The Only Solution: Crisis

Let’s look at a couple of statistics:

In 1980 the U.S. federal debt was $1 trillion, and today it’s $17 trillion.  Total world debt was probably around $10 trillion to $15 trillion in 1980, and today it’s $250 trillion.  The overall derivative exposure has been reported as being $1.4 quadrillion, nearly 6 times the overall global debt.  The unwinding of all this debt will not end in an orderly fashion.  When there is debt, there is also a creditor.  Some of those creditors are pension funds.  If debt is erased in some fashion, pensioners will probably suffer.  A crisis is surely on the horizon.  $10,000 gold will not offset the pain of those without.

The entire system could go into shock and when that happens, be prepared.  This shock will include the value of paper money crashing, stock markets and  bond markets collapsing, a failing financial system, and surging interest rates.  Countries will be in no position to maintain public services.  Social Security will be at risk.  Infrastructure such as hospitals, schools, public transportation, roads, police protection, and fire services will be reduced or eliminated where possible.  This will then lead to social unrest and crime.

The above scenario is a form of judgment on the nations.  If and when that judgment comes, there will be a response from Heaven.  There will be those who are raised up to minister life to the people who have lost everything.  They will no longer looking for answers elsewhere but will seek out those who hear Our Heavenly Father’s Voice.  For those who have ears to hear, pay close attention!

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