Removing Limitations

Once we are fully rooted and grounded in Agape Love, we will no longer limit FATHER and HIS blessings in our lives.  It is written by The Holy Spirit in Psalm 78:

1  Beloved ones, listen to this instruction.

    Open your heart to the revelation

    of this mystery that I share with you.

2 A parable and a proverb are hidden in what I say—

    an intriguing riddle from the past.

3–4 We’ve heard true stories from our fathers about our rich heritage.

    We will continue to tell our children

    and not hide from the rising generation

    the great marvels of our God—

    His miracles and power that have brought us all this far.

5 The story of Israel is a lesson in God’s ways.

    He established decrees for Jacob and established the law in Israel,

    and He commanded our forefathers to teach them to their children.

6 For perpetuity God’s ways will be passed down

    from one generation to the next, even to those not yet born.

7 In this way, every generation will set its hope in God

    and not forget His wonderful works but keep His commandments.

8 By following His ways they will break the past bondage

    of their fickle fathers, who were a stubborn, rebellious generation

    and whose spirits strayed from the eternal God.

    They refused to Love Him with all their hearts.

The first issue revealed in this psalm has to do with the lack of Love on the part of the people.  If you fail to pursue the fullness and revelation of Agape Love, you will limit your relationship with Our Heavenly Father.

10 They didn’t really believe the promises of God;

    they refused to trust Him and move forward in faith.

11 They forgot His wonderful works and the miracles of the past,

Without the revelation of Love, the people walked in unbelief and lack of trust.  With this mindset, they were unable to move forward in faith.  There are times when we need to recount the miracles of God in our past.  The children of Israel failed to do so and suffered from their forgetfulness.

12 even their exodus from Egypt, the epic miracle of his might.

    They forgot the glories of his power at the place of passing over.

13 God split the sea wide open, and

    the waters stood at attention on either side

    as the people passed on through!

14 By day the moving glory-cloud led them forward.

    And all through the night the fire-cloud stood as a sentry of light.

15–16 In the days of desert dryness, He split open the mighty rock,

    and the waters flowed like a river before their very eyes.

    He gave them all they wanted to drink from his living springs.

What was their response to FATHER’S constant deliverance?  They had just been delivered from the bondage of Egypt and from the pursuit of Egypt’s army.

19–20 Like spoiled children they grumbled against God,

    demanding He prove His Love by saying,

    “Can’t God provide for us in this barren wilderness?

    Will He give us food, or will He only give us water?

    Where’s our meal?”

21 Then God heard all their complaining and was furious!

    His anger flared up against his people.

22 For they turned away from faith and walked away in fear;

    they failed to trust in His power to save them when He was near.

How many believers act like spoiled children and perpetuate their self-centeredness?  How many hold back when they have the ability to give and be a blessing to others?  How many hoard assets in storage and then throw it all away fifteen years later while those in need do without?  We can understand why FATHER would be furious with them.  Some people are just unwilling to grow up and walk in maturity for they are blinded by their own mindset of fear and greed.

Yet FATHER in HIS great mercy:

23–24 Still he spoke on their behalf, and the skies opened up;

    the windows of heaven poured out food,

    the mercy bread-manna.

    The grain of grace fell from the clouds.

25 Humans ate angels’ food—the meal of the mighty ones.[d]

    His grace gave them more than enough!

26–27 The heavenly winds of miracle power blew in their favor,

    and food rained down upon them;

    succulent quail quieted their hunger as they ate all they wanted.

28 Food fell from the skies, thick as clouds;

    their provision floated down right in front of their eyes!

29 He gave them all they desired, and they ate to their fill.

Yet in spite of all His acts, they kept right on sinning.  Even when they saw God’s marvels, they refused to believe God could care for them.  When He cared for them they ignored Him.

Amazingly, God—so full of compassion—still forgave them and He covered over their sins with His Love and He showed them mercy.

41 Again and again they limited God, preventing Him from blessing them.

    Continually they turned back from Him

    and provoked the Holy One of Israel!

42 They forgot His great Love, how He took them by His hand,

    and with redemption’s kiss He delivered them from their enemies.

43 They disregarded all the epic signs and marvels they saw

    when they escaped from Egypt’s bondage.

    They forgot the judgment of the plagues that set them free.

We must not forget FATHER’S wondrous acts in the past which have delivered us from sin and sickness.  We must not limit FATHER by our mindset and narrow thinking.  FATHER promised us abundance yet most fail to pursue HIS abundance or their pursuit is tainted by selfish motivations.  Agape Love wants to expand blessings to all mankind.  Isn’t this what spreading the Gospel is all about?

When I tithe, I take off the limitations of blessing.  When I don’t, limitation occurs.  I have seen this Truth confirmed in my own life over the years.  I have experienced FATHER eliminating my debt in a supernatural fashion.  I have experienced supernatural deliverance from disease and death. 

There are those who don’t want to hear about giving yet how can I be silent when this Truth prevails in my life!  I am a living testimony of the Goodness of Our Heavenly Father.  I am no more exceptional than anyone who reads these words.  I simply Love, trust, and rely on FATHER, My Lord Jesus, and The Holy Spirit for my existence AND my future.  HIS Word works thus I share ITS fruitfulness and I am determined not to make the same mistakes which are recorded in this Psalm.

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