The 5th Letter

FATHER changed Abram’s name to Abraham as it is written by THE SPIRIT in Genesis chapter 17:

1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless.

2 And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.”

3 Then Abram fell on his face, and God talked with him, saying:

4 “As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations.

5 No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations.

6 I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you.

7 And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you.”

FATHER added the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet to Abram’s name, transitioning from potential to action or manifestation.  The number 5 has been associated with FATHER’S grace so let us delve further into this number of action.  I requested Our Beloved Brother to expound on the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet recently.  His reply:

The ‘hey’, the fifth letter of the Hebrew ‘aleph-beyt’ represents ‘feminine’ activity.  Most Eastern, or ‘Oriental’ languages distinguish within their literature/spelling a feminine vs. masculine representation.  Most of the languages of Europe, Asia, Eur-Asia, etc. distinguish feminine vs. masculine within the construct of those languages.  Most of these cultures, and their perspective languages, ascended from the older Shemitic (not semitic) tongues that preserved for us most of the ‘ancient writings’, including the scriptures we refer to as The Bible. 

What most of these cultures do not do, in my opinion, is adequately distinguish the following: ‘feminine vs. masculine’ is not the same as ‘female vs. male’.  When it comes to the ‘feminine vs. masculine’ character of the scriptures, it is best to realize that ‘masculine’ represents the potential, or ability, to produce an action or activity or result.  Feminine, however, is the actual activity involved in manifesting that potential or ability. 

Having a potential is not the same as manifesting that potential.  Spirit is masculine.  Spirit provides to ‘adam’ the potential and ability to yield our thoughts, energies and/or activities to the oversight and direction of Spirit Influence; Spirit Management.  Hence, walk in the Spirit, and you will not stumble over the obstacles of carnal thinking.  Spirit provides ‘adam’ with unction, motivation and/or stimulus to incite ‘adam’ to act in a certain way, or manner.  But all ‘spirit’ influence is not benevolent.  We, in Christ, know this very well.  Actually, all ‘spirit’ influence that is not of Christ is ‘anti-christ’, and therefore most likely a negative, or at best a distraction.  Spirit represents masculine potential.

However, ‘feminine’ represents the motion, or activity of actually manifesting a potential.  To be able to walk is a masculine potential.  But walking is a feminine expression of that potential.  Activity is the feminine manifestation of a masculine, or imparted, potential.  So activity is feminine, while potential or ability is masculine.

So, what does all of that have to do with the letter ‘hey’?  When used as a prefix to a word, the letter ‘hey’ performs the function of ‘the definite article’.  A ‘hey’ prefixed to a word in Hebrew is synonymous with adding ‘the’ in an English discussion.  ‘The’ apple; ‘the’ clock; ‘the’ activity’.  In much/most of our translations, when a Hebrew word has a ‘hey’ prefix, you find in the English translation a ‘the’ describing that Hebrew word.  When ‘hey’ is added as a suffix to a word, however, it is indicative of designating this word as feminine activity. 

There are actually thousands of examples of this pattern in the scriptures to support this ‘theology’.  In the word picture used to discuss the tradition of Hebrew letters, the ‘hey’ is referred to as a ‘window’.   Jewish tradition describes ‘hey’ as being a window into heaven, through which the ‘breath of God’ flows.  Tradition also attributed that the window in the ark that Noah built as being there to allow the light and breath of God to fill the ark.  Traditions can have many Spiritual values, eh?

The Breath Covenant, to me, is a covenant established on the ability to breathe.  Only those of us that are in these physical bodies can continue to breathe.  When a body can no longer inhale and exhale, we determine that person as being dead; no longer alive.  That ‘body’ that can no longer breathe is incapable of physically manifesting the activity of the covenant.

A search of the scriptures that have the word ‘breath’ gives a vivid pattern of ‘breathing’ being a critical characteristic of those that are interacting with God while in this physical dimension.  Breath is a requirement for being able to manifest our covenant Life in God.  Many of the scriptures refer to the ‘breath of God’, or the breath of the LORD (YHWH) as being an active impartation in certain circumstances or events.  And yet we know that God is Spirit, and does not require breathing as ‘adam’ requires breathing.

NKJ John 20:22 And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit.”   To me, the significance of this verse is that it emphasizes that when Yashua ‘breathed’ upon them he was indicating that the only requirement for them to be in covenant relationship with God is the willingness to receive the Spirit of God as their own personal identity.  There simply are no other requirements imposed other than being able to breathe, and the willingness to receive the Holy Spirit as my Spirit.  To me, this completely supersedes all previous ‘covenant requirements’ imposed upon mankind by mankind.  The only original requirement for covenant between God and ‘adam’ was that ‘adam’ be able to breathe. 

Everything that has breath is a praise to the Goodness and Benevolence of God.   A striking confirmation of this, in my opinion, is in Strong’s Concordance.  The word we translate as ‘Abel’ [Gen. 4:2] is ‘hah-bel’, and is numbered by Strong’s as #1891, 1892 and 1893.  However, when you look in Strong’s Concordance to read his description of what this word represents, in Genesis chapter 4 Strong’s ‘defines’ the word every time as ‘breath’.  How odd that after Genesis chapter four, every time this word is used it is ‘defined’, or described by Strong’s as being ‘vapour’, ‘vain’, ‘vanity’, etc.  It is almost as if to say that after Genesis chapter three, all of man’s ‘breath covenant’ confidence was gone, and had to be replaced by vain and empty ‘works’ programs of varying types. 

After Genesis chapter three, the scriptures tell of animal sacrifices, blood sacrifices, meat and meal offerings, wine offerings, money offerings, etc., and all for the privilege of having confidence to come into the presence of God without being obliterated by an angry and vengeful and retaliating God.  Yashua is telling us that Our Father is not a reactionary, and not vengeful nor demanding of oblations for the privilege of “…coming boldly to the Throne of Grace”.  If you can breathe you are a candidate to manifest God.  So to breathe is a feminine activity.  And manifesting God for the benefit of others is definitely a feminine activity.

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