The Adversary’s Strategies: Part 10

My friend Steve continued with the following:

Seeing – Why Authority Inversion (AI)

Inverting God’s Authority Structure maximizes Astarte’s ability to rule through the Ruling Class Elohim female. By making the female superior it neutralizes the superseding authority of the Ruling Class Elohim male.

Jezebel’s name means, “chaste, devoted.”

This describes the role and ministering authority that YHVH deposited into Astarte’s name when He created it. Like Satan, this spirit belongs to the Angelic Class. In its original state, Astarte’s role was to minister to the needs of the Elohim Class in the spiritual realm by inspiring and promoting chastity and devotion to the Father, His Son (YHVH, Lord Most High of the Elohim), and His Kingdom.

Roles and authority, like gifts and callings, are irrevocable. They are integral to the design of the creature. The Animal must serve. The Angel must minister. The Man must rule. Every Living Being must fulfill the design and purpose for which it was created.

So, too, with Astarte.

This spirit’s role and authority remain intact – to inspire and promote chastity and devotion to the Father, His Son, and to His Kingdom. This is the role and ministering authority that it was given, so this is the role and ministering authority it must fulfill. The only difference now is that it fulfills its purpose through its service to Satan. Everything it does and everything it uses works to accomplish its reason for being created, including its use of the female Elohim.

Astarte can only inspire and promote, and it can only produce devotion.  It has no authority to rule, nor does it possess the power to enforce. To enforce it must attach itself to beings that possess the authority to rule and the power to enforce – the Elohim Class.

In the spiritual picture we see Astarte, the Queen of Heaven, attaching itself to Baal, the king of the gods, who knows how to secure the ruling authority of Man. In the natural picture, we see Jezebel, the Sidonese princess, attaching herself to Ahab, the King of Israel. In the 1960s, we see Astarte attaching itself to the Ruling Class Elohim Female and the ruling institutions of Man – government, law, business, education, entertainment, family, and the courts. Each of these ruling entities played a vital role in implementing and establishing Astarte’s strategies and defenses. They also ensured their continued enforcement.  While identifying with and primarily using the female best aligned with Astarte’s attributes, it also created a dilemma.

Under God’s Authority Structure the Elohim Female is under the authority of the Elohim Male. So, to move through the Ruling Class Authority of the Elohim Female to exercise and enforce its rule, Astarte would have to first obtain permission from the Elohim Male. This was an untenable obstacle that would make her rule cumbersome at best and hamstrung at worst.

Astarte’s solution was to take what she had done through Ahab’s Jezebel to the next level.

With Jezebel, Astarte usurped Ahab’s authority to rule Israel. With its new approach, Astarte wouldn’t merely usurp authority; it would convince Man to agree to invert or flip God’s Authority Structure. This would remove any encumbrance to its rule while making the female authority superior to the male. To understand the significance of this maneuver, we have to first understand how authority works in God’s Kingdom.

Under YHVH’s system, authority exists to bless and protect. It utilizes Divine power to mobilize Divine resources to achieve the Divine purpose for granting authority – to bless and protect.

The Spirit of Truth discloses the judicially approved means of administering God’s Authority to the one authorized to bless and protect. This is what enables YHVH’s hierarchical structure to produce unity and freedom instead of dominance and servitude. It functions in the simplicity and purity of the Father’s Nature and Character, so it fully expresses His Truth and Likeness.

With God’s authority comes His power and resources to effectively administer that authority. It is delegated in proper measure to the various Classes, Orders, and Ranks within His Kingdom based on the requirements of the Role.

The higher the Class, Order, and Rank, the greater the responsibility is to bless and protect in the fullness of the Father’s Nature and Character.

Jesus, who has been given the Highest Name, also possesses the greatest measure of authority (all). He uses this authority to fully bless and protect both in heaven and the earth. A simple illustration of God’s Authority Structure through which He

delegates His authority might look something like this:

The Father Greater Than All (The God)


Elohim Class Ruling Class


Jesus YHVH, Lord Most High Elohim

Man Male & Female = Heaven + Earth

Elders Heavenly Rule

Watchers Heaven’s Administration of Earth


Angelic Class Ministering Class


Cherub } Angelic Seraphim } Orders Arché } Etc. }


Animal Class Serving Class

God’s Authority Structure related to the Order of Man might look something

like this:

The Father Greater Than All (The God)


Jesus YHVH, Lord Most High Elohim


Man Elohim Male


Woman Elohim Female


Children Elohim Heirs


First-Born Male Carry-on Family Elohim Rule

Under God’s Authority Structure, the Father has given all authority to Jesus.

Jesus then delegates a measure of that authority to the Elohim Male who is

responsible for blessing and protecting his wife and family. Jesus also delegates a measure of authority to the Elohim Woman (Wife and Mother) to bless her husband and bless and protect their Elohim Children. The First- Born Male Child is then in line to carry on the Elohim Authority for and on behalf of the family.

Satan’s Angelic Class spiritual authority structure is very different. It would look something like this:

Cherub Satan (“god of this world”)


Arché Spirit: Ruling Order


Exousia Spirit: Authority Distribution


Kosmokratór Earth: Government Compliance


Pneumatikos Earth: Human Implementation

Ponéria (Spirits of Wickedness)


Akathartos Earth: Human Torment

Pneuma (Impure Spirits)

In Satan’s Angelic Class structure, the top 3 levels operate entirely in the spiritual realm. The bottom 3 levels work to directly influence human governments, institutions, and people in and through the world system.

When the natural order (earthly) beings are included, Satan’s structure looks

something like this:

Cherub Satan (“god of this world”)


Arché Spirit: Ruling Order


Exousia Spirit: Authority Distribution


Kosmokratór Earth: Government Compliance


Pneumatikos Earth: Human Implementation

Ponéria (Spirits of Wickedness)


Akathartos Earth: Human Torment

Pneuma (Impure Spirits)


Animal Class Serving Class


Man Slaves (“lower than the angels”)

Under the period of Astarte’s rule, Satan’s authority structure would look something like this:

Satan “god of this world”


Astarte Ruling Arché (“Jezebel”)


Angelic Orders Kingdom of Darkness


Animal Class Serving Class


Man Slaves (“lower than the angels”)

Specific to God’s Man, Astarte’s inverted authority structure would look

something like this:

Satan “god of this world”


Astarte Ruling Arché (“Jezebel”)


Children Highest Ranking Slave


Woman Highest Utilized Slave


Father Lowest Ranking Slave

Under Astarte’s inverted authority structure (AI), the one vested in God’s

structure with the least authority (the child) is delegated the greatest authority. The one vested in God’s structure with the greatest authority (the father) is delegated the least authority.

This structure minimizes or entirely neutralizes the blessing and protecting authority that God has vested in His male Elohim Man (husband/father). The Wife is positioned outside the Husband’s authority. The Child is positioned outside the authority of both the father and mother. Since the child has little or no ability or experience to exercise authority independent of its parents, the Elohim Woman becomes the highest utilized authority in the structure.

This inversion maximizes Astarte’s access to the Elohim Female’s Ruling Class Authority while minimizing any obstructive interference that may arise from the Elohim Male. This, by the way, is why Satan had his serpent approach Eve first while she was outside of Adam’s authoritative covering instead of approaching him directly.

While very clever, what’s so mind-boggling about this maneuver is that God’s Man – both male and female – must first agree to it before it can work. And we do. And once we do, Astarte has the unencumbered freedom to inspire and promote allegiance and devotion to its philosophies and agenda among the now unprotected – women and children.

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