To Be Selected

Jesus spoke in Matthew chapter 10:

1 And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.

Jesus walked in the full power and authority of FATHER during His earthly ministry.  In addition, He gave the disciples both power and authority to minister life, health, healing, and deliverance to the masses.  This action was temporary at the time for Jesus had not gone to the cross and presented Himself as the perfect sacrifice for full restoration.  Nonetheless, the disciples were given the anointing from Heaven.  This anointing included Judas.

The disciples were called and chosen to minister in the power and authority Jesus displayed.  He was their example and accepted the responsibility to act in accordance with His directives.  The power to cast out demons was separate from the power to heal sickness and disease thus THE SPIRIT was active in them to discern the difference.  Though temporary, they did walk in the anointing of The Holy Spirit.

With the covenant perfected, are we meant to walk in anything less?  Are we ready to walk as Jesus’ disciples, also known as the Sons and Daughters, and receive such anointing?  Are we ready to give up “things” and the world’s priorities so that we can operate in a greater anointing and express FATHER’S Love toward mankind?

Who do you exalt in your life?  Many people wear jerseys with the name and number of their favorite player on the back.  That player is exalted in their lives and they want everyone to know it.  It is as though they think that person’s “anointing” will somehow rub off on them and will exalt them to a higher level.

As for me, I exalt Jesus Christ Who is the expressed Word of Our Heavenly Father.  I desire to study and show myself approved so that I am able to fulfill the calling on my life.  The world would have me divert my attention to follow after its priorities but I choose to pursue that narrow path called The Way.  I am encouraged that those who read these words have similar priorities and desire FATHER to fully mold us into vessels of honor for HIS unrestricted use.

This path results in living a life of moderation and tranquility in the midst of the chaos around us.  We are not moved by the priorities of those who are blinded by the world’s enticements.

As we take on the character of Jesus, our Elder Brother, we will not be reluctant to expect and accept the higher anointing reserved for us and our calling.  The disciples did not have to beg Jesus for the power and authority.  Instead, they were selected… they were willing vessels.  Each day, let us say “Here I am FATHER, what’s on YOUR MIND today?”  “What is it you would like for me to do?”  Be ready to be selected.

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