House to House

Acts 5:42   And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.

As the saying goes:  There are three types of people-  Those that make things happen, those that watch things happen, and those that wonder what happened!

The disciples had been empowered in the Holy Spirit at the Day of Pentecost and were spreading the Gospel of good news of Jesus Christ.  There was only one temple in Jerusalem so the disciples went house to house teaching and preaching.  How wonderful it is to do the same today via the Internet.  Our Bible study is meant to enhance personal growth that will result in producing good fruit for the Kingdom.  It is good to keep abreast of the corporate big picture but we should not forsake the fellowshipping of the saints even if it is via the Internet.  We now that Sherry to monitor your questions or comments during the meeting.  The second broadcast went smoother than the first… we are getting the hang of it.  I encourage you to invite people over to view our Bible study and then have your own discussion after the broadcast.  What a way to spread the Gospel!

Our goal is not to tickle your ears with information but to bring forth truths that will bring forth manifested fruit for the Kingdom.  If you don’t plant good seed, you won’t produce good fruit.  One of our members has already had fruit come forth in an encounter with a family member.  I expect more reports of good fruit to come forth as we pursue the greatest revelation of the Scripture-Love.

I will be out of town for three days ministering to a beloved friend in need.  Those that did not participate in the Bible study yesterday can view it at  Search on “unity153”.  What better way to start the week than to focus on Love.

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