Hearing And Responding

Hope is our anchor.  It will stabilize us as we become sensitive to hearing and responding to FATHER’S Voice through The Holy Spirit.

It is written by The Holy Spirit in Hebrews 6:

19 We have this certain hope like a strong, unbreakable anchor holding our souls to God Himself. Our anchor of hope is fastened to the mercy seat which sits in the Heavenly realm beyond the Sacred threshold

We must place all our hope in Our Heavenly Father, His Word (Jesus), and The Holy Spirit.  This is where all Truth and success are found.  Why spend an inordinate amount of time listening to the opinions of men and women who are supposed experts in their field.  The Holy Spirit is the true Expert for each of us and we must become sensitive to hearing Him.

Wisdom wrote by The Holy Spirit in Proverbs chapter 4:

20 Listen carefully, my dear child, to everything that I teach you, and pay attention to all that I have to say.

21 Fill your thoughts with My Words until they penetrate deep into your spirit.

22 Then, as you unwrap My Words, they will impart true life and radiant health into the very core of your being.

23 So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.

If we are to become sensitive to hearing and listening, we must separate ourselves from the noise of the world.  The world wants to pressure us into staying busy and overworked whereas FATHER wants us to give HIM time away from our busy schedules.

Luke recorded by The Holy Spirit in chapter 6:

12 After this, Jesus went up into the high hills to spend the whole night in prayer to God.

13 At daybreak He called together all of His followers and selected twelve from among them, and He appointed them to be His apostles.

This was the pattern of Jesus in the Gospels.  Before He made important decisions and before great events in His Life, he sought the Father.  Once He saw what FATHER wanted, Jesus obeyed as the fully matured, perfect Son

The Beloved Disciple wrote by The Holy Spirit in John chapter 5:

19So Jesus said, “I speak to you timeless Truth. The Son is not able to do anything from Himself or through My own initiative. I only do the works that I see the Father doing, for the Son does the same works as His Father.

20 “Because the Father Loves His Son so much, He always reveals to Me everything that He is about to do. And you will all be amazed when He shows me even greater works than what you’ve seen so far!

21 For just like the Father has power to raise the dead, the Son will raise the dead and give life to whomever He wants.

Can you image yourself in the above passage as well?  A mature Son or Daughter will first personally image the greater works Jesus mentioned, then activate hope, resulting in faith.  As a result, manifestation will occur.

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