Gold Futures Market moving toward disarray

The physical gold market is extremely tight to the point where the cash price is greater than the future price reflected in the paper market.  This is called backwardation.  This may decouple the two markets from each other.  Cash gold exchanges are cropping up in other countries around the world.

Turmoil will continue as the Fed continues to delay the reckoning that must occur.  The “Mother of all bubbles (Moab)” in the bond market will burst before long.  Some observers believe that gold will soar to $50,000 per ounce.  It that indeed happens, silver could soar to its classic ratio with gold of 16 to 1 thereby ascending to a price of $3,125 per ounce.

Morgan Stanley has $75 Trillion of derivatives on their books.  How in the world do you unwind that position?  The financial markets are highly unstable and finding the right security that will remain unaffected by the bursting of the Moab will be impossible.  The markets are now so interconnected, all paper investments will be in harm’s way.  You must find an investment that Bernanke cannot control.  You must reduce your leverage so that you can weather the collapse of markets when that black swan event triggers the bursting.  The correction will be violent and fast, just like the 2008 event.  The unsustainable debt must be liquidated.  The coming event will be severe.  No one but Our Heavenly Father knows how this will all play out.

When Moab plays out, men and women in their desperation will be looking for answers.  This is when Love will speak and provide true solutions, not just temporary, carnal ideas to sustain a failed lifestyle.  The Kingdom Infrastructure continues to be prepared for this eventuality.  The matured Remnant will be equipped with the answers mankind will finally seek.

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