The Flow Of Life

As a believer, your whole life flows from your spirit.

The Beloved Disciple wrote by The Holy Spirit in 1st John chapter 4:

17 By living in God, Love has been brought to its full expression in us so that we may fearlessly face the day of judgment, because all that Jesus now is, so are we in this world.

As He is, so are we!  The Beloved Disciple John had the same revelation as Paul concerning what has already been given to us which resides in our spirit.  We are not pleading with FATHER to impart new power and authority as though HE has been holding back until we perform at some level.  HE has been waiting on us to come into the fullness of revelation concerning the gifts we have already been given.

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Ephesians chapter 2:

8 For by grace you have been saved by faith. Nothing you did could ever earn this salvation, for it was the Love gift from God that brought us to Christ! 9 So no one will ever be able to boast, for salvation is never a reward for good works or human striving.

Faith is a positive response to GOD’S grace.  Faith is not something you do to get GOD to respond to you.  Faith is your appropriation of what GOD has already provided by grace.

None of us can boast that we somehow earned salvation because we lived such an upright life.  Salvation was and is a gift from a Loving Heavenly Father who formed us in the womb.  Once we accepted our calling to be saved and HIS grace mixed with our positive response of faith in HIS Word, our gifts became accessible to us.

Once our gifts became accessible, the potential power and authority needed to be appropriated.  To appropriate means to take for one’s use thus making it operational in one’s life.  When we exercise faith and agree with FATHER’S Word concerning not only the existence of those spiritual gifts, but the ability to access them, they move from the spirit realm to the physical.  Faith expects to see a positive response.

What will hinder the process?  Unbelief.  If we don’t see an immediate response in the physical, we must not allow unbelief to enter in and hinder the appropriation.  Do I need to claim some Scripture 500 times as though FATHER will speed up the process?  No, you and I are the variables in this situation of manifestation. 

As I reread Ephesians and Colossians, I allow The Word to minister to me and dispel any unbelief trying to rise up.  My goal is to immerse myself in those verses which reveal the Truth that those gifts are already in me awaiting activation.  Dwelling on The Word day and night shortens the activation time by removing any past teachings that promoted conditional Love and a performance-based relationship with Our Heavenly Father, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit.

I am the only one who can stop or hinder the flow of what has already been deposited in me waiting to be activated.  My desire is to release the flow from the spirit realm to the physical and be an advertisement for Christ.  Jesus told us to expect to do greater things and this is exactly what I expect to release in me.  I didn’t place these gifts in me, FATHER did with the expectation of being released.

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