Gold/Silver moving to next phase

There has substantial manipulation of gold & silver prices over the last several years and everybody knows it.  Regulators turned a blind eye to the issue until know.  Once the voters caught wind of the alleged corruption in the financial markets, the government finds it necessary to bring some of the players to justice.  Otherwise, a revolt might arise among the populous and they want to steer clear of that alternative.  The following clip is an indication of the next phase of the bull market in precious metals:

Our Heavenly Father is the source of light which exposes the truth of all things.  It appears the gold bashing is just about over and once again the ageless currency is being considered as a basis for exchange.  The IMF meeting tomorrow may catapult gold & silver to the forefront of the investing public.  We mentioned $5,000 gold in past blogs and now the mainstream is putting this number of their radar.  Silver may be the best investment since it is underpriced relative to gold.  The historic ratio of gold to silver is 30:1 which would put silver at $165 if gold were in the $5,000 range, nearly 10x of its current price.

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