How We Think

The purpose of angels is to expedite the Kingdom of God advancing on the earth.  They will only do the Will of GOD and cannot be coerced into following man’s agenda.  Given this reality, we must seek out and know the Will of GOD in order to fully activate our angels to go forth and expedite their mission on our behalf as written in our books (Psalm 139:16).

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Romans chapter 12:

1 Beloved friends, what should be our proper response to God’s marvelous mercies? To surrender yourselves to God to be HIS Sacred, living sacrifices. And live in Holiness, experiencing all that delights HIS Heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship.

2 Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s Will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in HIS Eyes.

The above passage is so important to our growth for it reveals the true issue at hand- how we think.  Until I reach perfection, I must continually change and eliminate the “worldly” in my thought processes.  The ego will resist such change for it wants to be in charge and will attempt to defend itself against change.  If we don’t acknowledge this issue, we will not reach perfection in Christ.

The ego will try to add or subtract from the revelation contained in The Word for its own benefit.  I have seen this so many times over the past yet people will continue to resist change even when shown the problem.  Only when confronted with a serious judgment will they consider the fact that what they were thinking was seriously flawed.  I speak from experience.

Once we have chosen to walk the crucified life with Christ and walk the narrow way, we will move on to perfection and maturity.  The goal is to walk in the power of THE SPIRIT and to train others to do the same.  That is my desire for you and me.  This is what will dramatically expand the Kingdom.

Our words and actions should ultimately point to Christ and not ourselves.  This is one aspect of gratitude.  Angels never exalt themselves for they are servants to The Word of GOD and nothing else.

Each of us has the choice to fulfill our individual destinies.  FATHER will not override my will because Agape Love gives us a choice.  Otherwise, we would simply be like robots and it is clear that people do not fall into that category.  Jesus would not have said in the Garden of Gethsemane “Not My will but Yours” if He had no choice.  We are fully accountable and responsible for our own decisions and outcomes.

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in 1 Timothy chapter 6:

17 To all the rich of this world, I command you not to be wrapped in thoughts of pride over your prosperity, or rely on your wealth, for your riches are unreliable and nothing compared to the living God. Trust instead in the ONE WHO lavishes upon us all good things, fulfilling our every need.

18 Remind the wealthy to be rich in remarkable works of extravagant generosity, willing to share with others. 19 These Spiritual investments will provide a beautiful foundation for their lives and secure for them a great future, as they lay their hands upon the meaning of true life.

Was Jesus “extravagant” in His generosity toward others?  When He fed the 5,000 families, did anyone go away hungry?  When the young man contributed the five loaves and two fishes, how well did he do?  If we truly trust Our Heavenly Father, we will have no reluctance to be extravagant in our giving as well.  This Truth does not compute with the world for they base their thinking on scarcity and results based on greediness and/or fear.  Their blindness keeps them from being a blessing to others.

Our angels will gather resources on our behalf when we seek to fulfill FATHER’S Will on earth.  Supernatural events will become commonplace in our lives even though they may not be spectacular for others to see.  Let us not hinder our angels’ missions for there is much to do on behalf of FATHER’S Kingdom here on earth.

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