The word Constitutional has a homeopathic derivation. It refers to homeopathic remedies that are prescribed based on the personality of the individual rather than just the totality of symptoms as described by Hahnemann. The whole personality is taken into account – moods, fears, temperament, likes, dislikes, lifestyle and reactions to stress.

Constitutionals states represent a global picture of the individual-spirit, soul and body.

Electrodermally, constitutional codes are derived from homeopathic Constitutional remedies. The most common site to detect Constitutional codes is at the Hypothalamic site TW 20.

Functions of the hypothalamus are many, ranging from heat loss to heat conservation, thirst, satiety, water balance, hunger, milk ejection and uterine contraction, circadian rhythms, endocrine activity, emotions, sleep cycles, recent memory, emotions including rage, and autonomic nerve function with both sympathomimetic and parasympathomimetic activity. Like the Constitutional remedies, the Hypothalamus has a wide range of expression.

Homeopathic constitutional remedies correct abnormal constitutional traits that are detected by the process of repertorization.

The following is a list of Constitutional signals detected by me during the preparation of my manuscript for An Electrodermal Analysis of Biological Conductance, (there are others). A brief description of traits associated with each constitutional state is given as described in various homeopathic repertories.

The description of the traits is based on the toxic effects these substances had on the persons involved in the toxicity experiments, also known as provings. .According to homeopathic theory, a toxic sign or symptom developing during a proving was an indication for a homeopathic remedy for one presenting with a similar sign or symptom, or smiilimum.

As an example, for someone with red, burning eyes with profuse lachrymation, Allium Cepa (Red Onion) is the indicated homeopathic remedy. I’ve proven Allium Cepa many times when I cut onions.

Constitutional codes detected at the Hypothalamic Site, TW 20, corrects abnormal conductance at this site thereby reflecting hypothalamic dysfunction as well.

In electrodermal profile development Constitutional codes should be determined first or at least early in the iterative process. In my experience the case will move to completion much more rapidly if you correct abnormalities at this site early in your analysis.


Alumina: defines a slowing of neural function in the peripheral and central nervous system with: constipation, confusion, vagueness, mental impairment and dementia.

Argentum Nitricum: involves the loss of control of neural, mental and emotional function leading to mental aberrations and a strange personality.

Arsenicum Album: defines mental and emotional conditions based on insecurity: anxiety about health, fear of death, dependency upon others for support, fear of poverty, compulsiveness to control personal environment in order to be secure, despair in being unable to control fear.

Bryonia: a state of disturbed motor function. There is aggravation by motion. Even mentally they do not want to be disturbed.

Calcarea Carbonica: a ubiquitous polycrest, common to most of the population in a variety of conditions, mainly those relating to fears and phobias; with concerns about work and responsibility.

Calcarea Phosphorica: a mental state of deep-seated discontent.

Causticum: a polycrest with two main areas of involvement-the nervous system with mental dullness and forgetfulness and connective tissue with progressive debility and stiffness.

Graphities: seen in those who are heavy-set, thick-skinned, slow thinking, simple, and earthy with mental fogginess and dullness.

Hepar Sulfuris Calcareum: a state of being oversensitive to external stimuli, such as, the weather, noise, light, chemicals and drafts.

Lachesis: a state of intense inner response to stimulation leading to sexual excitation, jealously, loquacity, and rapid mental processing.

Lycopodium: a state characterized by fears and phobias do to marked feelings of inferiority.

Magnesia Carbonica: A state characterized by fatigue, weakness and failure to thrive.

Natrum Muriaticum: a complex psychological state associated with deep grief and sorrow.

Nux Vomica: associated with the “conqueror”-an ambitious, competitive, aggressive, arrogant and angry personality.

Phosphorus: A personality with a non-critical sense of self-conduct; no boundaries; not centered; “flighty”.

Platina: an egocentric, self-absorbed personality, prone to promiscuous sexual excesses.

Pulsatilla: “the female principle”, soft, shy in need of self-assurance, weeps easily.

Sepia: a state characterized by stasis, a lack of a dynamic internal interaction especially in sexual and hormonal functions.

Silica: defective metabolism with physical and mental weakness and low stamina.

Stramonium: a state of convulsive violence in thought and act, pointing to an imbalance and fragility of the nervous system.

Sulfur: a state of “the inspired ego” -ambitious, intellectual and detached (sloppy).

From the above description it is clear that there are physical, mental, emotional and volitional issues that involve conductance at the TW20 site.

TW 20 is but one site that relates to electromagnetic abnormalities in the physical mental and emotional sphere. Currently the relationship between TW 20 and the constitutional state is inferred, but probably accurate. For further proof of a valid relationship sensitivity and specificity studies will be needed.

Bailey, Phillip M., Homeopathic Psychology (Berekeley, Homeopathic Educationl Services, 1995)

Boericke, William, Homeopathic Materia Medica, 9th Edition, (Santa Rosa, Boericke and Taffel Publishers, 1927)

Morrison, Roger, Desktop Guide (Albany, Hahneman Clinic Publishing, 1993).


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