The Unity of Love

When love is the basis of a relationship, two become one.  This creates unity.  This bond will endure all challenges to its existence.  This bond forms the basis of all true relationships and effectively defines the true relationship.  The following Scripture in Mark has been cited in countless wedding ceremonies:

Mar 10:7
For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;

Mar 10:8
And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.

Mar 10:9
What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Though Jesus was responding to the disciples’ question about divorce, His answers were always designed to teach a greater truth.  Love is the glue that holds the universe together.  The Lord God Almighty’s motivation to create the universe was one based on love.  Life is all about relationships.  Relationships are all based on love.  Love has no opposites, only alternatives just as health has no opposites.  Disease is an absence of health, not its opposite.  Hate is an absence of love, not its opposite.  Love has no opposites.

Our understanding of unity can be expanded by the revelation of the Kingdom of God. In the Gospels Jesus said, "But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house [divided] against a house falleth. (Luke 11:17)"  Do you think that our Heavenly Father would allow His Kingdom to fall?  The Kingdom of God supercedes the kingdom of structure.  The kingdom of man is contained within the Kingdom of God. The finite realm is contained within the infinite realm.

Without love, men like to divide and conquer.  Isn’t that what competition is all about?  Professional sports promote alternatives to love.  Once the entertainment of sports moves to an obsession, the motivation moves towards conquering.  The conquering mentality has scarcity at its core.  There can only be one champion.  There can only be one who can rise to the top of the pyramid.  The doctrine of Jesus is opposite to this conquering orientation.  His motivation was to raise all of us to a new level of excellence in unity, not division.  Competition is divisive by nature.  Love is unifying by nature.

Atoms are held together in unity.  What do you think would happen if all of the electrons spinning around a nucleus were to no longer adhere to the laws of unity?  There is a magnetic pull to keep the electrons in a state of unity.  What is the underlying root cause of this magnetic pull?  It is a facet of love that scientists will someday be able to comprehend.  Love is the power of unity, both tangible and intangible.  We have always viewed love on the intangible side but I believe that we will discover the tangible aspects of love in the near future.

We are called to be "one" with the Father.  In John 10:30, Jesus said that He and His Father are one.  As sons of God, we also have this inheritance of being one with the Father.  That is only manifested by walking in love.  In order to learn a new language, the most effective way is to use the "immersion" method.  You must see, hear, and speak the language.  Researchers have found that our retention dramatically rises utilizing this method of learning.  As we immerse ourselves in love we will become one with the Father AND Son.  We will move toward that unity which will open up the Kingdom of God.  We will move from the kingdom of scarcity to the kingdom of abundance.  We will align ourselves with our gifts and our callings.  All of Heaven will be available to us.  Division in our lives will evaporate.  We will attract people who will want to be in unity with us.  This unity will be as a net of a fisherman bringing forth a "great catch" into the Kingdom of God.  This "baptism of love" will become widespread just as the previous revelations of the Kingdom encompassed the earth.  At that point we will fully appreciate the following Scripture:

Mathew 6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven.


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