The Obstacles to the Knowledge of GOD

Obstacles preventing us from the knowledge of FATHER should be identified in order to be dealt with and removed so they no longer hinder our growth and maturity.  Paul wrote by THE SPIRIT in 2 Corinthians chapter 10:

3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.

4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,

5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,

Casting down arguments requires that we put and end to “reasonings” designed to dilute the knowledge of FATHER.  Reasoning relies on man’s understanding and knowledge rather than the Truth and reality of FATHER’S Spiritual Kingdom.  By His mighty works, Jesus dispelled man’s foundation of reasoning yet the wicked one continues to plant seeds of doubt in order to perpetuate the lies surrounding the temporal.  It all gets back to whether we have faith in FATHER’S Word and Acts or rely on the lower level of logic and reasoning of men.

Once FATHER confirms HIS Word with signs and wonders, we should encourage ourselves with those testimonies as a reminder of HIS Greatness in our lives.  Our salvation should be the greatest testimony to affirm our relationship with FATHER and Our Lord Jesus Christ when we are being challenged by men’s reasonings.  FATHER has miraculously healed me in the past and those testimonies cannot be taken away and forgotten.  Instead, we should recall such testimonies as we are being tried, tested, and challenged in similar circumstances.  Our hearts should be filled with gratitude as we recall those events.

By THE SPIRIT it is written in Psalm 119:

2 ​​Blessed are those who keep His testimonies,

​​Who seek Him with the whole heart!

14 ​​I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies,

​​As much as in all riches.

15 ​​I will meditate on Your precepts,

​​And contemplate Your ways.

16 ​​I will delight myself in Your statutes;

​​I will not forget Your word.

As we keep HIS Word before us, HE will expose even the most subtle of obstacles which would hinder further growth.  Those obstacles are often tied to our ego and have their basis in fear.  We will rationalize why the WORD isn’t applicable in an area for fear of personal failure.  “What will others think if I get sick?”  This was a major stumbling block for those who grew up in the Faith movement.  We were taught to deny sickness existed rather than acknowledge the problem then deal with it.

We must remove arrogant obstacles, demolish arguments, smash warped philosophies, and cast down vain imaginations which would prevent us from accepting and receiving FATHER’S pure Word.  As we spend quality time dwelling and meditation on HIS Word, our fruit will be as pure.  Our motivation will be one originating from Love and the obstacles will no longer impact our maturing process.

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