The Great Mystery Revealed

Paul wrote by THE SPIRIT in 1 Timothy chapter 3:

14 These things I write to you, though I hope to come to you shortly;

15 but if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.

16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:

​​​God was manifested in the flesh,

​​Justified in the Spirit,

​​Seen by angels,

​​Preached among the Gentiles,

​​Believed on in the world,

​​Received up in glory.

If you are reading this blog then you should be celebrating with me the revealing of the Great Mystery for our faith is in Jesus Christ Who is GOD manifested in the flesh and justified in THE SPIRIT.  Consider world history of the last 2,000 years and the impact Our Lord Jesus Christ has had on it.  Consider how many churches around the world were initially built to honor FATHER’S Son.  Yes, mankind has veered away from the simplicity of HIS message but nonetheless His impact can be felt around the world.

Many of us have had interventions by angels in order that our callings not be cut short.  Testimonies around the world overshadow any attempt to negate the reality of angels and their mission to support the Great Mystery and those who walk in faith.  Those who believe in Jesus Christ have exercised a level of faith which we must not forget but let us build upon that level of faith and become known as having “great faith”.

FATHER has confirmed HIS Word in our hearts countless times and expects us to hold fast to our faith in HIS Son.  Let us not be reluctant to testify of what Jesus Christ has done in our lives as we recount the blessings He has bestowed upon us in the past.  FATHER’S Love is expressed in every testimony so let HIS Love shine brightly in our faces as we minister to those in need.  Assure others that HE will not leave or forsake them but will grow mighty in their hearts if they will embrace HIS Word in their lives.

When I see those who have not accepted Christ in their lives I marvel at their lack of optimism about the future and fail to fully understand why they can’t see what is obvious to me.  The joy and gratitude I have knowing that FATHER is leading me and guiding me through all of life’s challenges should be obvious to those who do not have the joy I am experiencing.  I can cheerfully give without condition because I know it is FATHER’S will that I minister in that manner.

What man has impacted the world more than Our Lord Jesus Christ?  The answer is “No one!”  Men can try to rewrite history but it does not matter for Our Lord’s “fingerprints” are everywhere.  Let us express our gratitude by testifying of what Christ has done in our individual lives and provide the sinner with an opportunity to accept Christ in his or her heart.  Let each of us be a walking testimony by not only our word but our actions as well.  Even when we are being challenged we should walk in Love and gratitude for that is the time when others look to see if we truly have faith in Our Heavenly Father.  As for me, I am grateful that the Great mystery has been revealed.

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