Just A Thought from Ray


For example …Luke 17:12 etc

The account of the ten lepers meeting Jesus. All ten were healed as they went to register their blessing, only one (10%) made a special effort to say thanks. This resulted in his being made whole (receiving fullness of his purposed life) which meant that all the scars of the previous leprosy were gone. A person only says ‘thank you’ when they have actually received something. [Like the mountain highway gas-station sign which said, “Fill up and be tank-ful”]. Everything of life comes from God to bless us and to grow-us-up. … so, in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning each one of us. In giving thanks, it shows that you have received not only the gift but have responded to the love from the giver. Thus we must not take any gift for granted. Even if there is a severe famine of ‘‘thank-yous’ as well as ‘pleases’ in this hour, we can constantly respond to his love. God so loved the world, He gave … Are you desiring to come into the fulness of Christ – now at this time? The provision is given, so WHAT IS YOUR VISION?

I say “Amen”.

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