Confidence versus Uncertainty

In the world of Economics these opposing forces are observed and analyzed on a moment by moment basis.  Financial analysis programs on super computers are attempting to predict which of these two views will prevail in the markets around the world every minute of every day.  It’s like watching a herd of antelope running in one direction and then suddenly one in the herd detects danger and moves the whole herd toward a new destination.

When faced with an unknown event, our two year old granddaughter looks to mommy or daddy for safety.  If they project confidence, the child is comforted.  If they look uncertain, she begins to fret.  Investors are looking for someone who is truly confident of the future… and they are not finding that person.

Those in power of the money supply are like a child with a new chemistry set.  There are experiments that will prove to be successful but the ingredients for those are already used up.  Now the child still needs to see some results so he begins to mix chemicals without knowing the consequences of his actions.  Adding hydrochloric acid to water is relatively safe, adding water to hydrochloric acid may produce a disaster.

The universe is constantly expanding and the sun contains an abundance of energy beyond this planet’s greatest need.  However, we do not have the knowledge or infrastructure to take advantage of this abundance.  Our petrochemical infrastructure has peaked and will use up more of our resources to maintain our current paradigm.  This will increase uncertainty and curtail expansion of the economy.

The Federal Reserve continues to shrink the middle class by bailing out those who failed to maintain prudent investing and borrowing practices.  Near zero savings rates are designed to extract wealth from savers and give it to the financial institutions so that they can improve their balance sheets.  This policy forces savers to seek a return on investment in riskier instruments in hope of stable income.  This spells disaster for that middle class person who spent their entire life saving for retirement only to watch it confiscated by low rates and/or risky investments.  What a travesty!

What does one do in this environment?  Turn to Our Heavenly Father.  One Word from HIM produces all the confidence you need to pursue a direction.  Fear, uncertainty, and doubt melt away as HIS Word goes forth.  Why?  We know HIS Word originates out of Love for HIS children whereas politicians tend toward self interest at the expense of the populous and our long-term interests.

Where is the best place to invest?  In those areas sanctioned by Our Heavenly Father.  If you are in business, invest in your calling.  If you are in a ministry, invest in your calling.  If you are in neither, invest in a calling that is producing good fruit.  Either way, lay up your treasures in Heaven where there is no corruption.

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