Is WW III ahead?

Syria continues to be on the forefront of network news.  You can step back and look at global power views and see what they want us focused on.  Do the globalists want us in another war?  Zero percent interest rates prevail since there is not enough consumption to bring the economy out of its true recession.  Both Iran and Syria are apparently destabilizing the Middle East and the U.S. will protect its energy interests.  The following chart shows that we are in unprecedented, uncharted area now:



The short-term American economy has been “fixed” by wars in the past only to see its economic health suffer in the long term.  Instability in other areas of the world cause a flight of capital to U.S. Dollars.  This bodes well for the current state where the U.S. Dollar is losing its reserve status.  The macroeconomic picture does not reflect recovery but instead it reflects substantial uncertainty that has no solution.  This would indicate that precious metals will be the insurance of choice.  There is so much sovereign debt out there that no central bank can afford to allow interest rates to rise.  Ultra low rates cause baby boomers and seniors to quit spending since they cannot see an improvement in cash flow on their investments/retirement income.  Both situations feed on each other.  Consumption based on a major war machine is one alternative.  Let us pray that this alternative is not sought to fix an ill-fated economy.

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