
My friend Alan wrote:

Epiphoneo.  2019.  As we continue to hear (see?) things that have previously been hidden, in plain view, I am seeing (hearing?) connections that have previously been un-connectable; at least for me. 

This morning, while again researching the implications of ‘epi-phoneo’ (Strong’s # G2019), I have seen (heard? is there a sound of light –son of luminescence- thing going on here in this thing we call epi-phoneo?) the direct connection between the name ‘Simeon’ and ‘Simon’. 

Yashua, knowing that ‘Simon’ would, because of his nature that is revealed in the name ‘Simon’, have the propensity to mimic and puppet what he had ‘heard’.  Yashua instead called this man Peter (Cephas; an Aramaic word referring to stone).  Why?  Because ‘Simon’, meaning to be swayed and moved and manipulated by what has been ‘heard’, needed to hear himself referred to as Petros, the Greek word for Kayphas (Strong’s # G2786;Cephas).  Cephas (literally, kay-phas) comes from the Hebrew ‘caph’, which is symbolized as the palm of the hand when cupped to receive and hold water, sand, grain, etc. 

The most literal understanding of this word ‘caph’ (Hebrew root verb cah-phaph, Strong’s #3721, which is described as bowing down) is that of a hollowed out rock; hard on the outside, but empty on the inside.  This is where we get our word ‘cup’; “Fill my cup (cah-phaph), Father”.  That is the most perfect description of Simon, surnamed Peter, I have ever seen; or heard; or both.  Cephas (from cah-phaph) is the picture of an empty cup, desirous to be filled with the presence of Our Father.

Psalm 145:14 is a beautiful epithet to this concept, where this word ‘cah-phaph is translated into English as “…bowed down”.  Can you see the similarity of the cupped hand with the image of bowing down?  It is describing the humbling of our hardened soul to receive the loving influence of the Holy Spirit of Truth in Love.

Are we not all ‘cah-phaph’, Cephas, a hardened vessel needing to be filled with the fullness of Our Father?  “I have called you Cephas; and on this ‘petros’/cephas’ I will build My Church”.   my paraphrase, of course.


Additionally, In Psalm 23:

5 ​​You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;

​​You anoint my head with oil;

​​My cup runs over.

6 ​​Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

​​All the days of my life;

​​And I will dwell in the house of the LORD


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