The Unicorn

My friend Alan wrote:

A few days back my daughter-in-law questioned me for an explanation; “Why am I suddenly being confronted with unicorns everywhere I look”? That wasn’t her exact wording, but that was the crux of the inquiry. The first thought that popped up in my mind was “I don’t know. I am not being confronted with unicorns”. And I felt a little jealous, and somewhat cheated; she was seeing something Spiritually that I was not. So, we started to talk, and here is some of what has since surfaced from her challenging inquiry.

The English word ‘unicorn’ is a western expression of the original Latin word ‘unicornus ‘ literally translated from two thoughts; ‘one (uni; unique) horn (kornis)’. Unicorn is literally ‘one horn’. The Spiritual implications of this concept began to flood over me, and I’m still trying to put the pieces into place.

When we consider all of the ‘horned’ animals referred to in scripture, and which were designated as sacrificially acceptable, we see that all of these ‘beasts’ have two horns; duality. I found myself dumbfounded at not having already acknowledged this simplicity. I won’t belabor the implications of duality versus singularity; you know all of that as well as I. What I find stunning, however, is that the vast majority of history has relegated the unicorn to the realm of fantasy; mythology; an imaginary impossibility. Only in the Mind of Christ can we begin to see, and begin to accept, the possibility of Oneness; complete Unity. To be One with Father is to be ‘unicorn’. Yashua told us, “Though you have two eyes, let your Eye be single”. (My paraphrase). Yashua was challenging us to be single-minded; unity of purpose and unity of expression. [James 1:8, 4:8]

Most of us, as Believers, can readily embrace the idea of ‘uni’, even if we can’t imagine ourselves ever being ‘uni’. We accept the idea that sometime, somewhere or somehow, God Our Father can accomplish the task of unifying us with Him. We ‘believe’ that Our Father has the potential to bring that to pass. But what we struggle with imagining is how that ‘uni’ could possibly apply to me (us) as individuals. How can I be One (uni) with My Father. And yet Yashua ‘prayed’, “Father, let them be One with You as I AM One with You”. [John 17:21-23]

The crux (uh oh, I’ve used that word again) of this dilemma is in the word ‘corn ‘, which is a hold-over from the Latin ‘unicornus ‘, a word used to describe having ‘one horn’. So; what is special in the idea of a single horn? What does a horn represent? What do the ‘horns of the alter’ communicate to us? What about the ‘ram’s horns’ (shophar) that the trumpeters used to sound out messages to the encampment? What is the primary purpose of a horn, if not solely to send forth a communication that the receivers thereof can readily understand, interpret and accept? Is not a ‘horn’ a direct communication, intended to be easily understood? And when a horn is sounded, it is not intended to be received and/or understood by only a discreet few, while the other hearers are left in confusion and dismay. Granted, there may be only a select few that truly understand what specific message the ‘trumpeter’ is communicating, but there is no way to control who hears the ‘blast’, and who does not. A horn is a communication to “…whom so ever will hear”. A ‘unicorn’ is a communication to “…whom so ever will see”.

Duality, or double mindedness, is a condition that we as Believers are told to avoid. And if as Believers we are to be single eyed and single minded, are we not also to be singular in our communication; of who we are, and of our purpose and intent? And how are we to accomplish any of this unless we are One with Our Father? My communication to my daughter concerning the significance of unicorns popping up all over is as follows: I believe Our Father, via the Holy Spirit of God within us, is bringing the uniqueness of the unicorn to our attention, telling us it is time to acknowledge and pursue being One with Our Father in Heaven. And the Kingdom of Heaven is within us; all of us. We may have never recognized that concept previously, but I truly believe a major aspect of The Third Day is in our beginning to acknowledge the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven within.

Does God use the ‘signs’ in the constellations to communicate to us a Spiritual Kingdom message? First the natural, then the Spiritual. Does Our Father have the ‘sense of humor’ to communicate to us about His Nature and his pageant in horse races, football games, the fish of the sea and the fowls of the air (literally, heavenlies)? First the natural, then the Spiritual. Does Our Father have the ability to awaken us to the chaos we are creating in our carnality and selfishness by using storms and weather oddities to speak to us? First the natural, then the Spiritual. Can Our Father also use the age-old symbol of the unicorn, hidden in plain view for thousands of years, to call us to the ultimate purpose of our being One with Him? I declare, unabashedly and un-reservedly, Yes and Amen! First the Natural, then the Spiritual.

The word ‘unicorn’ shows up only nine times in scripture; six times as singular, and three times as plural. The massive volume of Spiritual information involved in the Hebrew word translated as ‘unicorn’ is much too deep to dive into in this brief. However, the unique use of the Hebrew word translated as ‘unicorn’ is actually used ten times in the scripture. Nine times this unique expression is translated as ‘unicorn’. The tenth time, in Zechariah 14:10, it is translated as “…shall be lifted up,” The ‘unicorn’ is one that is “…lifted up” by being single minded; One with Father. WoW!!! How simple!

When we begin to have the courage to declare we are One with Our Father, just as Yashua prayed for us to be, we will start to hear a different communication from our own mouths. We will become a different kind of horn. We will realize we are becoming a ‘unicorn’; singular in vision, singular in sound and singular in purpose and intent. When we begin to acknowledge our being One with Our Father, we will begin to be the manifestation of Christ that Our Father always intended us to be. “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will begin to change”. I am reminded, as I write this, that 2019 is to be a time of ‘hearing’ like we have never ‘heard’ before. In Strong’s Greek, #2019 is ‘epiphoneo’.

I’m going out to get a unicorn.

Shalom, Y’all!

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