
The world wants to diminish the value of Jesus’ Words.  FATHER is always speaking forth greater value toward us that aligns with what HE wrote in our book.  We are valuable to HIM and we need to pay close attention to the Words of Jesus.

Jesus spoke in Matthew chapter 24:

35 “The earth and sky will wear out and fade away before one Word I speak loses its power or fails to accomplish its purpose.”

Jesus tells us to pay close attention to every Word He speaks, without exception.  We should not assign a lower value to His Words in the Gospels than those Words given to us in the Epistles.

36 “Concerning that day and exact hour, no one knows when it will arrive, not even the angels of heaven—only the Father knows. 37 For it will be like it was in the days of Noah when the Son of Man appears. 38 Before the flood, people lived their lives eating, drinking, marrying, and having children. 39 They didn’t realize the end was near until Noah entered the ark, and then suddenly, the flood came and took them all away in judgment. It will happen the same way when the Son of Man appears. 40 At that time, two men will be working on the farm; one will be taken away in judgment, the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding grain; one will be taken away in judgment, the other left. 42 This is why you must stay alert: because no one knows the day your Lord will come.

It is also recorded in Acts chapter 1 when Jesus responded to the question posed by the disciples:

6 Every time they were gathered together, they asked Jesus, “Lord, is it now the time for you to free Israel and restore our kingdom?”

7 He answered, “The Father is the One Who sets the fixed dates and the times of their fulfillment. You are not permitted to know the timing of all that He has prepared by his own authority.

Jesus does not know when “the second coming” will take place.  Neither do the angels.  Only Father knows!  Jesus told us twice that it is up to FATHER ONLY to determine when the end time events will transpire.  In the meantime, set aside your end time prophecy books and CD’S and focus on doing your part to establish the Kingdom on earth.  FATHER will take care of the rest.

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