The Fear of THE LORD: Part 24

When we truly walk in the Fear of THE LORD, we will be passionate and no longer be seen as lukewarm!

Jesus spoke in John chapter 14:

21 Those who truly Love Me are those who obey My commands. Whoever passionately Loves Me will be passionately Loved by My Father. And I will passionately Love him in return and will reveal Myself to him.”

23 Jesus replied, “Loving Me empowers you to obey My Word. And My Father will Love you so deeply that We will come to you and make you Our Dwelling Place.

If you are not passionate, you will slide into formality and lukewarmness.

12“I tell you this timeless Truth: The person who follows Me in faith, believing in Me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father!

13 For I will do whatever you ask Me to do when you ask Me in My Name. And that is how the Son will show what the Father is really like and bring glory to Him. 14 Ask Me anything in My Name, and I will do it for you!”

Jesus spoke in Revelation chapter 3:

14  Write the following to the messenger of the congregation in Laodicea, for these are the Words of the Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Ruler of God’s creation:

Who better to reveal deception than Jesus!

15 I know all that you do, and I know that you are neither frozen in apathy nor fervent with passion. How I wish you were either one or the other!

16 But because you are neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm, I am about to spit you from My Mouth.

17 For you claim, “I’m rich and getting richer—I don’t need a thing.” Yet you are clueless that you’re miserable, poor, blind, barren, and naked!

A person who is walking in deception does not realize he or she is being deceived.  How do I know?  I have experienced this condition.  I allowed myself to listen to those who could logically use Scriptures to unlock what they claimed as mysteries hidden only to certain people who would embrace their logic.  Even though I had been baptized by The Holy Spirit and had heard FATHER’S Voice in the past, I succumbed to their false doctrines, though they seemed logical and reasonable at the time.  FATHER, in HIS Great Grace and Mercy, delivered me from the deception.  My wife never bought into the error being promoted.  Fortunately, I finally listened to her in the simplicity of what she was saying.  So much for my analytical mind!  She is a true “help meet”.

18 So I counsel you to purchase gold perfected by fire, so that you can be truly rich. Purchase a white garment to cover and clothe your shameful Adam-nakedness. Purchase eye salve to be placed over your eyes so that you can truly see.

19 All those I dearly Love I unmask and train. So repent and be eager to pursue what is right.

20 Behold, I’m standing at the door, knocking. If your heart is open to hear My Voice and you open the door within, I will come in to you and feast with you, and you will feast with Me.

21 And to the one who conquers I will give the privilege of sitting with Me on My Throne, just as I conquered and sat down with My Father on his throne.

22 The one whose heart is open let him listen carefully to what the Spirit is saying now to the churches.

If you have lost your passion, you need to do a “welfare check” and see what and who you are listening to.  As we move toward the Refining Fire, we will walk in a passion that comes from FATHER’S Heart!

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