Ready for a Stress Test?

Our Heavenly Father places people and resources in place in anticipation of upcoming events.  Next month will mark my seventh year of focus on the revelation of Love, as mandated by My Heavenly Father in 1997.  As we respond to HIS Voice, HE puts us on a course that is integrated into HIS overall plan.  With very few exceptions, we are not given the full picture of what we will be specifically called to do in the future.  If we were, we would probably screw things up a bit.  HE sees no need to reduce the effectiveness of HIS plan with our resistance to adversity.  Our adversities are designed to strengthen us, hone our faith, express our Love, and implicitly trust Our Heavenly Father.  We are not prepared with all of this stress testing and these trials to simply pass the time.  There is a reason.

In the current system, there is also stress testing:

“The Federal Reserve is asking 30 big banks to make sure their capital can withstand a deep recession in which the unemployment rate rises to 12%.”  See:

Consider the landscape where there is another 50% unemployed based on the currently massaged statistics.  That would approach the the 1930’s Depression era levels in real terms.  This is not intended put fear in your heart but to provide further understanding of the importance of preparing your heart as a mature overcomer.  Each of us should be personally growing in our walk with Our Heavenly Father.  Yes, there are outwardly things to do but more importantly we must prepare ourselves inwardly.  The inward aspects of our life will manifest outwardly, not the other way around.  Faith, Hope, and Love will all be required when times become dicey, but the greatest requirement of these is Love.  What is your level of preparedness?

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