A Life of Reverence

In Psalm 111 it is written by THE SPIRIT:

10 ​​The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;

​​A good understanding have all those who do His commandments.

​​His praise endures forever.

And in Proverbs chapter 1 it is written by THE SPIRIT:

7 ​​The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,

​​But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

There you have it, it you want to walk in wisdom, understanding, and knowledge you must first comprehend the need and desire to walk in a deep reverence and honor to FATHER.  If a man fails to understand his relative position to the CREATOR of the universe, he will surely fall under judgment due to his choice.  A Loving FATHER gives HIS children every opportunity to live in a righteous manner but if they are persistent in their rebellion they will suffer the consequences.  Longsuffering is not meant to be forever in the physical realm.  There are many instances where patience has allowed for any delay in repentance.  The law of the fruit trees allowed for additional fertilization to determine if the tree would ultimately produce fruit.  If after additional time and resources were spent and the tree did not produce, it was cut down and no more resource would be allocated to it.

The ego will move men of great intelligence to the view that they need no assistance in dealing with life.  Other people are not necessary to provide the solution to issues and thus they are no longer important.  Finally, they no longer believe in GOD.  Their strong ego has moved them to zero reverence and they have become totally blind to their life-giving Source.

Technology and knowledge will not solve the world’s problems.  If anything it is becoming a deterrent to walking in the “fear of THE LORD”.  People are now hiding their faces in the screens of their cell phones and losing the ability to carry on a conversation face-to-face with others.  No, all those people in the restaurant do not have their heads bowed in prayer, they are simply enveloped in one of their cell phone apps.  Technology has its place as a tool but not as a “god” that must be worshipped.  Where is your focus?

The Book of Judges has a recurring theme of delivering Israel time and time again.  Each time Israel gets into trouble they cry out to THE LORD and HE sends a deliverer.  However after their deliverance they go back to doing what is right in their own eyes rather than serving FATHER in righteousness.  The issue is the heart and modifying behavior for a period of time will not resolve the core issue.

I cannot make you choose to live a life of reverence but when you wonder why bad things happen and continue to cycle through them, consider the state of your heart.  When I look back at various troubles and losses in my life, I can pinpoint where I missed the mark and took an alternative path.  I then repented and returned to HIS path of Righteousness and the healing began.  I am thankful for HIS mercy and correction.

If you constantly rebel against FATHER’S Wisdom and instruction, you too will suffer consequences.  It doesn’t mean that FATHER Loves you any less but HE will not allow “sin in the camp”.  If you are a thief, steal no more.  If you are a slanderer, shut your mouth.  Check your intent and fruit then repent if necessary.  Choose a life of reverence and you will bypass much heartache.  Those who fear THE LORD will flourish in all they set their hand to do for FATHER honors those who have the correct priorities and intent operating in their lives.

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