The Unsustainable Path

If there is anything you should plan for, it is the unexpected.  The last seventy years since WWII has been a relatively stable growth period with manageable ups and downs.  The problem is that the assumptions used by the central planners did nothing to insure sustainability of the current system.  There is much debate by intelligent people about how all of this will shake out.  Each has his own view of the elephant in the room.  The problem is that nobody is able to see the BIG picture because nobody has the capacity to comprehend all of the facets of complexity that now exist in the current system.  Everyone is searching for that one person who has all the answers so that the coming pain will not be felt by them or their families.  You can find an opinion about anything no matter which side of the argument you are on.  What everyone is really seeking is revelation.  That, my friend, is the real issue.

I have made hundreds and hundreds of investment decisions over the years.  In looking back, I only needed to act on about five or six.  The others simply wasted time and resources.  How simple would life have been if I only acted on revelation rather than allowing my ego to participate in those investment “opportunities”.  That brings me to the point, how do you get revelation from Above.  Our Heavenly Father is the only One who can see the BIG picture.  Wouldn’t your time be better spent seeking HIM and HIS Character than expending time and resources on those “opportunities” that just won’t pan out?  It is counterintuitive to the mind to do this.  Our Heavenly Father put gifts and a calling in each one of us.  Each of us should focus on what will produce fruit in our lives.  Our fruit will supply nourishment to the whole Body of Christ.

We are in an epic transition period.  Each of us should be preparing for what is coming.  Those who make a commitment to hear Our Heavenly Father’s voice and respond with action will be the ones HE entrusts with bringing forth HIS Kingdom.  Those who focus on becoming one with HIM and taking on HIS Character of Love will lead all men to restoration.  Those who have the Law written in their minds and on their hearts will be the ones who receive the needed revelation to navigate mankind through the change from the current, unsustainable path.

Unity will be the key to the solution.  A willingness to sacrifice “self” for the benefit of others will enable the transition to take place with minimum pain.  Holding on to old systems will simply slow the process.  Just as there were those that held on to the Passover period when Pentecost had fully come, there will be those who hold on to Pentecost when the Age of Tabernacles has fully arrived.  Don’t look back but look forward.  The past is history.  Don’t cling to the sisters: “Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda”.  Now is the time to focus on the revelation of Love.  Now is the time to understand the Character of the Lawgiver.  Now is the time for revelation, not just more information.  With all the information available to us on the Internet, we still lack one thing, revelation!  That will be the key to the future.

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