Raising a Remnant

This book summary is appropriate to the “here and now”:

Isaiah 1:9 states, “Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.” Throughout the ages the Lord has reserved a people unto Himself (Romans11:4,5) who resemble a stream of living water winding its way through the wilderness until it assembles as a pool in the end, becoming a lake surrounded by the arid earth. These people believing God’s promises, carry within themselves from one generation to the next the love of the truth of the Kingdom of God. Hebrews chapter eleven provides us testimony of some of these believers. This Remnant preserves mankind unto the coming Day of the Lord Jesus Christ. After the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches and the lusts of other things have claimed their toll on the majority of men, those who remain are those who adhere to the promises of God. This Remnant in the end shall be raised up as His standard. In that time, that which has been unseen shall be seen, for it will be revealed through the Remnant.

You may purchase this book at:  www.unity153.net  and click on “Books” button.

If you don’t have the funds, please don’t let that stop you from getting this important writing.  Write us:

Servias Ministries

PO Box 1471

Bethany,  OK  73008

We will gladly send you the book at our expense.  Now is the time to prepare yourself for what lies ahead.  As for me, I have read it once and will read and study it again.  The truths in it are important for us to have written on our hearts and foreheads.

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