Deep Intercession

David recorded Psalm 16 by The Holy Spirit:

1 Keep me safe, O God,

    for I have come to You for refuge.

2 I said to the Lord, “You are my Master!

    Every good thing I have comes from You.”

3 The Godly people in the land

    are My true heroes!

    I take pleasure in them!

4 Troubles multiply for those who chase after other gods.

    I will not take part in their sacrifices of blood

    or even speak the names of their gods.

5 Lord, You alone are My inheritance, My cup of blessing.

    You guard all that is Mine.

6 The land YOU have given Me is a pleasant land.

    What a wonderful inheritance!

7 I will bless the Lord who guides Me;

    even at night My heart instructs Me.

8 I know the Lord is always with Me.

    I will not be shaken, for HE is right beside Me.

9 No wonder My heart is glad, and I rejoice.

    My body rests in safety.

10 For YOU will not leave My soul among the dead

    or allow your Holy One to rot in the grave.

11 You will show Me the way of life,

    granting me the joy of YOUR Presence

    and the pleasures of living with YOU forever.

This Psalm points to the intercession Jesus experience when He went to the depths of hell on our behalf.  He was fully separated from FATHER for three days but had the assurance of restoration.

His compassion for those He encountered was greater than even the worst of them.  Our compassion is meant to be at the same level thus we must be willing to intercede in the same manner.

We are to Love our enemies, even the worst enemy.  After all, Jesus died for all of mankind.  Are you willing to intercede at the same depth as Jesus did?  When the Sons and Daughters are fully mature, we will have no problem in interceding for anyone.  We will go as deep in our spirit as necessary.  Our Love will outweigh the vile acts of the ones we are interceding for as we are led by The Holy Spirit.

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