The Convergence of Love

I believe this year will see a major change in the consciousness of Love and the focus will move away from the past or the future and the emphasis will move to the “now”.  Last summer Our Heavenly Father spoke the Word to me “Now is the time”.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of GOD.  When Our Heavenly Father speaks a Word to us, the universe responds and that Word acts like a magnet and calls forth resources to bring the Word to manifestation.  I have seen this time and time again over the last forty years.  Yes, I would prefer instant manifestation but HE expects us to let patience have its perfect work.

Many who focus on the past believe their best years were in the past and really have no hope that the best is now or soon to come.  High school class reunions are replete with those who try to define the “now” with the “back then”.  The star football player who is now just an average joe is the classic example.  He tries to convince everyone at the reunion to live their life in the past in order to keep him on the pedestal that he once occupied.  He continues his attempt to base his life on the past.

Others attempt to base their life on the future.  The prophetic teachers and preachers on Christian TV exploit this orientation by painting a bleak picture of Armageddon and suggest that an entitled few will be removed from the disaster, especially those who give to the ministry, as an indication of them being selected for the first group to be removed.  Many of those who focus on the prophetic are attempting to erase the past and escape from the present.  I would suggest that we must embrace both the past and the future but focus on the present.

Love operates in the here and now.  Exodus 3:14 says “And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’"”

Our Heavenly Father has ordered our steps to train us in preparation of our calling.  Each adversity was necessary for the fulfillment of that which we are called.  Our apparent failures and adversaries have all played a part in our training.  We must not forget those lessons, let us not deny or attempt to erase the past.  Forgiveness requires this.

Excessive attention placed on the prophetic and future tends to cause us to be unfruitful in the present.  We shirk our responsibilities because the present time in no longer significant to us.  “If the end of the world is on December 21st, 2012, why should I be concerned with the present?”  Those that embraced the prophetic end of the world scenario in the past and disconnected from society ended up crying in their pillows.  Now don’t get me wrong, we must embrace the prophetic future as well as the lessons of the past but we must focus on the present.  Our Heavenly Father called Himself “I AM” for a reason.  If we are to take on HIS character, we must quit focusing on “I WILL BE” or “I WAS”.

Today is our opportunity to bless mankind, not tomorrow.  Each of us should focus on what we can and should do today to reflect Our Heavenly Father’s character of Love.  HE Loves all of HIS creation.  We should be grateful we woke up today.  This is the day that the LORD has made, rejoice and be glad in it.  Have an attitude of gratitude.  As we focus on the here and now, Our Heavenly Father’s Character of Love will fill the earth.  As Love begins to replace hate, envy, animosity, war, etc., a convergence will occur.  No longer will we need an enemy to exist and we will see the  Face of GOD in everyone we come in contact with.  When this spreads throughout the earth, then will THY KINGDOM COME on earth as it is in Heaven!

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