The Ministry of Teachers

We are at a higher spiritual level than the adversary because we were made in the Image of GOD.   When we are born again, our spirit is restored but our mind must be renewed and then our body will begin to align itself with our spirit and mind.  He knows this reality but often we don’t realize it and the battle is waged in the mind, will, and emotions.  This is why the five-fold ministry was given to the Body of Christ. 

The following passage is critical to our understanding of what it takes to come into corporate unity as Christ’s Body.  Yes, we need each other but we need to walk in Agape Love and unity in order to be effective in becoming One with Christ as His True Church.

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Ephesians chapter 4:

11 And He has appointed some with grace to be apostles, and some with grace to be prophets, and some with grace to be evangelists, and some with grace to be pastors, and some with grace to be teachers. 12 And their calling is to nurture and prepare all the Holy believers to do their own works of ministry, and as they do this they will enlarge and build up the body of Christ. 13 These grace ministries will function until we all attain oneness into the faith, until we all experience the fullness of what it means to know the Son of God, and finally we become one into a perfect man with the full dimensions of Spiritual maturity and fully developed into the abundance of Christ.

14 And then our immaturity will end! And we will not be easily shaken by trouble, nor led astray by novel teachings or by the false doctrines of deceivers who teach clever lies. 15 But instead we will remain strong and always sincere in our Love as we express the Truth. All our direction and ministries will flow from Christ and lead us deeper into Him, the anointed Head of His Body, the church.

The teacher has been appointed by Christ to bring forth the Truth in Love and mature the believer into perfection.  This is the overriding mandate of the teacher’s anointing and calling.  I believe it is critical for the teacher to seek out what The Holy Spirit wants to convey to the recipients on a timely basis.  The best way for me to fulfill this calling is to give myself to prayer every morning before I write one word to you.

FATHER has me pray at least an hour first thing every morning and I truly look forward to this time.  I assure you that I could not write over 4,000 blogs without The Holy Spirit directing me.  I have never seen myself as a writer.  However, FATHER assigned me to teach and impart revelation given to me, often on your behalf.  Yes, I receive the initial benefit but want you to share in HIS Truth, line upon line, precept upon precept.

In the 50 years since I received the Baptism of THE SPIRIT, I have overcome much which allows me to share for your benefit.  I include my failures so that you can hopefully learn from my mistakes and weaknesses at the time.  I thank FATHER for HIS great grace and mercy in my life.  I definitely needed it!

Without going into detail, I experienced the four challenges I recently wrote about.  Clearly, I would have preferred not to experience each of these challenges but I did.  It is not necessary for every believer to experience these challenges and hopefully these writings will keep some of you from similar experiences.

My deepest desire is for us to come into full maturity and be in unity with one another expressing the true Body of Christ on earth.  I believe FATHER is now quickly moving us into this fulfillment.  Let us simply embrace the Truth and reject those clever false teachings and misdirects by being sensitive to The Holy Spirit.

Each of us needs to develop our character and discernment so that we are to be included in the mature Body of Christ.  Teachers are meant to assist in this process.  If you are not truly maturing in these areas, you need to seek out the reason and make changes to your priorities… this may include the teachers you listen to or read.  Jesus Christ must be at the forefront of teaching.  After all, we want to be a mature part of HIS Body.

All people want is to be loved.  Jesus and His Body are meant to fulfill this need.  As we become fully mature, we will be known by our Love for mankind and the Kingdom of GOD will expand on earth.

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