Uncontainable Joy

The Holy Spirit recorded in Proverbs chapter 3:

5 Trust in the Lord completely,

and do not rely on your own opinions.

With all your heart rely on him to guide you,

and he will lead you in every decision you make.

6 Become intimate with him in whatever you do,

and he will lead you wherever you go.

7 Don’t think for a moment that you know it all,

for wisdom comes when you adore him with undivided devotion

and avoid everything that’s wrong.

8 Then you will find the healing refreshment

your body and spirit long for.

9 Glorify God with all your wealth,

honoring him with your very best,

with every increase that comes to you.

10 Then every dimension of your life will overflow with blessings

from an uncontainable source of inner joy!

Our desire should be to walk as the full expression of Our Lord Jesus Christ to everyone we encounter.  As we do, we should expect an overflow of blessings and uncontainable joy in our hearts.  For this to happen, we cannot hold anything back which is under our control.  This includes time, priorities, thought life, and resources.

The firstfruits of our day should be given to FATHER.  If we do this, the day will have HIS blessing on it and HE is able to multiply many aspects of our daily living.  The day just goes better and the roadblocks get removed.  Some of those roadblocks are removed without our realization and I am thankful for HIM sending the angels before me for my protection.  If I honor FATHER by giving HIM my very best, then every aspect of my life will overflow with blessings.

Until you overcome the “giving” issue, your maturing process will be hindered.  I had to overcome it years ago and it was directly related to the “trust issue”.  Did I really trust FATHER’S Word enough to let go of what we call hard-earned money?  Once I overcame my own self-oriented survival orientation (promoted by the world), FATHER’S economy was revealed to me and I have been able to experience it in my own life.

I am expecting a notable acceleration of Spiritual activity and I am determined not to miss being a part of it.  I hope you share this anticipation and commitment as well.  Those of us who are willing to fully align ourselves with FATHER’S plan, will experience a unity beyond what we have seen in the past.  It is going to be an exciting year!

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