Low Interest Rates mask the problem

As a former Chief Financial Officer (CFO), I can tell you that corporate spending decisions are highly effected by the cost of money.  Decisions to build, expand, etc. are all about return on investment.  Why do you think Corporate America has moved all of its manufacturing offshore?  It’s all about the bottom line.  The average worker or the future of American infrastructure does not matter.  It is every man for himself and that is the crux of the problem of the current macroeconomic model.

The current system is based on greed and self-interest and is identified historically by its boom and bust cycles.  Fear and greed play their role in moving up and down the economic cycle.  The stock market reflects this reality.  Central planners play with the cycle, sometimes extending some aspect of it, but in the end the cycle continues its roller coaster ride.

Germany has thrown in the austerity towel and is now in the money printing business as well.  They see no other way but to join in with the other countries.  Their self-interest necessitates the change in policy.  Why make their citizens suffer when other countries won’t go down the road of austerity to correct the overall problem.

Ben Bernanke’s bet on low interest rates will ultimately backfire.  Do you really think that a handful of intellectuals can accurately assess the complexity of the global economic system?  Only Our Heavenly Father has the capacity to properly guide people through a righteous and equitable path to prosperity.  Time and time again, history proves this to be correct.

Zero interest rates do work in a righteous economy.  Scripture tells us to not charge usury to our brothers and sisters but the current motivation isn’t Biblical-based economics.  The unrighteousness in the current system only serves to further the problem.  Greed perpetuates the current direction and the central planners will throw anyone under the bus who gets in their way.  They use terms such as “greater good” and “you don’t understand” as they rationalize their new economic theories.

Gold and silver will ultimately migrate their way to new highs.  The dam of resistance will at some point give way to the true market price of these two precious metals.  You can’t use one Biblical principle (zero interest rate) and expect unrighteous acts to sustain themselves indefinitely.  Our Heavenly Father does not look the other way simply ignoring the bigger issue of greed.  The Heavenly Court will ultimately rule in favor of righteousness.  Those who are called to Spiritual Warfare will lead the way for a Heavenly ruling to come down in favor of the righteous.  Judgment will be assessed on the current system and the day of reckoning will come forth.  Until this day comes forth, we must remain vigilant and continue pressing in and aligning ourselves with the righteousness and character of Our Heavenly Father.  Yes, we will  have some setbacks but overall we will move toward full maturity.  We must not become complacent and accept the current system as being permanent.  The problems are there no matter how much the central planners try to cover them up with half truths, manipulated rates, or managed reports of false recovery.  Our Heavenly Father will give us plenty of time to reach maturity but when the day of reckoning arrives, judgment will come in full force on the current system and there will be no refuge for the lies anymore.

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