Who do you trust?

The Internet has allowed experts around the world to publish their opinions for all to read, hear, or view.  What a wealth on knowledge and information!  You can gain knowledge and skill by researching facts, tips, and how-to videos.  The problem is that we need two other facets to round out our life: wisdom and understanding.

I am amazed how people will listen to a wealthy person expounding on a topic where the wealthy person has little or no understanding.  If you became wealthy by building widgets, why should I place any credibility on your speech about global warming?  There is this belief among the masses that a wealthy person must have been “anointed” with understanding in all areas of life.  Wrong!  That person was good at one or two things and applied his skills along with Heaven’s willingness to allow his actions to bring forth wealth.

Over the years we find errors in the logic of experts.  Their formulas for success no longer work.  Their success was only achieved in a short window in time.  The young Bill Gates of Microsoft tried to sell his Windows operating system to IBM for about $70,000.  He needed the money.  IBM passed on the deal and Gates went on to be a billionaire.  He was fortunate they failed to see the potential.  How brilliant was that attempt to sell the one asset that would make you rich?

As for me, I prefer to get my understanding and wisdom from above.  What better source of wisdom and understanding than the One who created Heaven and earth:

Jeremiah 33:25-26 This is what the LORD says: ‘If I have not established my covenant with day and night and the fixed laws of heaven and earth, then I will reject the descendants of Jacob and David my servant and will not choose one of his sons to rule over the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For I will restore their fortunes and have compassion on them.’"

Our Heavenly Father confirmed HIS Covenant with the descendants of Jacob and David.  HIS Covenant with me is as sure as the fixed laws of heaven and earth, day and night.  I trust HIS Word, HIS precepts, HIS Law, and most of all, HIS Love.  Who can compare to the Creator?  Why do men go to and fro looking for the next big thing when you simply can go to your prayer closet and find what you ought to be focused on?  When we truly trust in the LORD with all of our being, we know that we have the wisdom and understanding to guide us through this life.  Does it get any better than that?

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