Passing The Audit

We are accountable to Our Heavenly Father for our words, actions, and resources.  Make no mistake, there will be a full audit conducted of all three areas and we will not be able to skirt the issues found in our audit.  This is why we must focus our attention on hearing and responding to The Holy Spirit day by day. 

FATHER is not a harsh taskmaster but a Loving FATHER WHO wants HIS children to be HIS expressed image.  HE watches over HIS Words so HE wants us to watch over our words. 

HE takes actions in accordance with HIS Divine Nature and HE wants us to “image” HIS Divine Nature in our actions.  HE is not reluctant to use HIS resources on our behalf and bless those who “image” HIS Divine Nature.  Our mindset needs to reflect HIS in all three areas.

Jesus expressed FATHER’S Character in the following story.  These are His Words not mine.  Why does The Holy Spirit have me write on finances?  It is clearly important to FATHER that we disconnect from the most subtle deception of greed. 

Greed stops the flow from Heaven and people in need suffer from it.  When people see us bless them in a tangible way, often our actions speak much louder than our words.  They want to know more about whom we are and it opens the door to our testimony.

Jesus spoke in Luke chapter 16:

1 Jesus taught his disciples using this story:

“There was once a very rich man who hired a manager to run his business and oversee all his wealth. But soon a rumor spread that the manager was wasting his master’s money. 2 So the master called him in and said, ‘Is it true that you are mismanaging my estate? You need to provide me with a complete audit of everything you oversee for me. I’ve decided to dismiss you.’

3 “The manager thought, ‘Now what am I going to do? I’m finished here. I can’t hide what I’ve done, and I’m too proud to beg to get my job back. 4 I have an idea that will secure my future. It will win me favor and secure friends who can take care of me and help me when I get fired!’

5 “So the dishonest manager hatched his scheme. He went to everyone who owed his master money, one by one, and he asked them, ‘How much do you owe my master?’ 6–7 One debtor owed twenty thousand dollars, so he said to him, ‘Let me see your bill. Pay me now and we’ll settle for twenty percent less.’ The clever manager scratched out the original amount owed and reduced it by twenty percent. And to another who owed two hundred thousand dollars, he said, ‘Pay me now and we’ll reduce your bill by fifty percent.’ And the clever manager scratched out the original amount owed and reduced it by half.

8 “Even though his master was defrauded, when he found out about the shrewd way this manager had feathered his own nest, he congratulated the clever scoundrel for what he’d done to lay up for his future needs.”

Jesus continued, “Remember this: The sons of darkness are more shrewd than the sons of light in their interactions with others. 9 It is important that you use the wealth of this world to demonstrate your friendship with God by winning friends and blessing others. Then, when this world fails and falls apart, your generosity will provide you with an eternal reward.

10 “The one who manages the little he has been given with faithfulness and integrity will be promoted and trusted with greater responsibilities. But those who cheat with the little they have been given will not be considered trustworthy to receive more. 11 If you have not handled the riches of this world with integrity, why should you be trusted with the eternal treasures of the spiritual world? 12 And if you’ve not been proven faithful with what belongs to another, why should you be given wealth of your own? 13 It is impossible for a person to serve two masters at the same time. You will be forced to love one and reject the other. One master will be despised and the other will have your loyal devotion. It is no different with God and the wealth of this world. You must enthusiastically love one and definitively reject the other.”

14 Now, the Jewish religious leaders who were listening to Jesus were lovers of money. They laughed at what he said and mocked his teachings.

15 So Jesus addressed them directly. “You always want to look spiritual in the eyes of others, but you have forgotten the eyes of God, which see what is inside you. The very things that you approve of and applaud are the things God despises. 16 The law of Moses and the revelation of the prophets have prepared you for the arrival of the kingdom realm announced by John. And now, when this wonderful news of God’s kingdom realm is preached, people’s hearts burn with extreme passion to press in and receive it. 17 Heaven and earth will disintegrate before even the smallest detail of the word of God will fail or lose its power.”

Character and integrity are both critical for us to walk in as mature Sons and Daughters.  Everything we say and do is recorded in Heaven… both the good and the bad.  Let us repent daily of those things that are contrary to the mindset of Jesus Christ. 

People wonder why they are not being prospered in the area of resources and the above story may provide them with their answer.  We are meant to walk according to all the teachings of Jesus, not just some of them.  As we do, any flaws in our character will be cleansed and we will achieve a greater level of maturity in Christ. 

Jesus was generous with resources and He only acted in a manner consistent with FATHER.  We should have the same mindset no matter what our current state.  Our mindsets must change in the areas of our weaknesses.  Otherwise, we will not pass our audits.

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Romans 14:

 11 Just as it is written:

“As surely as I am the Living God, I tell you:
    ‘Every knee will bow before ME
    and every tongue will confess the Truth
    and glorify ME!’ ”

12 Therefore, each one must answer for himself and give a personal account of his own life before God.

And in Hebrews chapter 4:

13 There is not one person who can hide their thoughts from God, for nothing that we do remains a secret, and nothing created is concealed, but everything is exposed and defenseless before HIS Eyes, to whom we must render an account.

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