Toxicity in Life

A toxin (Greek: τοξικόν, toxikon, lit. (poison) for use on arrows) is a poisonous substance produced or consumed by living cells or organisms.  My close friend Dr. Vince Speckhart, a highly successful oncologist who practiced medicine for forty years, once told me “the human body is designed to live forever”.  His success rate for treating cancer improved dramatically when he found a methodology that detected “toxic” interferences in the body thus allowing him to isolate a remedy for their removal.  Once the toxic substance or “signal” was removed, the body began to heal itself.  If you get a splinter in the finger, it will not heal until the splinter is removed.  The needle and tweezers used for the removal are not the cure, they simply facilitate the cure by removing the “toxic” substance.  In Dr. Speckhart’s practice, this simple understanding led him to an alternative way of treating his cancer patients.  Rather than promoting consumption of a toxic pharmaceutical, he focused on the removal of what appeared to be “triggers” or precursors to cancer.  Once he began to focus on toxin removal rather than “treating the symptom”, his success rate notably improved.

I had a friend who served as a medic in Vietnam and was exposed to Agent Orange (dioxin).  Within twenty years he was diagnosed with cancer in the lung area where his lungs were fusing with the wall around them (a layman’s description).  He went through the standard treatments and the doctor confirmed that Agent Orange was the trigger.  His immune system ultimately became overloaded and those “rebellious” cells began growing as cancer.

Dr. Sherry Rogers, another physician who began to search for alternatives to the current medical traditions, became deathly sick from her exposure to chemicals used on her parents’ farm.  Like Dr. Speckhart, she found that “detoxification” methodologies were her only solution.  Once she detoxified her body, her health returned.  She has written several books on using detoxification methodology to restore your health.  In her writings, she provides proof that chemicals ingested through commercially supplied means are poisoning our bodies on a daily basis.  Plastics are leached into our drinking bottles and are being stored in our bodies causing abnormalities.  Herbicides and pesticides used around the house are adding to the immune system burden of the body.  At some point, sickness and disease spring forth.

“Toxins” are occurring in our society as well.  Gradual introduction of perversity in society promotes illicit sex, violence, and destruction of the family unit.  With this path comes the consequences of death and destruction to society.  With the hippie movement of the 60’s and 70’s came open sexual relationships.  The 80’s brought unbridled greed.  The 90’s ushered in the demise of business ethics.  The “I’m OK, you’re OK” attitude meant that any act can be redefined as being acceptable.  This lawless attitude is promoting cancer to form and mastisize where only major surgery can remove it.

In the economics picture, removal of restrictions in the area of finance created a toxin-rich environment.  In the Great Depression, leaders found that the absence of regulation and allowing banks to be both commercial and investment banks created an environment conducive to lawlessness.  In 1933, in the wake of the 1929 stock market crash and during a nationwide commercial bank failure and the Great Depression, two members of Congress put their names on what is known today as the Glass-Steagall Act (GSA). This act separated investment and commercial banking activities. At the time, “improper banking activity”, or what was considered overzealous commercial bank involvement in stock market investment, was deemed the main culprit of the financial crash. According to that reasoning, commercial banks took on too much risk with depositors’ money. (See:  Under the direction of President Clinton and Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, the Glass-Steagall Act was repealed in 1999.  This was the first step to lifting protection of risky banking practices that have led to the current crisis.

The Bush’s administration continued to provide an environment that would lead to a toxic environment by removing or reducing regulation of the financial industry.  This photo from 2003 shows two regulators: John Reich (then Vice Chairman of the FDIC and later at the OTS) and James Gilleran of the Office of Thrift Supervision (with the chainsaw) and representatives of three banker trade associations: James McLaughlin of the American Bankers Association, Harry Doherty of America’s Community Bankers, and Ken Guenther of the Independent Community Bankers of America.

Cutting Red Tape

Once you remove the rule of law from any subset of society, greed and self interest will prevail.  Lawlessness and rebellion will prevail until the organism becomes toxic and ultimately perishes.  Only by removing the toxic origin will the organism repair itself.  By feeding the organism with an opiate, you simply provide it with a temporary “high” while it continues to die.

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