Your Gifts And Calling Were Given Unconditionally

When you are no longer a victim, you become a target of the enemy and his minions.  Be of good cheer, they will give up and move on to a weaker target who still thinks they are victims and believe that they are not yet fully acceptable to FATHER.  That is a lie!

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Romans chapter 11:

29And when God chooses someone and graciously imparts gifts to him, they are never rescinded.

Your gifts and callings are waiting on you to be activated.  Since you are now perfect in your spirit, the problem lies in your mind, will, and emotions.  This is the battleground where the enemy wants to deceive you.  He and his minions will attempt to misrepresent the Truth in any way to keep you deceived. 

Remember, half-truths are still lies!  Some facts can be presented but others are left out in order to steer you in a direction away from the full Truth.  Sadly, this is what most attorneys do during a trial.  Even many judges will manipulate the admission of evidence or questions posed by attorneys to a witness on the stand in order to move the jury toward their own bias or mandate from those in power above them

Yes, I have absolute evidence when I observed this very reality in a Federal trial years ago.  FATHER wanted me to specifically see this travesty since HE moved upon me to attend only a couple of days out of a six week trial of a friend.  This is how the world operates.  Isn’t this a similar scenario to that of Jesus, Paul, and others?

Wars, pandemics, and market crashes are how the enemy wants to keep the population in control.  On the other hand, The Word supersedes all these attempts to keep us in control.  This has been true throughout history.  FATHER will deliver us out of all of the attempts to control us.

Our focus must be on The Blood of Jesus and His Words given as instruction to us to live above what the world dishes out.  He sent The Holy Spirit to continue to provide The Word on demand!  We are the ones to demand The Word when we choose to pray in The Holy Spirit.  This act of speaking The Word in a perfect prayer to FATHER keeps us connected with The Treasures of Heaven and their flow in our lives.

As a teacher, my mandate is to help those who will read these blogs to grow in spiritual maturity… period!  In order to do this, you must get understanding as I show you value in The Word.  This value will unlock the understanding of the power and authority available to you individually.  I can provide you with hundreds and hundreds of personal testimonies but I don’t want you to become reliant on me.  You need to focus your attention on Jesus, The Blood, The Holy Spirit, FATHER’S Agape Love, and HIS Word.  That is where the power lies as you receive your own revelation and testimonies.

We live in a broken world and I understand the challenges associated with living in such an environment.  As Believers, we were meant to live on an earth where the Kingdom of GOD oversees ALL the physical aspects of the world.  However, we have an enemy who was given authority to become the god of this world by Adam and Eve even though it is temporary in nature. 

You and I are intended to change that situation!  FATHER has not rescinded our calling or our gifts.  The deposits have been made on our behalf but we need to mature in understanding.  The Holy Spirit methodically has me write these blogs in a certain sequence to move you toward maturity as an Overcomer.  This is a calling even though there are other aspects to my calling.  I desire you and I to be in perfect unity and this is only accomplished as we remove individual opinions and trust solely on The Word as our singular position.

I have heard what has turned out to be many opinions which were credited as “revelations” yet FATHER later spoke HIS Word and against those opinions… even though they seemed viable at the time.  Man’s opinion can be subtle at time as it will redirect your focus from the pure Word from Above.  I will not name names because I don’t want to move my focus away from what is true, righteous, and unneeded.  You must allow The Holy Spirit to convict you when you hear error for there are many false prophets out there.  I purpose to have no opinion about anyone or anything.

When Joshua was confronted by the angel sent by FATHER, there is a Truth to behold in chapter 5:

13 And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man (angel) stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, “Are You for us or for our adversaries?”

14 So He (the angel) said, “No, but as Commander of the army of the LORD I have now come.”

And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped, and said to Him, “What does my Lord say to His servant?”

15 Then the Commander of the LORD’s army said to Joshua, “Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is Holy.” And Joshua did so.

Joshua found out the angel was not interested in his opinion.  He was there solely to do the Will of THE LORD.  Get rid of your opinions, embrace The Word, and understanding will come for you have prepared the soil of your heart to hear, respond, and allow The Word to produce fruit.  Let this be your daily focus.  Repent when you are alerted by The Holy Spirit you have drifted away, even the slightest.  Now is the time!

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