Oligarchy- What is it?

The oligarchy (from Greek ὀλιγαρχία, oligarkhía) is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people. These people could be distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, corporate, or military control.  In the book 13 Bankers, the author claims that the top 13 banks in the U.S. form an oligarchy.  Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase are at the top of the list.  From these banks come many of the Secretaries of the Treasury and other influential political appointees.  Howard Hughes claimed he never lost a political race, he funded both sides.  These banks were allowed to recklessly invest in highly leveraged investments with no regulation or accountability.  In the end, the American taxpayer shouldered the risk while these banks paid billions in bonuses to the top employees.  Due to the complexity of our society and the lack of transparency at all levels, these banks had a free ride and evidently will continue their course of high risk.  To my knowledge, there have been no criminal prosecutions of high level players.  Injustices like these will continue until righteous judgment manifests itself in America.  The rich and the powerful have enjoyed a free ride for years and do not expect it to change.  In the meantime, millions of people are on the food stamp program, out of work and discouraged.  JP Morgan Chase recently admitted to overcharging active military personnel on home mortgages and foreclosing on several houses of active soldiers, a violation of Federal Law.  Will anybody go to jail?  See: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704858404576134163713192544.html

What is the solution to our problem?  The solution will only come by prayer and fasting for our brethren.  Prayer places the focus on our relationship with Our Heavenly Father and fasting is to subdue the “anti-Christ ego” that challenges our anointing.  Only when we are found to be acceptable to receive the power and authority from On High will change truly occur.  Violence never solves any problems but only hardens the hearts of the wicked.  We must appeal to the High Court of Heaven to find resolution to our current circumstances.  Selah!

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