HIM Only

By THE SPIRIT it is written in Psalm 62:

1 My soul waits in silence for God only;

From Him is my salvation.

2 He only is my rock and my salvation,

My stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken.

As Sons and Daughters, we are to point others to Our Heavenly Father just as Jesus did.  Jesus revealed FATHER’S character by manifesting HIS Love on the earth through acts of healing and salvation.  Notice the psalm expressly indicates that we seek HIM as being our ONLY source of salvation and that HE alone is our Rock.

Men continue to seek after formulas and potions to achieve similar results but without success.  FATHER will use any and all resources at HIS disposal for our benefit but HE will rarely establish a particular method as HIS preferred path to a solution, especially when it comes to physical healing or restoration.  About the time we think we can anticipate HIS method for healing, HE switches something up.  This is to keep us from looking elsewhere for our salvation or healing thus removing HIM as the source.

In order to stay fully connected with HIS plan for us individually, we must seek and listen to HIM daily.  Once a week isn’t enough unless you are looking for a result like many are achieving in churches around the country- spotty at best.

My soul waits in silence for FATHER only!  Who else can move the mountains set before me?  Who else can deliver me from the snares set by men who seek to do me harm?  David did many mighty works on behalf of FATHER and we see by this Psalm one reason he was so successful: his soul waited in silence.

Rather than overload you with Scriptures and a multitude of stories relating to this passage, simply dwell on this passage tonight before you go to bed and the first thing when you awaken.  “HIM Only” is the source of our Love, peace, and joy so why not let that be our focus when we begin and end the day!  Our soul is counting on it.

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