The Subtleness of Pride

Proverbs 8:13 ​​The fear of the LORD is to hate evil;

​​Pride and arrogance and the evil way

​​And the perverse mouth I hate.

The mind perpetuates illusion.  An illusion is a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses.  Our current economic system is based on perceptions created by men and women who are self-promoting and are constantly in pursuit of peace within themselves.  Illusion cannot bring peace because there is nothing to sustain equilibrium in a person’s life.  Pride promotes arrogance when left to its own devices and turmoil ensues.

Simplicity and moderation promote peace.  As you simplify your life, you have more time and resources to do what FATHER has called you to do.  As you add structure to your life, you become a slave to it and in turn it becomes a harsh taskmaster.  What is the purpose of acquiring more structure?  Often it is due to a quest to fulfill something missing in your life.  “If I just had this or that, I would be happy.”  You acquire the thing hoping to make you happy only to find later that it becomes of less importance as time goes on.  Your priorities get redirected to other pursuits and you look back and wonder “What was the point?”

Pride is preoccupation with “self”.

Proverbs 16:18 ​​Pride goes before destruction,

​​And a haughty spirit before a fall.

19 ​​Better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly,

​​Than to divide the spoil with the proud.

Pride tends to cover up the weaknesses that are present in our life.  It will compensate for past failures and present a watered down version of the Truth as necessary.  Pride continually exalts itself to present a higher, more esteemed illusion of who we are.  Only after FATHER has a corrective interview with us do we gain perspective of the emptiness of “self” and the façade our pride created to compensate for a deep-seated fear of rejection by others.

As we ascend to a higher understanding of Love, pride begins to be rooted out of the recesses of our soul.  Our focus changes from “self” to others.  We become content in whatever state we are currently in.  Our priorities change and we embrace the richness of life that is all around us.  We can now look out our window and see life for what it is rather than looking for some sign to exalt our stature among others.  Pride is constantly seeking signs to perpetuate the illusion of self importance.  This is why it is so important to embrace FATHER’s Will and purpose for our lives.  As we serve HIM we are able to live in complete peace knowing that we are fulfilling the call on our life.  When that peace arrives, we are in equilibrium within and without.  We are at rest.

Each of us must critically review our walk and expose the subtleness of pride lurking in the crevices.  Let each of us declare “not my will but Your Will FATHER!”  Let each of us serve others and confront any act of pride by removing it from our midst.  Suppressing pride will not be enough for it must be removed in order to be freed of it.  Pride produces arrogance and arrogance directs one toward the evil way and perverse mouth.  FATHER hates it and so must we.

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