The Big Picture: Light Versus Dark Part 11

My Beloved Brother Steve continues:

The Novel Coronavirus

The COVID-19 outbreak is not an isolated event. It’s a device that has been mobilized by spiritual powers to achieve a spiritual strategic objective.

Spiritual Players: Kingdom of darkness (ruled by Satan) vs. Kingdom of God (ruled by Jesus).

Pawns: Nations, institutions, global population.

Defined Strategy: Pandemic.

Strategic Architect: Kingdom of darkness.

Strategic Mission: Slow down progress of The Transfer.

Reestablish economic containment strategy – Scarcity.

Regain control of global population.

Strategic Objective: To convert human reaction into spiritual momentum by creating disproportionate fear and panic in the world’s population, especially in the US.

Strategic Target: US Economy.

Device: Novel Coronavirus – COVID-19.

Misdirection: Human health crisis.

Actual Outcome: The Transfer advances, doesn’t slow.  Slingshot effect on US economy.  Brings necessary Period of Respite.  First phase of global repositioning.


Linking global activities and events to spiritual sources isn’t a connection that people generally make or even attempt to make, especially among human governments or institutions. It’s just not the way we think. We’re rational, so to explain the unexplainable we look to things we can see, understand and know. . .or at least think we know.

And so, when examining the dynamics associated with an event like the coronavirus, few of us would think to start by posing the possibility that it may have a spiritual origin. And, because we don’t, we never consider the option that the Virus may be a device that’s been mobilized to achieve a spiritual aim. And yet, that’s what it is.

We don’t think in these terms because we’ve been trained to separate the physical earth that operates in time and space from the spiritual realm that operates. . .well. . .somewhere. And so, what happens there (in the spiritual realm) has no connection in our minds to what’s happening here (in the physical earth).

We do this to our peril because to solve a problem its source must first be identified. But, the source cannot be identified unless and until it is first seen. So, seeing is the first task. 

If an earthly problem, then, has a spiritual source, it doesn’t make sense to first search for – see – an earthly solution.  That’s like trying to fix a tree that bears lousy fruit by continuing to examine its fruit. So, when an earthly problem has a spiritual source, a spiritual remedy must be achieved before an earthly solution can be realized. This is the way it has always been, and this is the way it will be with the coronavirus.

This is how the creation works. YHVH gave His physical earth that operates in time and space to His physical and spiritual Man (both male and female) to rule WITH Him. This physical earth was inseparably connected to the spiritual realm where YHVH resides.

So, to YHVH the spiritual and the material are simply two sides of the same coin for Him and His Man. This is what makes Man unique among all the beings of creation. We alone occupy heaven and earth, the spiritual and the material, at the same time. It’s what links us to God and His creation in ways no other beings are linked.

This is why Jesus answered His disciples the way He did in Matthew 24:

“And answering the question, Jesus said to them, laying the argument to rest, ‘Watch and be observant of what is seen in the physical realm to see what is happening in the spiritual realm so you can take the needed action, lest a certain one – anyone – cause you to wander into error, getting off course and deviating from the correct path.’ “ (Matthew 24:4)

Jesus wouldn’t have told us to look at both dimensions – the physical and the spiritual – when assessing or examining a situation if we didn’t have the inherent ability to do it. But, as members of the Order of Man, it’s part of our natural design. It’s there to provide dimensional depth perception like our eyes provide physical depth perception. And like physical depth perception, we can’t properly function in the two dimensions of heaven and earth, the spiritual and the natural, as members of the Elohim Ruling Class without it.

So, to rule WITH Jesus we must be able to decide and to decide we must be able see both sides of an issue – the physical and the spiritual.

And so, to make the link between the coronavirus and the spiritual powers of darkness that are using it, we must see the link. This is an inseparable part of determining not only what’s going on but more importantly why. Only then will we be able to take the needed action WITH Jesus.

“As in heaven so also in the earth.” (Matthew 6:10)

The Pandemic Strategy

Pandemics have been an important population containment strategy for the kingdom of darkness, along with wars and famines, throughout human history. Not so today. With the advances made in medical science and communications, pandemics are less effective than they once were even with the mass mobility of humans traveling from nation to nation.

By way of example, the last 3 global pandemics (prior to COVID-19) have combined to claim less than 40 million lives worldwide – 1M during the Hong Kong Flu pandemic of 1968; 2M during the Asian Flu pandemic of 1956-1958; and 36M over the 44 years of the HIV/AIDS pandemic that began in 1976.

While this loss of life is tragic, as it will be with COVID-19, when compared to the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 that claimed 50M lives or the Bubonic Plague that claimed between 100M – 200M lives in the 7 years between 1346 – 1353, or the 300M – 500M lives that smallpox has claimed throughout history, the modern pandemics continue to demonstrate that they are an ineffective tool as a population containment strategy. It, along with war and famine, has been replaced by the much more efficient and effective containment strategy of abortion that has claimed more than 1.5B lives worldwide just since 1980.

As a result, the kingdom of darkness has repurposed pandemics from a population containment strategy (that manages human numbers) to a population control strategy (that manages human behavior). This, then, is the strategic purpose to the coronavirus – to control the behavior of the world’s human population, especially among those who claim to be followers of Jesus.

Both of these strategies – population containment (numbers) and population control (behavior) – are essential to the effective administration of Satan’s kingdom in the earth. Without them, his realm has neither the capability nor the capacity to manage or control God’s Man and the near inexhaustible abundance that he and the earth are capable of producing.

The reason is because Satan’s kingdom is an Angelic Class realm. Its ruling class is comprised entirely of created beings, which by their very design have limited capabilities with limited capacities. In addition, because they are of the Angelic Class, they are incapable of procreating. And so, their numbers are their numbers; they’re fixed.

Not so with God’s Man, his numbers are ever increasing. This puts an untenable burden on Satan’s kingdom, which his realm is both aware of and concerned about.

Consider, for instance, what has happened in just the last 60 years:

• The population of the earth in 1960 was 3.03B. After more than 1.5B abortions worldwide since 1980, the global population today is over 7.65B, an increase of more than 250%.

• The population of the US in 1960 was 180.7M. After more than 60M surgical abortions plus an estimated 250M more chemical abortions since 1973, the US population today is over 329.4M, an increase of 183%.

What this means in practical terms is that every limited capacity/limited capability Angelic being in Satan’s domain has had its workload increased by more than 1.8 times in the US and by more than 2 ½ times worldwide just since 1960.

The toll this stress is taking on the kingdom of darkness is becoming increasingly visible by simply observing the frantic, irrational, accusatory and intolerant behavior that is coming out of Washington DC, the media and through social media.

“Watch and be observant of what is seen in the physical realm to see what is happening in the spiritual realm.” (Matt 24:4)

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