The Adversary’s Strategies: Part 9

My friend Steve continued with the following:

Seeing – The Kingdom of Darkness

Everything in Satan’s kingdom is a mirror of the Kingdom of God, minus the Father’s Voice and Truth. What Satan has, then, is a shell – an organization, a replica, a mirage – of a kingdom without the substance of a kingdom. It has power, energy, and intelligence, but no life, vitality, or wisdom. So, it cannot produce Good – what is of and from the Father. It can only produce Evil – what is NOT of and from the Father.

The Apostle John describes this kingdom in Revelation 13, using symbolic

language that is vividly descriptive:

• The dragon (Satan) is standing on the seashore (the earth) as he watches his kingdom emerge.

• His kingdom is coming out of the sea (the mass of humanity).

• His kingdom has the nature of a wild beast.

• This beast is strangely organized and configured (10 horns of power with 10 royal crowns, but only 7 heads).

• This beast is extremely resilient (kill one of its heads and it can come back to life).

• The one who possesses wisdom can see this beast and the kingdom it represents through an arithmetic calculation based on the number of Man (6).

“So here, in this very place, is the wisdom for the one that has and holds the mind and intellect to reason and understand the meaning: Count, calculate and compute the total number of the wild and venomous beast, for indeed, it is the total number of Man, both male and female. So then, the total number of the same is six hundred and sixty-six.” (Revelation 13:18)

What Jesus is revealing to John (and to us) is that when the tally is taken, the sum (total productive output) of this kingdom is directly connected to the sum (total productive output) of Man, both male and female. What Man is willing to produce on behalf of this kingdom through his authority to rule (6), labor (6), and material resources (6) is the extent to which the beast can function and rule in the earth (666). Take Man out of the arithmetic equation and the beast has nothing (666-666=0). It cannot emerge “out of the sea” thus leaving the dragon standing alone on the “seashore.”

“And I stared upon and saw with inward spiritual perception a wild and venomous beast ascending out from the sea and to the earth. . .and on its heads were the Name, Authority, and Cause of the slanderer, the blasphemer that vilifies by switching right for wrong and wrong for right.” (Revelation 13:1)

This is what John saw and said could be understood by those who possess wisdom – the way God thinks. What he didn’t say, but that is also clearly understood by those who think the way God thinks, is if the beast of the kingdom of darkness can be counted, calculated, and computed through an arithmetic equation, so can the Kingdom of God. This occurs when Jesus (1) finds a Man (6) who will partner WITH Him to accomplish our Father’s Vision. Jesus’ authority to rule becomes Man’s authority to rule (1+6=7).

Jesus’ labor becomes Man’s labor (1+6=7). Jesus’ resources become Man’s resources (1+6=7). What then “ascends out from the sea and to the earth” is our Father’s Vision, Will, and Kingdom (777). The Lord’s Prayer. (Matt. 6:10)

Satan is keenly aware of the constant threat and risk of exposure that his dependence on Man exerts on his kingdom. That is why John saw him standing on the seashore alone. Even though he has the uncommon authority as an Angelic being to roam the earth, that doesn’t mean he has the authority to do what he wants on the earth. He must first gain permission either from YHVH or Man. (Job 1:6-12; Ezekiel 28:13, 14)

So, Satan must wait to see if there are any among the mass of humanity (the sea) who will allow his kingdom to ascend out from them, so his beast and angelic forces can operate in the earth through them.

To combat this, Satan incentivized his realm to overcome this vulnerability by offering the most valuable prize he had to offer – to sit at his right hand as his co-ruler. This seat is reserved for the one who delivers to him total control of the world and along with it, God’s Man, both male and female.

And Satan doesn’t care who delivers it to him. Thus, his final offer to Jesus in the wilderness temptation was to give Him all the kingdoms of the world to rule if He would bow down and worship him as a superior. While worshipping him was mandatory, giving Jesus total rule was conditioned, of course, on Him achieving the mission. (Matthew 4:8, 9)

Even though he is dependent on Man to rule, Satan is still an Angelic Class being who possesses an Angelic Class kingdom. He is a member of the highest Order in the Angelic Class – Cherubs. He is also the highest-ranking member of Cherubs. So, Satan is the highest-ranking Angel in the creation and the only Cherub in his realm. His ruling class is made up of angels from the Arché Order. This is the highest Angelic rank in his realm next to him.

Man, though higher in rank and authority in the Kingdom of God, is “lower than the angels” in Satan’s kingdom. They are the slaves of the realm, who have been relegated to the Animal Class.

There are 12 Archés in his kingdom. They mimic the role of the 24 Elders in God’s Kingdom. Satan has given each of his Archés a period of time to rule his kingdom. Their mission is to deliver to him total control of the world. If the Arché then in power does not achieve the mission within the allotted time, it must pass the throne to the Arché next in line. The new Arché then takes its place at the head of Satan’s kingdom using its power – the attributes and ministering authority that YHVH gave to it when He created it in the beginning – to govern the realm and to achieve the satanic mission.

This is what was happening in the spiritual realm at the beginning of the 1960s. A transfer of power was taking place in Satan’s kingdom. The Spirit of War’s rule was ending, and Jezebel’s rule was beginning. It’s important to note that Jezebel is the last of the 12 Archés to rule Satan’s kingdom. There are no more Archés after this spirit, so the survival of the realm is riding on the success of Jezebel’s plan and rule.

The strategies and defenses behind the events of the 1960s were, therefore, the brainchild of the angelic spirit known as Jezebel. Each strategy is critical to this spirit achieving the satanic mission while putting on full display what Jezebel’s rule looks like in real-time.

Seeing – Astarte: The Originating Chief Ruler

In the spiritual realm, the angelic spirit that we refer to as Jezebel is known as Astarte, the Queen of Heaven. This is the Chief Arché and architect of the events of the 1960s.

Astarte is recognized as the most ruthless and feared Arché in Satan’s kingdom, which is why Satan appointed it as the last to rule. Where it was once known for its chastity and devotion, it is now known as The Harlot.

This makes Astarte incapable of serving anyone or anything other than its own faithless self. This character trait makes Astarte impossible to trust even by its most ardent supporters, including Satan.

Astarte has long been a seeker of worship and was one of the key deities worshipped by the ancient Phoenicians. It was represented by sacred trees or

poles called Asherah. These were erected next to and around the altars of Baal. Thus, the Queen of Heaven has always seen itself as the one seated next to the King of Heaven – Baal (Satan).

Seeing – Why Women

Angelic Class beings don’t possess genders as humans do, so they don’t favor one human gender over the other. As it relates to the spirits of darkness, they despise both genders equally while considering each their slaves. To them, their human slaves have only one purpose: To supply what they need to accomplish the satanic mission.

When spirits of darkness select a human target to do their work, they do so based on an alignment of attributes and a calculation of the target’s likelihood of success. This is heavily weighted by the target’s devotion to the promised outcomes. In Astarte’s case, it has chosen to work primarily through women as the attributes of the female more closely align with its attributes than do men. By contrast, men fit and align more closely with the attributes of spirits such as the Spirit of War, Spirit of Religion, or Apollo.

The targeting and selection of human allies is an extremely complex process that is fraught with risk and volatility. While spirits of darkness consider humans to be their slaves, they also know that God’s Man, both male and female, is higher in Class, Order, Rank, and Authority than they are. This can make the relationship with their targets extremely fragile as the human can reverse his or her agreement at any point in time without warning or notice. By exercising their inherent authority to rule, the human, whether male or female, can void the circumventing contract that has made them a slave by returning to their partnership relationship WITH Jesus. This instantly restores them to their rightful place as a Ruling Class Elohim. It also reinstates YHVH’s rules of engagement between the two dimensions.

The Apostle Paul demonstrated this dynamic with the devastating effect it had on the spirit of divination (Apollo) in Macedonia. (Acts 16) What this means, then, for the kingdom of darkness is that the selection of a human target is serious business. It must be done with extreme care and strict attention to detail, lest its target turns on them, like Paul did, and destroys what they had so painstakingly built.

We can see Satan employing this care and attention to detail in the calculation and selection of his targets in the Garden:

• The meticulous selection of the Serving Class serpent to approach the superior Elohim Female, Eve.

• The meticulous selection of the junior member of the Elohim Man, Eve, to approach the senior member of the Elohim Man, Adam.

In each instance Satan selected a target that was best aligned with his attributes at the time, so he could achieve his objective. And, with each selection, the target insulated him from direct exposure to the superior authority of the Elohim Man, whether it was the serpent shielding him from Eve, or Eve shielding him from Adam.

As he calculated, selected, and shielded then, so he and his realm calculate, select and shield now.

We’ll go into more detail later about why Satan targeted Eve first instead of going directly to Adam. But for now, the point is that Astarte didn’t target women because it likes women. It chose to take on the female identity and to work through the female gender for strategic reasons. Their attributes are better suited to achieve its scheme than men.

Astarte implemented a version of this same strategy when it personified itself through the scriptural character Jezebel (its human namesake). Through this account, YHVH exposed many of this spirit’s core attributes, including its masculine temperament, confrontational disposition, violent ruling style, and disdain for YHVH’s reign and order. (1 Kings 16 – 2 Kings 9)


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