What And Where Is Your Treasure?

In Matthew chapter 6, Jesus spoke:

19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal;

20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.

21 For where your treasure is, there your heart [your wishes, your desires; that on which your life centers] will be also.”

At some point, our preparation must move from passive to active.  We can spend our whole life studying The Word and can be known as professional students or we can move toward walking out the revelation we have been given.  There have been those who have tried to walk out their incomplete preparation and have produced little or no fruit.  Others waited and postponed the next step in walking out the ministry given to us and produced very little or no fruit as well.  The key is to seek FATHER and be fully led by THE SPIRIT according to HIS perfect timing.  That should be what we all seek.

The foundation of our walk must be centered around Agape Love and not anything else.  Each of us must ask “Where is my treasure?”  “What is my life centered around?”  There are those who spend their life accumulating “stuff” and financial treasures only to leave a huge burden of disposing of the “stuff” to their inheritors.  Others accumulate wealth and end up leaving it to those who will ultimately squander it on their lusts and pride.  Either way, their treasure becomes corrupted and gets destroyed in some manner.

As for me, I am laying up my treasure in Heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys it.  No thief can steal it for it is guarded by Our Heavenly Father.  What about you?

FATHER has had my wife and me in a “de-clutter” mode and we are in the midst of getting rid of things we purchased in the past and have held onto beyond their true usefulness.  The stuff simply took up space and caused us difficulty in finding the things we still use.  The local charity knows me well by now.  We chose to help people in need rather than hold garage sales in an effort to squeeze the last dime out of past purchases.  Let our giving be a blessing to those in need.

Our focus must be directed to Heavenly treasures, not earthly accumulations which have no enduring value to the Kingdom.  Yes, we must keep those things and assets which promote our ability to operate going forward but we also must jettison anything which would enslave us from being nimble when FATHER tells us to “Go”.

I would suggest that those who are being led in the same manner, begin to de-clutter your life of anything which would hold you back from what lies ahead for the mature Sons and Daughters of FATHER.  I sense the time is now short and we should prepare ourselves for whatever FATHER calls us to do as a unified Body.  I would also suggest that it is time to ramp up our time in prayer with an expectation of coming into a full unity of fellowship and purpose.  In the coming days, I will further expound on the next steps as FATHER leads.  I myself currently have more questions than answers in this area so I will be seeking FATHER for direction.  If you are also sensing a change, please begin praying about it as well.  Let us be in unity based on our commitment to walk in HIS Love and not simply raise up another church among the 10,000 denominations already in existence.

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