Unity of Purpose

Do you believe we all have the exact same doctrine, belief, or understanding?  No.  What is important is that we all agree on purpose.  The purpose of unity153.net can be summed up in one line of the LORD’S Prayer:  Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Jesus gave us the model prayer to be prayed.  If our actions were not necessary, HE would not have given us this prayer.  Our Heavenly Father established the “two or three witnesses” requirement for something to be established on earth.  The LORD’S Prayer reaffirms the plan to bring the Kingdom to earth.

When you build a house, you bring subcontractors into unity.  Each has a different calling but all those callings come together with the materials and equipment to build the house.  They work from a set of blueprints that determine what the end product should look like.  Some of the plans focus on the frame of the house whereas others focus on foundation, electrical, or plumbing.  Each contractor is given his task even though he may not understand what the other contractors are doing.  Is it any different in establishing the Kingdom?

Our Heavenly Father is the Master Architect.  HE is bringing HIS workmen together in unity of purpose.  They must be seasoned workmen with mature character.  Will HE tolerate abuses of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit as many of us saw in previous decades?  No.  HE is looking for workmen who walk in Love, willing to give of themselves fully for HIS purpose.  Our Heavenly Father has been molding and developing vessels for HIS use.  Some of us are called to be intercessors, some are called to establish Kingdom Companies to fund activities, some are called to minister in their prayer closets, some are called to evangelize in other countries.  Each of us is important to the purpose.

As we grow in our numbers, we will hit a tipping point where Our Heavenly Father will give us the next phase of establishing HIS Kingdom.  The features and functions of the unity153.net website will grow as well.  The Spiritual Network will evolve into a robust network of committed believers with a unity of purpose.  If you yearn for the day the Kingdom to come then you should be a part of unity153.net.  If you know of others who have that same passion, you should tell them of unity153.net.

“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”

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