De-cluttering Your Life

Jesus had no storage units.  Many baby boomers had parents who lived through the Great Depression.  Things were scarce back then.  You saved buttons, thread, nuts, bolts, and washers.  Today’s children have no idea how bad it was.  Many people were flat broke but survived with minimal resources.  You had to be creative on the playground.  Kids climbed trees, kicked cans, and played marbles.  There were no IPads, IPods, and Nintendo DS’s.  Kids played outside until it was time to take a bath and go to bed.

Nowadays life is dramatically different.  Relationships take backseat to technology.  “Texting allows you to control the conversation” says an avid texting person when quizzed by a researcher.  Since when do we need to “control” a conversation?  Once again the ego is raising its ugly head to stay in control.  91% of the adults in America have cell phones, mostly smart phones.  Have we conveyed our intelligence to the phone?  See:  Are you “disconnected”?

When I went to distribute funds to the families yesterday, it was clear how quickly things can be removed from our lives.  The Jameson family’s house was near the end of the tornado track below.  One minute they had a house and storage buildings full of possessions accumulated over the course of their multi-decade marriage.  The next minute, most all of it was gone but their family was still intact.  The tornado de-cluttered their lives in a minute.  However the impact will take months to overcome.  I guess they don’t need that garage sale now.  Life has become simple once again.  After all, it’s all about people, not things.  Jesus impacted the entire globe without any technology or “stuff”.  Don’t sweat the stuff, go give someone a hug today.


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