888 Days

The numeric value of the name Jesus in Greek is 888.  The number “8” denotes new beginnings and here is a triple witness of new beginnings.  In the Old Testament, there are many time cycles: 490, 414, 76, etc.  Often those occur in years on a corporate basis or days on an individual basis.

On October 31st, 2007, Our Heavenly Father called a meeting to establish the “Salt Covenant” in “Bethany”.  It was to signify a prophetic beginning point of a new work.  Our Heavenly Father gathered together witnesses on earth to establish what was already initiated in Heaven.  Stephen Jones wrote about the significance of the meeting in his blog “The White Mountain”.  See: http://www.gods-kingdom-ministries.org/weblog/WebPosting.cfm?LogID=1960

The last day of the Feast of the Passover this year is April 6th, 2010, precisely 888 days since this covenant was sealed.  I believe there is a “New Testament” time cycle of 888 as subtle as it may be.  “Lord Jesus Christ” has a value of 3168 which is the prime number of the values of the universe as described by author Bonnie Gaunt.  The major distances in our solar system are all related to 3168 hence I believe these values must also have relevance in the time dimension as well as the other three dimensions.

Our grandfather clock quit chiming a few months ago for no apparent reason.  At 12:45 AM on March 18th, the clock chimed 12 times for the first time in months. (My wife was up late reading and was surprised by the sound).  I believe the 12 chimes is a countdown of time to the beginning of Passover on March 30th.  This Passover period may have relevance to the globe or just my family.  Either way, I am anticipating positive change.

Incidentally, The Circumcised Heart of Love is expected to be delivered for distribution during the Passover Feast period.  What a coincidence!

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