was ready and sure to appear immediately.

“So He said, ‘A man of noble race was going to depart to a far distant country to aggressively lay hold of and seize a kingdom for himself and return.

“And he summoned ten of his bond-slaves who had no ownership rights of their own and gave to them ten minas, saying to them to lay the argument to rest, ‘Do business, make gain and manage profitably in the realm in which I come and go.’

 “But his citizens [not foreigners] hated him, renouncing their choice; and afterwards sent a delegation with a defined mission, saying and laying the argument to rest, ‘We desire what is best for us that this man not reign over us.’ “

(Luke 19:11 – 14) [Brackets added for clarification and emphasis]

Spiritual warfare.


If we’re going to accept Jesus’ invitation to join Him in the conflict, it might be a good idea to examine some of the characteristics that make up and govern spiritual warfare. We’re not talking about the brand of spiritual warfare that’s taught and demonstrated in most Christian churches. This warfare is a fabrication conceived and propagated by the spirit of the church that’s really about me – my salvation, my sins, my forgiveness, my deliverance, my healing, my money, my wretchedness, my repentance, my power, my authority, my dreams – where Jesus fights all my battles and defeats all my enemies for me so I can live a blessed and victorious Christian life.

This is not to minimize the importance of any of these things or anyone who’s experiencing hardship or the devil actually resisting them. But, for clarity’s sake, this is not spiritual warfare. It’s the Me Gospel disguising common troubles or

spiritual resistance or the misdirecting Christian doctrine of “the authority of the believer” as spiritual warfare. Each of these has me at the center to ensure that we keep our eyes fixed on me instead of on Jesus and what He’s doing.

By contrast, the spiritual warfare that Jesus is involved in is highly strategic. It’s the real-life kingdom vs. kingdom conflict that’s for all the marbles. But, it isn’t until we start engaging IN the war WITH Jesus that we begin to understand what the war is really about and why the outcome is inevitable.

Satan is simply no match for Jesus’ strategic and tactical genius while we are no match for Satan when we play by his rules. Learning the very important distinction between resistance and warfare is an example. They are not the same. Only those who are doing WITH Jesus what He has spoken to them are subject to or engaged in spiritual warfare. Satan does not expend his military assets on those who are not doing what the Lord Jesus is telling them to do.

However, Satan does resist those who are trying to follow Jesus but haven’t yet become aware of or haven’t fully embraced the discipline of living by “each and every part of the totality of every spoken word that comes out from the mouth of God and the effect and influence it has on the man.’ “ (Matthew 4:4)

Resistance in this instance has two primary objectives:

1. To create a false sense of spiritual (i.e., Christian) effectiveness, and

2. To dissuade the individual from continuing on the path of hearing and doing WITH Jesus.

When dissuasion is in play it is typically accompanied by strong temptation. The sole mission of the temptation is to convince the person to make a decision or to take an action independent of Jesus. If the temptation is successful, the individual will be convinced that it’s not only right to decide or act on his or her own but also appropriate. But, once they so decide or act the person is neutralized because they are no longer hearing and doing WITH Jesus.

Although many are, indeed, experiencing difficulty and pain in their lives, they are wrongly characterizing their difficulty as spiritual warfare when in reality it is spiritual resistance. Taking the time to step back and allowing the Lord Jesus to

bring a clear understanding of this distinction is an important component to understanding the characteristics of authentic spiritual warfare.

To engage in spiritual warfare means to secure by conquest spiritual territory that Satan has previously controlled and considers his. These conflicts can only be engaged WITH Jesus by and through what He speaks, when He speaks it.

Joshua discovered the importance of this in the conquest of the Promised Land when Israel was defeated at Ai and then outsmarted by the Gibeonites. (Joshua 7 and 9, especially verses 14, 15)

Jesus taught the Apostle Paul this who described it like this:

“And personally receive in a welcoming way the saving and defensive helmet of salvation and the short sword, dagger and slaughter-knife that is used for stabbing to exact retribution in war and judicial punishment, which is the spoken word and command of God, the Creator and Owner of all things.” (Ephesians 6:17)

Jesus wielded this slaughter-knife of God’s spoken word when He neutralized and rendered inoperable the devil’s temptations in the wilderness, in the Garden of Gethsemane and then on the cross. He also put it to work when He cast out demons, healed the sick, raised the dead, calmed the storm; opened the eyes of the blind, the ears of the deaf and the mouths of the mute; freed those who were bound; and commanded Peter to walk on the water WITH Him.

As miraculous and astounding as we consider these exploits to be, Jesus described them as His lesser works. And lesser they are because they have all passed away. But, as He did WITH His disciples then, so He is doing WITH us now as He invites us to participate WITH Him in His greater works that will never pass away.

And so, everything Jesus does in life, in administering His Father’s Kingdom and in spiritual warfare He does by first speaking. What this means, then, is that when He brings us into a theater of conflict, our success lies solely and only WITH Him.

“Therefore by extension, Jesus answered and was saying to them to lay the argument to rest, ‘Sure, certain and true is this statement of pivotal importance that I say to you, laying the argument to rest: The Son is not able nor is He empowered to do even one thing of and from Himself. The condition extending to that one – anyone – is to look at the physical realm to see what the Father is doing in the spiritual realm, so the needed action can be taken. For indeed, these are the conditions for what that one does. In like manner, this is what the Son also does.’ “ (John 5:19)

The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 1

Friday, July 24th, 2020

My Beloved Brother Steve wrote this paper and I am sharing it in installments with you:

The report is comprised of 2 major themes:

1. The COVID-19 outbreak is not an isolated event. It’s a device that has been mobilized by spiritual powers to achieve a spiritual strategic objective.

2. Jesus is not reacting to the COVID-19 Pandemic. He’s ahead of the curve and is, instead, leading it to His intended outcome.


“And the serpent cast water like a torrent out of his mouth with eloquence in speech but like the point of a sword back, behind and after the woman, My Wife, My Lady, so as to manufacture and cause her to be carried away by the stream.

“But the physical earth and land that operates in material time and space heard the urgent cry of distress and quickly came to give immediate aid to the woman, My Wife, My Lady; and the physical earth and land that operates in material time and space opened its mouth with eloquent speech like a point of a sword and consumed, devoured and destroyed the torrent which the dragon, the seeing one, cast out of his mouth. “So the seeing one, the dragon, was enraged, fixed in

anger and settled in opposition with the woman, My Wife, My Lady, and went off to make war with her remaining seed and offspring who watch over to guard, maintain and preserve intact the orders and commands of God and hold to the witness, testimony and reputation of Jesus.” (Revelation 12:15 – 17)

“You cannot give the right answer until you first ask the right question.”

(Circa 1985)

Whenever something bursts onto the scene with the force to carry away, the wise response is to not be carried by it but to take a step back to observe the bigger picture WITH Jesus while asking why? This is the mind that seeks wisdom – the way God thinks.

So, that’s what we will do. We’ll take a step back to observe the bigger picture WITH Jesus while asking:

Is the coronavirus outbreak an isolated event or is it part of something bigger than itself?

If the answer is the coronavirus outbreak is an isolated event, an unfortunate mishap of nature, then our work is done. The world is doing the best it can under the circumstances.

However, if the answer is the Virus is a part of something bigger than itself then that consideration poses a different set of factors that must be examined more closely. Included among them is the sobering realization that to be a part of

something bigger means the part is a necessary component to achieving the bigger. This moves the isolated event from an unfortunate mishap to a product of intelligent design, one that possesses the key building blocks of strategy – intent, purpose, means, outcome and the mobilization of resource.

This changes the equation because strategy only exists in a competitive environment where one party is attempting to gain advantage over another. In non-lethal engagements, like in sports or business, it’s called competition. In lethal engagements, like with nations or kingdoms, it’s called war.

Strategy is a military term that comes from the Greek word, strategia, which means “art of the general or generalship.” The art of strategy is that it is comprised of stratagems – schemes, devices and maneuvers designed to trick or outwit an opponent. Misdirection is the core function of stratagem. Its purpose is to make the opponent think one thing while another is happening. Anything can be used as a tool to misdirect, but whatever first catches the eye or is the first conclusion drawn by the mind is usually the misdirection when stratagem is in play.

Strategy, then, is an artful plan devised by a sophisticated command leader to achieve a predefined outcome by outwitting his adversary. The presence of strategy not only affirms intent but also serves as a window into the command leader’s objectives and attitude toward his adversary.

And so, the existence of strategy is a big deal because it reveals adversarial intent. By necessity, then, it shifts the focus from examining random events to determining the strategy’s source. Because strategy is a product of intelligent design, there can be only two sources or origins from which strategy can be devised: Human or Spiritual.

Human Origin

A strategy that has a human origin is exactly what it implies: It’s human. And so, it only serves a human interest and thus only affects the physical earth, which operates in and is confined by time and space. This encases the strategy within the confines of the earth, which, by spiritual standards, then makes the strategy a short-term, nonessential venture.

The list of humans or human entities capable of devising, commanding and executing a strategy of the Virus’s reach and magnitude are few – the ultra-rich, covert operatives, multinational corporations, nation states. When the element of defense (if found out) is added, the list narrows to a single option – nation states. Only they have the sophistication, motive, callous nature, defense capability and wherewithal to pull off a pandemic-type strategy that has the ability to alter the geo-political balance of power for generations to come.

When considering the potential candidates of nation states that can originate and carry out this kind of strategy, the list is also few. This shifts the human origin focus to identifying the nation or nations that benefit most from the strategy’s effect and outcome, and who also have the ability to mobilize business and institutional interests to advance the scheme.

By way of example, as of the release date of this writing the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases worldwide is over 10.5M of which over 500,000 have died. It didn’t take long for the US to become the most infected nation, which now has over 2.6M confirmed cases and over 127,500 deaths. So, the US – the most medically advanced nation in the world – that represents only 4.25% of the world’s population, has nearly 25% of the world’s confirmed cases and more than 25% of its deaths. That’s a 6 to 1 ratio.

This is a fascinatingly disproportionate statistic, especially when compared to China where the coronavirus originated. China represents 18.5% of the world’s population and yet has reported only 85,200 confirmed cases with 4,650 deaths.

So, the nation that’s nearly 4 ½ times larger than the US, has about 3% as many confirmed cases with 3% as many deaths as the US.

The statistical anomaly exists between cities, too. Wuhan, the Chinese city where the coronavirus broke out has a similar metropolitan area population (19M) as NYC (20M). Yet, Hubei Province, where Wuhan is located, has reported 68,000 confirmed cases with 4,500 deaths, while NYC has reported over 483,000 confirmed cases with 38,000 deaths. So, while comparable in population, Wuhan has 14% as many confirmed cases with 12% as many deaths as NYC.

So, the country and city where the coronavirus broke out have both experienced a fraction of the health effects as the US. China could, of course, be hiding their real numbers, but then that would be a marker of strategy, which shows intent.

In addition to the health impact of the strategy, there’s also the economic impact. This has leveled the economic playing field between the world’s two biggest economies – the US and China. It also has supported China’s decades-long objective of gaining economic parity with the US in route to achieving its goal of becoming the dominant political and economic power in the world.

There are other indicators that China is the prime beneficiary of the Virus’s economic impact. On October 11, 2019 – three years after Trump’s election – he announced that the two nations had agreed to a new trade deal that was largely imposed on an unwilling China by an economically superior US through Trump’s tariff strategy. Then:

• 37 days later on November 17, 2019, the first coronavirus case surfaced in China’s Hubei Province. It quickly spread to the international business, mobile tech and biotech center of Wuhan, China, and then from there to the rest of the world, especially to the US, which had a heavy business presence in Wuhan.

• 3 months later the US economy locked down wiping out the 3 year, $7T gain under Trump’s presidency.

• On March 11, 2020 – 5 months to the day from Trump’s announcement – WHO (the World Health Organization) declares COVID-19 a global pandemic.

Within 6 months of the trade deal announcement, the Virus that originated in China had neutralized the US’s cudgel of economic might resulting in a reversal of roles. The offensive player (US) was now put on the defensive, and the defensive player (China) was now on the offensive compliments of the new, leveled economic playing field.

Then, 2 ½ months later, a strengthened and emboldened China proved the point. In the face of its now weakened and distracted adversary whose economy had been crippled by the coronavirus, China aggressively advanced its economic ambitions by passing a National Security Law that tightened its grip on the economic powerhouse of Hong Kong.

On all fronts – health, economics, power – China (with its business and institutional allies) appears to be the strategy’s biggest winner while the US appears to be its biggest loser.

Of greater concern, however, is that these fronts have been lethal. This gives the strategy the markings of a war strategy, which raises the stakes for everyone in the world who is being encased by the strategy’s human architect. These are the kinds of factors that must be examined and calculated if one concludes the strategy has a human origin.

And then there’s Saudi Arabia.  Strategy…

Spiritual Origin

As a human origin strategy serves a human interest within the confines of the physical earth, so a spiritual origin strategy serves the interests of the spiritual kingdom that conceived it. So, whatever happens in the earth related to the strategy, the source and power behind that activity is spiritual.

This is what’s happening with the coronavirus.

The people, institutions and nations of the world are but pawns in a game that is bigger than they are. And so, while thinking their actions are serving their interests, they and their actions are, in reality, only serving the interests of the spiritual architect that conceived the strategy – the kingdom of darkness.

“Because to us the wrestling, struggle and conflict is not against flesh and blood, but against the originating chief rulers; against those delegated with authority to act in a designated jurisdiction; against the world rulers who influence the lives of people; against this spiritual darkness of pain-ridden evil and wickedness in the heavenly realm.” (Ephesians 6:12)

Our Delegated Power And Authority

Thursday, July 23rd, 2020

King David, by The Holy Spirit, record in Psalm chapter 8:

1 Lord, YOUR Name is so great and powerful!

People everywhere see YOUR splendor.

YOUR glorious majesty streams from the heavens,

filling the earth with the fame of YOUR NAME!

2 YOU have built a stronghold by the songs of babies.

Strength rises up with the chorus of singing children.

This kind of praise has the power to shut Satan’s mouth.

Childlike worship will silence

the madness of those who oppose YOU.

3 Look at the splendor of YOUR skies,

YOUR creative genius glowing in the heavens.

When I gaze at YOUR moon and your stars,

mounted like jewels in their settings,

I know YOU are the fascinating artist who fashioned it all!

But when I look up and see

such wonder and workmanship above,

I have to ask YOU this question:

4 Compared to all this cosmic glory,

why would YOU bother with puny, mortal man

or be infatuated with Adam’s sons?

5 Yet what honor YOU have given to men,

created only a little lower than Elohim,

crowned like kings and queens with glory and magnificence.

6 YOU have delegated to them

mastery over all YOU have made,

making everything subservient to their authority,

placing earth itself under the feet of YOUR image-bearers.

7–8 All the created order and every living thing

of the earth, sky, and sea—

the wildest beasts and all the sea creatures—

everything is in submission to Adam’s sons.

9 LORD, YOUR Name is so great and powerful.

People everywhere see YOUR majesty!

What glory streams from the heavens,

filling the earth with the fame of Your Name!

You and I are meant to have power and authority over FATHER’S creation for HE delegated that responsibility to us.  We must jettison our past and embrace the future FATHER has laid before us.  You and I are not to serve man’s soulish motives but are to serve FATHER’S righteous intents for our lives. 

Each of us has been given gifts and their associated callings.  The Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf as we pray in THE SPIRIT thus speaking forth our prayers in the purest fashion.  Yes, we must let patience have its perfect work but in the end, FATHER provides to us and for us in HIS perfect timing.

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Romans 11:

29 For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call.]  (AMPC)

Don’t let past sins convince you that you can no longer walk according to FATHER’S plans and intent for you.  Jesus has zero recall of your sins once you have repented and applied His Blood to your past.  He won’t bring up your past and neither should you dwell on it any longer.  The past curses spoken over you and me are broken and are of none effect.

Jeremiah recorded by The Holy Spirit in chapter 29:

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on ME and come and pray to ME, and I will listen to you.”

People living in scarcity are often critical of those who are being blessed in a great fashion.  Unless FATHER directly tells you to speak a Word from HIM about someone else’s good fortune, it is best to remain quiet.  The wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous (Proverbs 13:22).

It takes financial resources to spread the Gospel in the current system.  We should expect blessings to come our way as we require them to spread the Gospel and walk in the fullness of our callings.  FATHER delegated authority to us and we can’t walk in its fullness if we are broke and unable to go from point a to point b.

The Remnant will not hesitate to expect success as we move forward through the chaos.  Fear will not be found among us and FATHER will provide us with the Words and actions to navigate and address the issues ahead.  We must walk in great faith with a foundation of Agape Love. 

Expect FATHER’S correction and judgment to come forth to those who would resist HIS plan.  The spirit of deception is being exposed and will be dealt with in HIS righteous judgments.  We must not be on the wrong side of FATHER’S Plans.  Take no position apart from His Will.