Be Holy And Pure

Paul wrote by THE SPIRIT in 2 Corinthians chapter 6:

14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?

15 And what accord (harmony) has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?

16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said:

​​​“I will dwell in them ​​And walk among them. ​​I will be their God, ​​And they shall be My people.”

We cannot have mismatched alliances with those who do not believe in the purity of The Way of Christ which has a foundation of Agape Love.  There are those who would teach and promote another gospel based on works and conditional love which attempts to nullify or negate Christ’s work at the Cross.  Their teaching attempts to move us back to the Old Testament thinking where physical works are required to satisfy certain conditions of GOD.  The work done at the Cross is omitted thus we must constantly measure up with works in order to be accepted as “Sons”.  It’s all conditional. “If we do this, then GOD will do that.”  This is the essence of conditional love.

FATHER Loved us before we Loved HIM.  HE saved me before I did anything to deserve salvation.  It was a free gift from a Loving Father through HIS Son, Jesus Christ.  Any other doctrine is simply religion and we must not be unequally yoked with those who teach this doctrine. 

Who is Belial?  This word comes from a Hebrew word defined in the Concordance #H1100.  My friend Alan provides a better understanding of this word:

The emphasis of this word is in that of negation, negativity.  The first part of this compound word comes from the same root/idea that we derive the word ‘babylon’; or babel.  The word babel (Strong’s #H894  lbb ) is generally recognized as ‘confusion’.  I have traditionally accepted this generic definition, and used it often.  But I now see that the word has a much more intense and personal application.  The two letter word of lb, (Strong’s # 1077, 1078) is used quite often in the Old Testament, but the vast majority of that usage is in the form of simple negation; can not, will not, did not, could not, etc.  It is simply communicating negation.  There are other words communicating not, or negation, but are spelled differently and tend to have different emphasis and implications.  But the use of this word in the compound that makes up ‘babel’ (894) has a much more intimate application.  In ‘babel’, the word ‘bl’ (#1077) is preceded by another b, and should be best understood as being “in confusion”. We all get confused about some matter at one time or another. But to be “in confusion” indicates being in a state of mind that either cannot, or more likely will not, consider being wrong or misinformed or having misunderstood a thing. The letter ‘beyt’ indicates a dwelling place; a place where you live. To be ‘in confusion’ indicates living in a state of negativity and denial, or belligerence; hence, the parable that says “There is none so blind as he who refuses to see”. One that refuses to see, or be corrected, cannot be helped. They must have a complete reversal of thought process to be helped. I hope that makes sense.

Now, back to ‘belial’. The Hebrew spelling of ‘belial’ gives the clue. L[ylb The Hebrew verb l[ (Strong’s #H 5921) represents the ability of ascension; to come up higher. But this word is really communicating the ability to ascend in your natural thinking, or level of understanding, or ability to be taught higher things. This word is rampant throughout Biblical Hebrew, and many times is used when a person physically ascends to higher ground, or to a more desirable location. The first letter in this word, the ‘ayin’, indicates learning by the five senses; taste, feel, hear, see, smell. These are all natural senses, and are no way indicative of ‘seeing by the Spirit’. The Spirit must reveal to you what your natural senses (the ‘ayin’) are telling you. So to ascend is referring to the ascension of your natural instincts and natural senses; an ascension of natural understanding. Now the word ‘belial’ makes more sense to me than ever before. The first part of the word, ylb indicates one that personally refuses to change. It’s not that he can’t change, but that he does not want to change. If one doesn’t want to change, they won’t change. ‘Belial’ is one that refuses to ascend by changing the way they think; the way they hear; the way they relate to others. Belial is a refusal to ‘come up higher’. And in that condition, nothing can change until the Spirit of God gives the one that is ‘belial’ a change of heart condition.

Sadly, we must accept the fact that some will refuse to “come up higher”.  Let us continue to mature and be a standard of Truth.  Let us pray that FATHER open the eyes and the hearts of those who refuse to change.

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