
FATHER is totally precise in HIS Word and HIS Divine Intent. There are those who believe they need to seek out “methodologies” in order to entice believers into following them.  Demons will use “lying wonders” to confirm the pursuit of various intellectual endeavors.  Does FATHER need help in providing revelation of HIS Word?  Not in the least.  Beware!

The following is shared by a Beloved Sister.

For a long time, the enemy and his minions have tried to make me stop speaking in tongues. This has been my conclusion. First, it was through fear that I wouldn’t be speaking something right or could have been influenced by a false spirit while praying. Then later, by listening to teachings contrary to the speaking in tongues, but even though this time I didn’t fear that it could be from the devil, I’d just stop it out of fear of the Lord Himself since I wanted to obey Him. Then, in a more recent past, as their tactics get more sophisticated, I got a bit into teachings involving  ‘quantum prayer’, which even though I wasn’t really able to fully embrace it, it affected my prayer life.

There were erroneous teachings or views mingled in it (‘based’ on the Bible) that even though I was aware of, caught myself off-guard to be listening to things that would affect other very important aspects. During that time, interestingly enough, my hunger for reading and meditating on the Word was strangely gone, and I felt like more prone to carnal thought and behavior (I had a proof of that two or three times). But some brighter red flags went up, while in this period of contemplating all that, one day I felt an urge to pray in tongues, though it wasn’t for too long, only a few words (remembering that I hadn’t been praying in tongues or praying normally). Then, a very short time after, I heard something regarding the blood of Jesus on the cross that I knew it was not right, but when I heard that I stopped listening to the video I was watching.

Regarding that time, the enemy used my curiosity, I think. It felt like, “Look, there’s something here that will make you free or see the real deal” or something like deep inside. Whispering. It’s all very subtle since he knows where we are lacking. Anyway, I am almost sure that in the night of the same day when I had watched that video and heard what I did about the blood and the cross this took place: I had fallen asleep. It was like a dream, there were ‘people’ in the dark all next to each other in a corner (of a room), then one of them came up (I couldn’t see their faces neither this one because they were like dark figures) and was going to sit on my bed (next to me) where I was sleeping. I don’t know if he or it was going to put his hand on me or what. I then woke up. (My spiritual dreams usually happen between 1 and 3 am, and that was the case. It wasn’t too long after I went to bed).

The strange thing is that it felt like the Lord actually showed me what was going on in the spirit realm rather than being just a dream, you know? Because it was like I was in that position in bed and seeing those things. My view started in the group in corner, and then from a position of being lying down and seeing this ‘person’ coming toward my bed. When I woke up, I didn’t feel afraid. I just said, ‘the angel(s) of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him.’ I never had a ‘dream’ like that before. After saying this, I went back to sleep. The next day, I thought to myself (or it was the Holy Spirit showing me), that I had been exposed to something that was diminishing the power of blood of Christ (evil spirits hate the power of His blood, they wanted to remove my power too, maybe? I think so.) and also that I was being enticed with false spiritual food (through wrong teaching) into a trap. Of course,

I repented but I believe the Lord allowed me to go through this deception so I could see how crafty the enemy is and become more mature. Then, I also think that that short prayer in tongues I did out of nowhere (since I was not in the prayer mode at all), might have been important for me to be showed what was being plotted behind the scenes. And to be honest, I haven’t been praying in tongues as I used to, Brother.

My response:

Men will use knowledge and skill to draw us away from the true Spiritual area where the Holy Spirit resides.  I myself have been unknowingly drawn away in the past only to find myself lacking and susceptible to the wiles of the devil.  I will not let that happen again… ever!  People who are highly intelligent will use that to convince others who are impressed with their intelligence.  I would rather hear from an unlearned person who speaks from the Spirit of Truth than a thousand words of a highly intelligent person.

You cannot redeem yourself through self-effort.  Only Jesus Christ can redeem you.  Spending hours meditating will not advance one’s spiritual maturity.  However, spending hours praying in The Holy Spirit moves you closer to an intimate relationship with Our Heavenly Father.

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