911 Words (How Appropriate)

A defiler is one who defiles; one who corrupts or violates; that which pollutes. 

Jude wrote by The Holy Spirit:

1   From Judah, a Loving servant of Jesus, the Anointed One, and brother of James. I’m writing to the chosen ones who are wrapped in the Love of Father God—kept and guarded for Jesus, the Messiah. 2 May God’s mercy, peace, and Love cascade over you!

3 Dearly loved friend, I was fully intending to write to you about our amazing salvation we all participate in, but felt the need instead to challenge you to vigorously defend and contend for the beliefs that we cherish. For God, through the apostles, has once for all entrusted these Truths to his Holy believers.

We are now in times requiring us to vigorously defend and contend for the beliefs we truly cherish.  In FATHER’S Eyes, all lives matter no matter what your skin color.  Moreover, unborn babies’ lives matter but the world wants to overlook this Truth as they attempt to divide and destroy Truth on earth.  This is not my opinion but the Word of Our Heavenly Father.  An opinion is subject to error but the Absolute Truth has no such error.

4 There have been some who have sneaked in among you unnoticed. They are depraved people whose judgment was prophesied in Scripture a long time ago. They have perverted the message of GOD’S grace into a license to commit immorality and turn against our only Absolute Master, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

How can I be silent when those who call themselves Christians have invited defilement into their sanctuaries and expect The Holy Spirit to show up and endorse their defilement?  How much of the Scripture must I tear out of my Bible so that I don’t offend such defilement?  Jude was compelled by The Holy Spirit to bring up these areas of defilement so that we would remain vigilant and not allow the world to sway us into acceptance of lawlessness and unrighteousness.

5 I need to remind you, even though you are familiar with it all, that the Lord Jesus saved his people out of Egypt but subsequently destroyed those who were guilty of unbelief.

6 In the same way, there were heavenly messengers in rebellion who went outside their rightful domain of authority and abandoned their appointed realms. GOD bound them in everlasting chains and is keeping them in the dark abyss of the netherworld until the judgment of the great day.

7 In a similar way, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and nearby towns gave themselves to sexual immorality and the unnatural desire of different flesh. Now they all serve as examples of those who experience the punishment of eternal fire.

Do you think that FATHER concerns HIMSELF with “man-given” rights to sin and lead others astray?  In Heaven, there is no gray, only white and black.  Pastors are diluting The Word in order to keep their numbers AND their revenue up.  They are more concerned about being liked than preaching the Truth.

8 In the same way, these sensual “dreamers” corrupt and pollute the natural realm, while on the other hand they reject the spiritual realms of governmental power and repeatedly scoff at Heavenly Glories. 9 Even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil over the body of Moses, dared not insult or slander him, but simply said, “The Lord Yahweh rebuke you!”

If there is ever a time this passage applies, it is now!  Defunding “law and order” thinking that thieves, murderers, and rapists will simply stop their lawless acts is utterly ridiculous.  Until someone violates a supporter of such persuasion, only then will he or she address this fallacy and wonder “what was I thinking?”.

10 These people insult anything they don’t understand. They behave like irrational beasts by doing whatever they feel like doing.  Because they live by their animal instincts, they corrupt themselves and bring about their own destruction. 11 How terrible it is for them! For they have followed in the steps of Cain. They have abandoned themselves to Balaam’s error because of their greedy pursuit of financial gain. And since they have rebelled like Korah rebelled, they will experience the same fate of Korah and likewise perish.

There is an implication that these people are like animals in heat, following their natural instincts.  They are so self-absorbed they are willing to discard their future for temporary satisfaction.

Korah led 250 men in rebellions against the leadership of Moses. The earth opened up and swallowed Korah alive. In a similar way, the “things of this earth” enticed these false teachers and they would be “swallowed up” by their greed for what this world can offer. Jude gives us three illustrations of wicked men who did as they pleased and suffered greatly: Cain, Balaam, and Korah.

Expect judgment to come soon.  Jude gives us three examples from ancient history in verses 5 to7, pointing to those who experienced wonderful privileges from GOD but terribly abused GOD’S grace and so were punished. Sodom and Gomorrah was described as fertile, fruitful, “like the garden of the Lord” (Gen. 13:10). Each example cited (Israel’s exodus, angels that sinned, and the cities of sexual perversion) serves as an example and a warning that FATHER judges sin. There is a severe punishment awaiting all who refuse to hide themselves in the Love and grace of GOD, which is expressed through Christ toward us.

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