The Deposits Have Been Made: Part 16

Peter wrote by revelation from The Holy Spirit in 2nd Peter chapters 1:

1 This letter is from Simeon Peter, a loving servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ. I am writing to those who have been given a faith as equally precious as ours through the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. 2 May grace and perfect peace cascade over you as you live in the rich knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

3 Everything we could ever need for life and Godliness has already been deposited in us by His Divine power. For all this was lavished upon us through the rich experience of knowing Him who has called us by name and invited us to come to Him through a glorious manifestation of His goodness. 4 As a result of this, He has given you magnificent promises that are beyond all price, so that through the power of these tremendous promises we can experience partnership with the Divine nature, by which you have escaped the corrupt desires that are of the world.

Peter joins Paul in expressing the reality of what has already been deposited in each of us by Our Heavenly Father.  Embracing this Truth is so vital to the Move of GOD at hand.  Why?  Jesus had Divine power and did not simply keep it to Himself but walked in it to minister life and restoration to those in whom He came in contact.  We should be doing the same.  Let us not be self-centered concerning this revelation, we need to minister to others as well.

This series of writings answers the question of how we could fulfill Jesus’ Words when He spoke them in Mark chapter 16:

15 And then He told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. 16 Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. 17 These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in My Name, and they will speak in new languages. 18 They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.”

We have THE measure of faith deposited on the inside of us by Our Heavenly Father.  Everything Jesus has, is, and can do is already deposited on the inside of us.  Accessing what has been deposited in us is the issue.  It requires faith and FATHER has even provided for that as well!

The Beloved Disciple wrote by The Holy Spirit in 1st John chapter 5:

3 True Love for God means obeying HIS commands, and HIS commands don’t weigh us down as heavy burdens. 4 You see, every child of God overcomes the world, for our faith is the victorious power that triumphs over the world. 5 So who are the world conquerors, defeating its power? Those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

You and I have been made more than conquerors through HIM WHO Loved us.  Do you have true Love for God?  Then obey His commands for HE has given us everything we need to fulfill those commands and left nothing out.  As we access those deposits in us, we will rise up and fulfill all the commands given to us and experience “greater things”.

The revelation and access of these deposits allowed Paul to write by The Holy Spirit in Philippians chapter 4:

13 I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.

The restrictions are lifted by revelation and we can no longer be deceived that we are insufficient in our walk.  All means all.

When the disciples asked for more faith, Jesus effectively told them to use what they had.  In Luke 17:

5 Upon hearing this, the apostles said to Jesus, “Lord, you must increase our measure of faith!”

6 Jesus responded, “If you have even the smallest measure of faith, it would be powerful enough to say to this large tree, ‘My faith will pull you up by the roots and throw you into the sea,’ and it will respond to your faith and obey you.”

THE measure of faith deposited in us is more than sufficient.

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Galatians chapter 2:

20 My old identity has been co-crucified with Christ and no longer lives. And now the essence of this new life is no longer mine, for the Anointed One lives His life through me—we live in union as one! My new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God who loves me so much that he gave Himself for me, dispensing His life into mine!

We need to access this empowerment by faith.  We already have the faith OF the Son of GOD on the inside of us!  Now is the time to operate in it.

Paul also wrote by The Holy Spirit in Ephesians chapter 2:

8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

Faith is a gift of God as we were in no state to have our own faith to be saved.  HE provided the faith to be saved thus we are not able to boast as though by our own works we were saved.  Faith is supernatural and spiritual-based having its origin from FATHER.  Think about it.

Paul also wrote by The Holy Spirit in Galatians chapter 2:

16 we know that no one receives God’s perfect righteousness as a reward for keeping the law, but only by the faith of Jesus, the Messiah! His faithfulness has saved us, and we have received God’s perfect righteousness. Now we know that God accepts no one by the keeping of religious laws!

We don’t need more faith, we need to learn how to use the faith we already have.  This comes by hearing and meditating on The Word and its promises to those who come to full maturity in their Love and faith.

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